US Marshal user here

One of you guys had the right idea when you put the pieces together on why Trump is in Phoenix on Tuesday. Don't forget which airport the Clinton/Lynch tarmac meeting happened at. Don't be fooled by the wording that the FBI themselves have reopened the case, though. Trust.

Other urls found in this thread:

Tell us more.........

Where is your point of contention, faggot?

also he could announce his pardon for Sheriff Arpaio there.

Oh look, it's another LARP thread. You be a US Marshal and I'm gonna be a level 23 Halfling Wizard/Bard

Will Hillary get raped in prison?

Hi Larper, my name is Scipio Africanus and that Hannibal was one tough cookie.

>One of you guys had the right idea when you put the pieces together on why Trump is in Phoenix on Tuesday.

What are the pieces?

Trump striking from inside the viper's den.

How does a US Marshal get this info?

he doesnt

take that demon whore into federal custody man, can't wait to see a hundred marshals absolutely chain her down with justice

Ugh huh...

They told a fucking lowly marshal their grand plan did They?

Read up and trust.

Being slid hard. Bump

have a bump m8



I didn't kill my wife!

I predict Trump is going to once again make a fool out of himself in front of America.


Interesting angle for a possible LARP. The Lynch-Clinton meeting was there.
Here's something from Fox a few days ago. Archive it yourself.

Tits, timestamp, or GTFO.

bermp for interest.

Fuck. I always steer clear of potential larps, but this is getting to me.

If you're a larper, you deserve a fucking medal. If you're for real, I hope that there is a god so that he can give you fresh pussy for eternity.

I've said this before.

FBI user said that HRC's private email server contained top-secret info that would cause a civil war and foreign declarations of war if her crimes were made public. If this were true, do you think it is wise to indict HRC and bring about total chaos?

ooh there must be super secret video and audio of that meeting that couldn't just be sent to Trump. he has to physically go there to see it. make perfect sense. brilliant.

hillary's still being arrested monday, right? thats what u guys said

I'm assuming you have permission by people higher than you to make these posts since the severity of the subject. Keep it up. Podesta have been absent recently.

We know exactly where John is.


>rally in pheonix is the 22nd, a day after the eclipse.
>Pheonix=the symbolic representation of death and rebirth into something greater
>eclipse passes through the 33rd state and exists along the 33rd parallel in Charleston, South Carolina, the Founding City of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, which has 33 degree
>The phoenix is an important symbol to the Masonic Order

We are seeing some serious shit right now.

If what you say is true, why hasn't the media been inoculating the masses? If you don't know what this mean, I won't explain it. But from what I've seen and heard, the media is absolutely silent about any upcoming investigation. This makes me believe you are a LARPer teasing us with hope.

The media outlets and insiders that aren't bought and paid for by the left and TPTB have been doing just this. You're either not paying attention or you're shilling. Trust.

Alright. I'll outright admit guilt that I haven't been paying attention to Non-Left Media. But the "Left" Media is literally sitting on its ass when there is so many "Psy-Ops" that need to be done RIGHT NOW if what you say is true. And I don't see the Left Media doing the kinds of Psy-Ops necessary to protect themselves from this. Metaphorically, it's like the Media isn't taking cover before the firefight. So either you are LARPing or the Media is going to get BTFO badly for being so woefully unprepared.

You see what I'm getting at?


You guys do realize this isn't even what marshals do right? You would think Sup Forums would be more familiar with the different classifications of LEOS

Next there will be a Federal Probation Officer in here talking about his secret information

There are signs that this is starting already. The russian narrative was dismissed by Salon this week. You've proved to me that you're not paying attention at all. That's the last I'll reply about this.

All of this was explained in the last thread.
The Communist Party of the United States, or any successors of such party regardless of the assumed name, whose object or purpose is to overthrow the Government of the United States, or the government of any State, Territory, District, or possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein by force and violence, are not entitled to any of the rights, privileges, and immunities attendant upon legal bodies created under the jurisdiction of the laws of the United States or any political subdivision thereof; and whatever rights, privileges, and immunities which have heretofore been granted to said party or any subsidiary organization by reason of the laws of the United States or any political subdivision thereof, are terminated: Provided, however, That nothing in this section shall be construed as amending the Internal Security Act of 1950, as amended [50 U.S.C. 781 et seq.]
(Aug. 24, 1954, ch. 886, ยง3, 68 Stat. 776.)

Will the DOJ uphold the law and arrest Antifa commies?

Do you have any info on upcoming arrests/indictments? There are rumors about hilldawg and Huma this week

I go on Sup Forums maybe once every few days;quick rundown on why Trump is going to Phoenix?

Bullshit. The us marshals are part of the executive branch and are the police force for the us judiciary. This is exactly what marshals actually do. Doesn't mean this isn't a larp though

There is a certain political calculus to the lack of Antifa arrests so far, and bear in mind that arrests HAVE been made. It's in the administration's longterm interests, however, to have the public conflate Antifa's actions with the left as a whole, so the crackdown you're looking for is not imminent.

>The russian narrative was dismissed by Salon this week

So they dismissed the Russian Narrative because of Clinton's relationship with Russia and they didn't want to be caught in a double-standard? Makes sense. But you'd think they'd do more.

I don't need another response though.

I'll keep you in my prayers and hope for the best, even though you may be a LARPer.

If it weren't for online (& One America News), I'd know literally nothing about anything outside of muh Russia & white supremacists. No AwanS, no Seth Rich (Hannity was gag-ordered)... UTR Organizer Jason Kessler being a dem until day after election...
ALL corporate pravda is nothing but opinion & speculation spewed to brainwash people. Same small handful of mandated talking points 24-7.

OP, wouldn't surprise me one bit if Mccain was implicated in some form or another. Can't think of too many politicians dirtier.

Can you explain why Trump seems to be getting softer now, going further left, and praising Antifa lately?
I have no doubt he will drop the hammer on the criminal elite but I don't want him to go soft on their pawns.

To visit your mom

Can you give us a little bit of foresight to look foreword to? Anything? Confirmed happening this week at some point?

No, I can't speak to that, I can only make some assumptions that are likely in line with your own. I certainly don't feel that Trump is compromised in any regard.

What do you think of the movie US Marshals? I think it's very underrated.

>Okay, I'll bite

I have me own viewpoints (hivemind GTFO).
>I believe Mueller is going after Clinton/DNC/DP, etc.
>Also think the shit will hit the fan all at once, overwhelming the MSM narrative
>Also believe this is part of the upcoming crackdown on antifa, BLM, etc.

Any insight?

Right, I guess the strategy will be revealed in due time.

Much like Tommy...we always win.

when is john podesta going to prison?

Who's our guy in the FBI?

will hillary finally go down or is she truely above the law?

What I linked *not archived, tho

check bump

Here you go lurkers

And how do you feel about the theory that Trump was made an honorary agent to deal with internal corruption by the patriots before election?

d-delet this

dude I am that spec!

Very, very slim chance she goes down with this ship, for various reasons (uprisings being a major factor in consideration).

>Antifa lately
user, curious as to what makes you think that. His tweets were clear, he praised the peaceful protesters (such as the original group who was GONE by 10:30 a.m. today, according to PD). The PAID Antifa showed up later to put on their show for the pravda.


you guys better at least get us John.

I have top secret information regarding Hillary Clinton's investigation. I will be dead by next week

Year of the fire rooster
(fire rooster translated into english non literally means phoenix)

Phoenix = Rebirth, New beginning (for country, maybe even for presidency and direction, Bannon said "that presidency is over")

Phoenix, AZ was place where lynch met clinton for tarmac meeting

I already said this, but I'll say it again. We know exactly where John is.

Beware false paths.

Checked. But a nigger should be more familiar with what us Marshalls do. Too young to have seen the movie The fugitive.

Checked. Where is that? Playing dominoes on pasta?

Checked and praised, if you're not a LARPer, you're doing God's work

All these connections/coincidences are highly autistic yet I don't doubt them anymore.
here is a qt jew for (you)r troubles user

Thanks. And checked

He's one of the best larpers we've had. Really done his homework..

His tweets were vague enough that Intifa(da) sympathizers could have taken that meaning from it. But I think I know what he is doing, he is trying to break their conditioning... to reverse the spell the MSM has cast on the populace. Slowly.

Read up on dilbert mans blog about hysteria bubbles if you want to see what i mean.

Great movie. Highly underrated follow up, and an occasion of a sequal not being a let down.

I know what they do. It's boring. It's almost entirely prisoner transport from federal prisons. The occasional warrant sweep. Training after Training after Training. And paperwork

so much paperwork

Satanic digits, but sometimes you have to dance with the devil to truly stop evil . Please Lord let justice be done

Self manifested appeal to a higher authority.

checked for trips of truth


Larping idiots

>actually thinking files are physical and not on computers

plz print

this is bullshit.
Sounds like you're still investigating. Why would you tip your hand?
I doubt a professional would do that.
I'd love for it to be true. I hope it is true but I don't think it is.


Evidence such as hard drives and other things included

Stay home. Don't go to Trump's rally.

This stupid bastard should be made to look like the idiot he is acting like.

checked senpai

666 ...bang

Lynch and Comey indictments?

I read somewhere, in a legit news site, that the U.s. marshalls have already been involved in related arrests.
I am going to gamble that this isnt a larp

If Hillary doesn't rot in jail I don't give a solitary shit about any of this. Either the bitch goes to jail or don't waste your time. There is only one fish to fry that matters, the rest is a cop out.

He hinted at a bigger happening than that. He said they want to crush the whole anthill at once, and that there is a federal prison being prepared for 20+ high value targets.
I'll believe it when I see it though.

That's a LARP. "WH Insider"? Kid needs to pay more attention to details.

He's been right before but the name has been hijacked quite a few times.
I don't see anything in there that is blatantly false unless you are telling me that clinton isn't going down on monday.


He also mentioned the pay for play part of the Clinton foundation. This has got to have McCain and Graham involved.

This is why they are pushing removal so hard.