Fuck you commies

I'm seeing the overton window shifting away to the left on this board.

ITT: We drop the hardest redpills. National Socialism, Hitler and the Holocaust, IQ and Race, White Genocide and so on.

Other urls found in this thread:



Hitler was jewish pawn




The whole anglosphere is a jewish pawn, fuck you.

Here's a red pill for you
As long as you openly show admiration for Adolf fucking Hitler 99% of the irl population will not support you, even the part sympathetic to your efforts will tell you to fuck off.


>I'm seeing the overton window shifting away to the left on this board
hmmm...must be a spontaneous phenomenon, user.

nevermind, it follows predictable hours.

Give it 3 more hours, then their shift will end

Man, national socialism is not a redpill. It's a reactionary blunder to the reactionary blunder of Marxism.
Don't be a pawn.

This I will never forget you Oswald

I can still support Hitler in the closet.


Satanic Hitler post number confirms


Fuck your opinion. Youre a slave to State textbooks. The Jew owned media will have you believe RACISM and NAZI are synonamousm.

We hate JUDAISM and followers of JUDAISM. You fucking normies have been doing this to Islam for decades.


no need to register, just enter user name and connect, once connected find USA channel


Start redpilling, or are you too fucking cuck to do anything?


just fuck off

>he needs people to think nicely of him
Hey how many refugees have you virtue signaled into your country? Are they protesting Brumgh like well adjusted goys now?

forgot navigation map


"White-Genocide" is a weak defensive position to uphold. It gives the impression that all white people are just waiting to die. Expect the commies to own this one eventually. They already have.

Anything NSDAP is a symbol of defeat. I like Ideas that haven't been defeated.

Marxism in itself is a revolutionary economic idealogy. You cannot argue with China's results or the wealth of Nationalized Arab Oil. So many phaggots think they are economically saavy because they regurgitate, yet cant fucking see UAE right across the water. The problem is BOLSHEVISM and SOVIET COMMUNISM and all ASIAN OFFSHOOTS are run by JEWS.

Did I say it wasn't?

>He wants people to believe what he believes without changing anything about how he presents his beliefs
Politics is not for you

Who Controls the White House?
Of the eleven(11) current and former senior advisors of President Barack Obama, nine(9) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 82%.

Who Controls the Senate?
Of the twenty(20) U.S. Senate Committee chairmen, eight(8) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 40%.

Who Controls the Supreme Court?
Of the nine(9) U.S. Supreme Court justices, four(4) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 44%

.Who Controls Google?
Of the six(6) Google executives, four(4) are Jews . This is a numerical representation of 67%. Of the ten(10) Google directors, four(4) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 40%.

Who Controls Facebook?
Of the three(3) Facebook executives, three(3) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 100%. Of the seven(7) Facebook directors, four(4) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 57%.

Who Controls Big Media?
Of the twelve(12) senior executives of the “Big Six” media corporations, nine(9) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 75%.

Who Controls Hollywood?
Of the sixty(60) senior executives of the major Hollywood studios, trade unions, and talent agencies, fifty(50) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 83%.

Who Controls Television?
Of the sixty-four(64) senior executives of the major television broadcast networks, cable networks, and production companies, fifty-seven(57) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 89%.

my folders are messed up



Our ideas were defeated through violence, not arguments. Guess the allies couldn't figure it how well Germany was doing when freed from merchants.

Quit larping and admit the Anglos were right

What you think of as politics has abandoned every definition of masculinity. Being a man is not for you.


literally fake news

No, no, no. Mosley was right, rest of anglos got jewed.

As an American, I know how stupid you probably are. Ignorant at best. And how little you know about non-propaganda Nazi idealogy.

Do you see the light yet?

Let's stop fighting brother and admit that jews and niggers are the real enemy

You don't understand you nazi cucks, we want you to keep pushing yourselves further right. In the course of 1 week, the alt-right got dealt such a massive blow that even the presidency is falling apart due to guilt by association.

By all means, keep marching with tiki torches, keep shouting nazi slogans, keep waving nazi flags! Maybe cloudfare will drop the site next after the next rally that you idiots have! Kek

I would have zero issues with blowing your faggot, commie head off. Civillian piece of shit.


No. Shut the fuck up. This has nothing to do with race.

It's funny how Goebbels had them feels. Literal Wojak.

Keep waving that flag. You will literally be murdered

You cannot stop the Communist revolution.


Kek means


You delusional faggot

Go suck a circumcised dick. You love it.

It's just lefty/pol/ and a few CIVICS emboldened by them.

HAHA Salty?


Then I will become a martyr for the cause while all that you hold dear crumbles around you in the ensuing backlash. Get fucked Nazi!


Oh look a antifa larper


This. All electionfags praise kek and shadilay. WE ARE STILL HERE pic related.

im saying that jews have used black against us in today's time

>Worshiping a loser's ideology rather than a winners one
>Lashing out against communists when capitalists and liberals are you're real enemy
This is why you will never win. You can't even identify your enemy.


Be afraid you fucking nazi scum. Antifa won't stop until you're all gone.

Yes, we can absolutely identify our enemy, you fucking faggot.

t. increasingly nervous Jew

I've got a redpill for you.

You can't have any positive white identity movement. Why? Because white identity is evil. You can burn as many books of mein kampf of as you want. You're still a Nazi cumskin piece of shit because white identity is toxic.

agreed, digits confirm.

Oh no doubt bro. But blacks are probably the EASIEST to redpill and turn Nazi. They already distrust the system. They typically believe in God and the Bible.

I fucking hate racist Nazis. If they are not Christian, fine. If they wanna lynch Christian blacks, theyre as bad as commies.

IQ Red Pill

ashkenazi jews are the smartest people as an ethnic group. This is skewing the average in charts showing "whites" as intelligent.
White Supremacists are claiming intelligent superiority by claiming jewish intelligence, inventions and social contributions as they own yet disavow this group in their litterature.
They also decry this group as usurpers of Christian values and accomplishments and ruling the world through nefarious means.

The fact is if the white supremacist believe that the smartest people should rule, well they already are. Moreover, they didn't have to do it through violence and intimidation but they reached this status through dialectic and mutually beneficial understanding.
The jewish community reached this through strong community values amongst it's members and the facilitation of education and debate for centuries in their community.
Sadly, the white supremacists which should be more refered to as Anglo-Saxon Supremacists are smart enough to know that they are ruled but not smart enough to rule themselves and only have violence, intimidation and insults as a means to achieve their ends which is sadly no enough.
Don't be losers.

Some founding fathers may have been against slavery, but don't mistake that for them not being white supremacist, white nationalist, right wing libretarians.

Antifa are the definition of useful idiots.

Faggot. Electroshock therapy had a 100% success rate during the Bringham Young University trials. Go get yours, or let Sharia Law take care of it for you. Are you unaware?

It's okay but yes I have been trying to redpill my family for weeks got my older brother and younger red pilled already

Hitler is the left dumbass.

>Man, national socialism is not a redpill. It's a reactionary blunder to the reactionary blunder of Marxism.
>Don't be a pawn

Good lord... cry some more. We don't like Natsoc and Nazis

You're a cuck boomer ought to be physically removed

It's extremely hard sometimes. I've lost people i care about for this.

Matthew 10:32
"Not peace, but a sword"

The redpill on hitler that Sup Forums doesn't want to hear is that he was a terrible leader that needlessly invaded half of europe and sunk his country into the ground as a result. Even if you're retarded enough to larp as a national socialist you should hate hitler because he sucked at it.

Women's suffrage was a mistake. They pollute even political discourse among men, by exerting pressure power over beta partners.

>ywn shake his hand

Oh my.. this has to be a troll.

You are nothing. A man going through the motions. Read your fucking Bible. Kjv


Okay, now, go back to your Nuremberg cell.

>You are nothing. A man going through the motions. Read your fucking Bible. Kjv

Devil triples and Hitler doubles what the fuck did KEK MEAN BY THIS???!!11!1

Nazbol is the future.


Your hatred and violence will only continue to breed more hatred and violence, you stupid faggot.

When it was just "hatred" it was just mean words and shittalking. Now we got BOTH SIDES out there with clubs, guns, firebombs, and other crazy shit.

This is what you wanted?

Here's a redpill for the Commiefornians. 1949 vs 2017

But I read on Sup Forums that the nobel committee is controlled by jews

Why do you want to starve your own people to death? Isn't nationalism about caring for your people and race? We have to keep the functional elements of free market in order to thrive, economically and as a race.

>We drop the hardest redpills. National Socialism, Hitler and the Holocaust, IQ and Race, White Genocide and so on.

Come on guys. It's up to us. Marshall together your creationist-quality stormfag web links from 1995 era websites, debunked infographics, historical accounts from renowned antisemites, retarded conspiracies, etc.

Basically all the neonazi material which has been floating around for decades. Repackage that shit as "red pills" for young, ingorant, edgy NEETs who don't know any better.

And remember to fight those shills who spam pol with recruitment threads for their retarded ideology. That's definitely not us stormfaggots!

We're going to kill you all LOL

kek couldnt be more right

This board is headed to actually being politically correct. Is this serious guys? Is the left replacing us?

And black identity isn't? Righttt, ideology is much more dangerous than rape and murder committed by another tribe intent on destroying our civilization. We will be defending ourselves from those who want to destroy our ideas, history, culture, and heritage. Antifa is the aggressor and wants to bring martial law and chaos in order to more effectively cleanse/enslave us further into Ziogarchy control.

LA fag here, it's sad.

The Hispanic community doesn't give a shit about progressing their neighborhoods. They want it to be fun of party supply stores and shitty markets for the next 100 yrs.

They even protested a the opening of a coffee shop ran by really nice and liberal guys (one who wasn't even white)

I went to the coffee shop the weekend after the protests and these dudes just looked shell shocked.

only a race war can satisfy nazi larpers which will NEVER happen. Grow up you faggots and stop fighting against the grain like angsty teens. ITS TIME TO STOP

I'm eating brie, come at me

it's quite nice

Always the Aussies that cuck out the most

>This board is headed to actually being politically correct. Is this serious guys? Is the left replacing us?

No it isn't you overly dramatic nigger. Just because you can't enjoy yet another hitler circle jerk doesn't mean this place is becoming PC.

Now fuck off you sister-fucking faggot.