Is your spouse/girlfriend redpilled?

Is your spouse/girlfriend redpilled?

>having a gf

She's Swedish, but more every day, yeah.

shut up retard

>tfw no gf

My wife is extremely redpilled. In fact, she was hiding her power level from me in the beginning because she was concerned I might not want to be a nigger hating nazi-ette. This last couple years has really brought out her true feelings.

be with*

>larping this hard

Can women be redpilled?

>implying I have a gf and I'm not a kissless virgin

Gonna need sauce on that image/artist.

>implying women have any opinions at all and don't just attach themselves to ideologies for cock and attention

The final redpill is to have a diapered girlfriend

take the footpill



Muh wife is watching the protests and talking about how we need to make more white babies.

>Anime girl
sounds about righ

>tfw diaper redpill gf
she calls people niggers in public because she knows i'll protect her from angry niggers that hear her

>pol user
>his user
>being a social autist
>no job
>no car
>no income
>chaste celibate catholic
>having a gf

Same. In fact, she was the one subtly redpilling me for years.

She revealed to me, just a few months ago, that in the beginning she thought I had pussy opinions, but "had potential", and that she had been leading me on, slowly.

I've only been dating a new grl for a few weeks and I'm really not sure about her political views or how to approach the situation.
She did bring up trannys last week and the vibe I was getting from her was one of indifference towards them.
So I austically blurted out that some trannys are passable and that awkwardly ended that conversation.


She's a woman though.

Yeah but she's just a dumb woman who believes what I tell her.
Same with any other "redpilled" woman.

My gf is pretty redpilled. I don't think she is as racist as I am but her family is so we get along well. Neither of us call people nigger to their face but both have a disgust with niggers in general. She knows my power level but we don't talk about it too often.

I don't have one

The closest thing I had to one, no she wasn't

Yes. She's a Christian Chinese.

Are you me?

Love that artist.

Feet are a shit tier fetish though.

Mines a Catholic Phillipino.

Yeah, she's more radical then me when it comes to many of the important questions.

She has major daddy issues though, virtually no confidence. She began crying first time we were supposed to fuck since she's so insecure. That's why I'm worried that her being red-pilled is only a phase.

She's an aryan bikini model that hats niggers and cooks me a roast every sunday.
It's real in my mind, so it's real, goy

I almost had a flip gf, but I love the pale skin and chinky eyes.

you dont say it in public because you're a complete pussy?

Fuck you


There's no such thing as redpilled women.

>at first wife is blue pilled
>make casual observations about crime offenders race
>make casual observations about how affirmative action hasn't helped
>make casual red pilled observations in general
>now is full red pill

It's all about subtly. Don't force your ideas on women, make them think it's their own idea.

Quite so. I like an autist got the Spencer haircut and have been becoming more and more outraged by the left, even jokingly seig heiling. Her response was "you are really hot like that" which both worries me and excites me all the same.


No but she's a redhead and that's good enough.

Just a little reminder...

>someone has something I don't
Stay mad britcuck, don't you have some pakis to clean your daughters pussy juice from before evening prayer?

No, she is a woman. They dont care or need to. That is the true 'lel redpill r-donalths!'.

I'm a robot. Besides women in Vienna are total trash, so even if I had social skills I would probably be too disgusted and go MGTOW.

pic related
and to think I probably fucked up quite a few chances

Well gee,what does that mean you fucking Jew.

I'm married to Astolfo, she is my life

poor texture work on that skirt

R8 this footy

She didn't wash it properly and it turned out like that, she's still a wife in training

She redpilled me.

>picks the one with a dick out of all those potential waifus
Says everything there is to be said.


She is, she lurks on here too, but mostly for the lols I think. Been together for 12 years now.

Main differences: She does believe in meritocracy, whereas I might be a bit more cut throat.
She is more into traditions than me however, loves family gatherings and her community.

Mine started out as feminist but only because she didn't want special treatment for women. She was actually redpilled the whole time. She convinced me about Jews

How the fuck do you have internet

>he didn't take the sissy pill
Traps are the future of the household

>implying gf

I'm working on it.


She sounds better than you, imho. You're a lucky man.

>Which both worries me and excites me

I'm with the Brit you fucking larper

She is a better "person", more kind and socially logical, didn't fuck up 10000 times before turning wiser like I had to. I got lucky indeed, good parents in law too Thank you man.

Thank god, relatively, but yes. The JQ is the last piece of the puzzle, but i'm working on it with surprisingly good results. Didn't have a bit of respect for women until i met her.

of course she is. if not, why would i date her?

>Is your spouse/girlfriend redpilled?

That's not possible.


She's the one who showed me Sup Forums

>need to lick

Gas the footfags

I recently dated an ultra-liberal Greek woman.

She is a PhD microbial-biology scientist.

She admitted to offering (wasn't asked) to give birth to two of her gay Greek males friends baby.

Only met online because I was looking for vegan girl. (She was only vegetarian when we met.)

She hardly EVER showered.

Constantly smelled like body odor.

Says she doesn't need deodorant.

One day we went to the supermarket. Walking 5 feet behind her I could smell her unwashed sweaty vagina.

5 feet behind her. Left a trail of odor.

Referred to my arms as guns once.

She got physically upset because "guns are bad. it's not funny."

Always complaining. Very rude.

Looked just like Woody Allen with long hair. (It's a trip looking at this picture.)

A far-out psychological/sociological study of an ultra-liberal Greek with poor-genetics yet who has a PhD and is a scientist.

My conclusion is that it is unethical to encourage the breeding of such specimens, as they are not capable of processing ultimate-reality correctly and are doomed to an entire life of emotional-suffering, chaos, confusion & pain.

You are just scared because you secretly like women's feet, too, even though you have been told all the time they are nothing sexual.

my gf chinatsu-chan is red pilled