Marxism general

Labour Theory of Value (LTV):

Non arguments:

>If I dig a hole in my backyard and then fill it in I used labor but made no value! Commies BTFO!

Marx clarified (unlike adam smith) that only socially nessary labor (labor used to produce a commodity with use value) creates value. This is also the case if you spend 1000 years making a bed.

>Nature can create value as well. If an apple falls from a tree then value is created without labor

Marx also noted nature could create value.

>if labor determines price why is coca cola cheaper than bottled water?

Labor doesn't determine price. It determines value (not exchange value or use value) and correlates with the equilibrium price. Supply and demand determine price.

Machines cannot create value. If I make a machine that makes diamonds out of thin air then the value of a diamond falls below that of bricks now that they can be aquired with no work what so ever. Price might not fall because you can still manipulate supply and demand but value certainly does.

Some definitions.

Use value = How useful an object is.
Exchange value = Market value of a commodity. Different from use value. You can sell a beanie baby for 200$ but it is almost completely useless.
Value = the amount of congealed labor withing a commodity.

Some evidence of the LTV

Other urls found in this thread:,7340,L-4073133,00.html,8599,2077413,00.html

I honestly couldn't name a good general
But you would be first to mind for a bad one

The fact that exchange happens at all demonstrates that subjective values exist and differ from person to person. It's why people don't go around exchanging 5 dollar bills for 5 dollar bills, because those are considered equal in most cases, hence exchange does not take place.

The bourgeoisie are the class which owns the means of production but does not use them
you can think of the means of production as anything 'used' to generate profit e.g. a factory, a shop, a car, machinery, etc

if you own means of production but are self-employed, and do not employ anyone else, then you are not bourgeois

if you do not literally own means of production but in effect control it, you are bourgeois (e.g. CEOs who do not literally own their companies, but as they run the company they 'own' it in the sense that they decide what is done with it, they decide their own wages, etc)

a good litmus test:

''1. do you work for a wage?

2. do you get to decide your wage?

3. do you get to decide anyone else's wage?''

if yes to 1 but not to 2 or 3, you are not bourgeois

if yes to 1 and 2 but not to 3, you are petit-bourgeois

if yes to all three, you are in effect bourgeois

if you do not work for a wage at all, but rather own the means of production directly, then you are absolutely bourgeois

If you own a small shop that you run for a living making 50k USD a year you are petite bourgois. If you are a heart surgeon making 150k USD a year but you work for a hospital and you aren't in charge of hiring of firing anyone you are fully proletarian. Labour aristocracy maybe but still proletarian.
It is not a question of income, but a question of ones relationship to the means of production.

If I were a simple hunter gatherer, who owned a small plot of land and subsistence farmed for myself and family, and simply hunted and gathered food and supplies from nature. Would I be bourgeois?

What OP doesn't realise is that if we switch to communism, Op loses his welfare check. Sage

They probably have a term for it.

Like selfish primitive communism or some shit because it's just you and your family. YOU HAVE TO ALLOW EVERYONE.
And if jamal wants to fuck your wife? Well guess what racist?4


That is compatible with communism. As long as you don't have workers that pay you to use the plot of land while you sit back and do nothing

i hope you are forced to watch your children be eaten by the gulag guards, commie fucks

What does that have to do with Marxism?

sage this thread
bump/sage it hard
commie scum need to be shot on sight.
start building pipe bombs and leaving them in antifa crowds

Epic meme XD XD XD

Marx was a Jew.
Marxism is Jewish.
Communism is Jewish.

If I had a cotton plantation with some nigger slaves, does that make me bourgeois?

Troll somewhere else


>Troll somewhere else
You don't tell me what to do. Ever.

I'm not trolling. I'm telling the truth.

Marx was a Jew.
Therefore Communism and Marxism are Jewish.

If there's literally nothing wrong with the Jews, you should embrace that fact, right?

>tfw when JFK had the best BASED joke about Marx and Capitalism.

"If only the New York Globe had paid him (laughter)"

not a gobument lolooloolo


>That pic though

>tfw when Socialist Democracy BTFO of Communism

The state of you wanting me to have No means of bartering.

There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish

The book commies refuse to read.

Nazis by a different name

I've read Marx and IS the best system. The (((West))) undermines any efforts at implementing it though. There are too many rich and powerful people in the world for Communism to ever truly work as intended.

Marx said differently.

That's stupid Owners have to buy materials to make products and have to buy others products to live.

>There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish
Then you should embrace the fact that Marx was a Jew, Lenin was a Jew, Trotsky was a Jew, the first Soviet government was mostly Jewish and that the ideology of Communism is Jewish to its core.


Marx is not infallible, even to the left

>Marx is not infallible, even to the left
Marx was a Jew and that influenced everything he did. Including Communism.

fuck off commie

Marx would have a hipster cuck like you killed once your usefulness was finished... If you had any to begin with.

>self hating jew

Source on Marx being a jew? What about Engels?


Is it not true that both Marx and Engels believed that the Proletariat can only exist in industrialized nations?

In other words, white people.

>>self hating jew
A Jew none-the-less. Remember, Jews are a race and their race influences who they are and what they do.

>Source on Marx being a jew?
Karl Marx
>Ancestrally Ashkenazi Jewish, his maternal grandfather was a Dutch rabbi, while his paternal line had supplied Trier's rabbis since 1723, a role taken by his grandfather Meier Halevi Marx.

>What about Engels?
Not to my knowledge.

Still have Lenin, Trotsky and most of the first Soviet government being Jewish too.

>that only socially nessary labor (labor used to produce a commodity with use value) creates value
Then value depends on the subjective whims of the populace. Thanks for agreeing with Austrians and proving Marx wrong.
>The bourgeoisie are the class which owns the means of production but does not use them
You and some Marxists scholars are moving the goalposts here. The term "bourgeoisie" has had several meanings over the decades and you, me and everyone reading this words right could comfortably be described as a bourgeois (petit or otherwise) by plenty of Marxists. Fuck your litmus test.

Get the fuck out, newbie. Next!

Marx was ethnically Jewish, but his father converted to Christianity before Karl was born.

Engels was fully a goy.




You weren't paying attention. That was exchange value, not labor value

*takes someone else property*
*waits in bread line*
*goes to gulag*
*is killed because someone said there are capitalist*

>Marx was ethnically Jewish, but his father converted to Christianity before Karl was born.
Too bad for Marx, Jews are a race.

DNA Links Prove Jews Are a Race, Says Genetics Expert

Risk is a price. Most people don't want to pay that price. The value of capitalism is that few are capable of actually running a business and that the rest would gladly sacrifice the extra earning for the reduced price of risk.

marx a cool dude, I look forward a center-left government tbqh

Lenin wasn't Jewish, his grandfather was born Jewish but converted to Christianity

What does "ownership of the means of production" entail in an age of multinational corporations and shareholding?

Does an old lady with say $30,000 invested in Rio Tinto "own" the mines that Rio Tinto operates?

>maternal grandfather

In other words not Jewish. Hitler would have even spared him.

No Jamal, that's the thing these hipsters don't understand.

It's comrade cletus and comrade jamal that will be commissars, that will take away their starbucks and apple laptops.

>Lenin wasn't Jewish,
Yeah...about that...

Jew or Not Jew: Vladimir Lenin

Lenin's Jewish roots confirmed,7340,L-4073133,00.html

Lenin's Jewish Roots Put on Display in Russian Museum

Vladimir Lenin Was Part Jewish, Say Declassified KGB Files,8599,2077413,00.html

>his grandfather was born Jewish but converted to Christianity
Again...Jews are a race.

Jews are a Race, Genes Reveal

No need to be so ass hurt buddy. Marx de fact invented the Jewish question

Marx said in Das Kapital, Vol. I:

>"If you can place a price tag on the view of a waterfall, then you can place a price tag on anything."

This was essentially a self-refutation for his own labor theory of value. He was admitting that it wasn't a perfect theory.

Doesn't Occam's Razor suggest that we should go with the simplest explanation for a given phenomenon? In this case, "you can put an arbitrary price tag on anything" as said by Marx.

LTV is a discredited theory btw.

Well, as the right wing is crumbling might as well turn to this

>don't worry goy... I mean comrade ill take care of you just give me everything and you'll get your fair share



>Hitler would have even spared him.
But the Holocaust literally did not happen as there is zero evidence for it.

>No need to be so ass hurt buddy. Marx de fact invented the Jewish question
Marx was a Jew and thus subject to schizophrenia.

Scientists Discover Gene that Predisposes Ashkenazi Jews to Schizophrenia


Are you sure you aren't the one with schizophrenia?

Just price does not exist, at least it does not outside of the mind of the few Marxists out there still desperately clinging to Ricardo.

I've met a few Thomists who defended the same shit. Please don't.

Story time?


If you have the means to control access to the view (control supply) and there is a demand for it.

>opposing doing nothing


Interestingly, Hitler kept a collection of books by LE EBIL JOO Marx.

Self hating Jew


Unironic commies and other people that subscribe to leftist spooks can reply to this post so that I may guide them to less haunted grounds.

You can thank me later.


Those philosophers get into contradictions easily

Under Communism you can still get your social assistance since the wealth exists to boost everyone up to at least some level of living.

>Interestingly, Hitler kept a collection of books by LE EBIL JOO Marx.
To no doubt better understand and counter them.

The swastika is the one thing both commies and Jews (same thing really) fears.

Should have...

*With the exception of the Jews in control of the world.

Schiff was a Jew as well.

Cause theres no difference between nat socs and you

>trying this hard


sraffa's method debunked your shit theory years ago

I can't believe you tards still cling to it

>Under Communism you can still get your social assistance since the wealth exists to boost everyone up to at least some level of living.
Unless you're an antisemite. Then you're put to death. Just like they did in the USSR.

Only the truly ignorant of both Communism and National Socialism make such a claim.

Great system. Wrong species.

>not using legacy captcha

quick run down

do communist countries have state manufactured sex toys

unless there's mass capital flight

like there was during every single commie revolution in history

plus you have weaker incentives for people to grow the economy so you'll be outpaced quite quickly by capitalist nations

no but state issued gfs

That gulag tho



from Keen's "Debunking economics"

the pdf can be found online

Stirner is one of the most childish authors I've ever had the displeasure of reading. Even from his point of view the benefits of being considered a "good person" clearly outweight all the edgy arguments you might have about being Egoist Jesus and disregarding spooks.

Also he defended incest and pedophilia. Not that you care all that much because morals are spooks and whatnot.

Just cause it contradicts your larping dosent mean it is not true
There ideas are the same
>not shit posting everywhere you go

oops i cant find the right screencap. well here's the title page

>Give all "memes of production" to government
>Put a sticker on it that says "The People"
>It won't get corrupted because I bought a Hammer Sickle Shirt at Hot Topic Guise... er... I mean C-comarade!

Commies are essentially weeaboos for a country that only exists in fantasy. Everyone is going to love me in the magical country that shares everything! I'll be equal there! I understand commie culture because all the commie Mangas I read! BAKA CAPITALIST!

A communist state is basically "heaven" everyone has some vague idea about what that perfect place is like, but in reality, it's a big lie meant to get you to sell off what really matters, your body. It a religion were you worship the state.

The aim of commies is not to be the rebel in the streets, but to meme so hard, that the bottom castes of society erupts into civil war, allowing the filthy bourgeoisie to play musical chairs while all the hub-bub is loud. When the smoke settles they say "Look it is the commies who are in charge now... we had to keep a few of these... filthy capitalist to tell us how the machines work... er... they'll be gone soon!"

Protip: move to Africa where wealth is spread so thin everyone lives in squalor, that's Marxism.

Marxism is FOR the upper class. It was written BY the upper class, to get the only thing that matters. Not value, not money. Control.

be sure to visit American Eag- I mean HOT TOPIC for the latest Che Gayvara and Socialist Products, collect them all Goy- I mean COMMRADE!

sign me up

When neocons like mitt romney are supporting know you are fucking terrible people.

can you provide link to pdf?

>Just cause it contradicts your larping dosent mean it is not true
You "communism and nazism are the same thing" types literally do not have an argument that doesn't revolve around using the word "larp".
It's replaced calling someone a "racist" and "autist" here.

That word has lost all its meaning.

>There ideas are the same
And you're an idiot that has never actually investigated either to make such a statement.

Ask any NatSoc or any Communism if they're the same thing and they'd all tell you to fuck off.

He was the editor of a liberal newspaper in the Rhineland before being exiled by the authorities. He published dozens of books and continued to work as a journalist for several publications in several countries. You're a fibber!