Does anyone have the full story to pic related? Its fucking hilarious

Does anyone have the full story to pic related? Its fucking hilarious

A mudshark and her mudlet. Nothing more to see.


America is a mix of all the shitty races on the planet.

Canada is a hand pick high quality mix of all the most elite races to have ever existed.

Eventually, as America collapses into socialism, Canada will annex what's left of it and begin a powerful global empire based on ultraliberal free market regulated capitalism that will last thousands of years.

I used to have the full pic with her youtube videos, but i deleted it. It was something like "me and my boyfriend; what it feels like having a baby; what its like being a single mother"


The woman is from Poland you fucking leaf


She moved to England, she has nothing to do with Poland. Liberals aren't Poles.





>be polish thot
>burn coal
>pay toll

Has to be aryan version of that dudes face tho

Doesn't change the fact that Americans are like the bologna of white people, you can have a lot of it but it will always be shitty.

>user delivers



says the chinese maple nigger

>polish whore with a square jaw meets jamal
>she falls for the bbc meme
>jamal knocks her up
>pops out ugly mulatto mongrel months later
>in classic nigger fashion, jamal abandons her
>Sup Forumsish user makes a post on here about her
>"here's the kid, btw"
>Sup Forums goes nuts
>her videos are flooded with comments ridiculing her and her disgusting offspring
>after hours of tirelessly defending her poor life choices, she deletes her youtube account


i like this new abstract
>newfags wont get it

Does anyone have a recent photo of the baby and/or mother?

>tfw poltards mad at a mixed who is more aryan then they are
fuckin top kek

>half aryan (at best)
>full retard (at worst)
>^like you (feels bad man)

checking quints


Nice get... and projection.

Zug zug

>burnt coal

nice digits

there's no story, but that drawing (there's another one) in particular is a pretty hilarious version of it, especially the jaw of the whore


got some good ones when this was first posted



That explains why Canada is so cucked

Top kek


this is the winner hahaha im fucking pissing myself

Well he's half aryan so it's probably he's smarter than the average american.

someone posted 3/4 so last but not least

Holy fucking kek

she looks a little like Lilly Roma

Canada is dying you fucking mong. Foreigners can get welfare, claim disability and still get 660$/per head on a baby(baby bonus). This shits collapsing and relying heavily on NAFTA, which will be dismantled. Nice larp though

Here you go.

[crying in Canadian intensifies]

>Radical batboy visage
I fucking kek Everytime.
This truly is one mastercrafted response



The biggest racemix nigger porn spammer on Sup Forums is a Polack. Also the CP poster. You guys are literally white niggers..

still better than actual niggers (you)



or this one

Top kek, pic related
What a waste


>>Canada is a hand pick high quality mix of all the most elite races to have ever existed
>Poos, psychopathic chinks and mooslums = elite

Elite? All (((we))) ever import is cheap slave labour from third/second world nations. In turn our politicians pander to these groups for votes while our public school systems/media continue to brainwash whites into the multicult meme, ensuring the continuation of the system.

Ultraliberal will be an ultra failure.

Radical Batboy Visage would be one hell of an album name

your average american family. what's so special?

When Kek is the Sup Forums's greatest shill.

that blonde bitch is fuckin ugly btw

Ofc she's ugly, she's fucking polish.


wait what? i unironically thought she is from america?!



I don't think that's even the father.

she is a 8.8/10 easily. how the fuck do you run from that?


The simplicity here is wonderdul.



this causes me to rage quit sometimes

This is modern art.

Sweet spot



Any proof on this bullshit? I want a laugh. I did a brief google search on "being a single mother" with her user name and it pulled up nothing. I am assuming it is because the title isn't in English.

Come on, I need a laugh.

>radical batboy visage

"The age of Men is over. The time of the Orc has come!"


its that white whore nigger lover with the pig faced mongrel bitch kid. both need to be executed, but the kid should have its head smashed against the concrete right before the whore nigger lover is set on fire

i still have no idea what this pic related is about, but i laugh every time i see it.

>slav nigger blend
>let alone white
wasted get


Holy shit, my sides bro, don't do this to me.



Supposed to be an illustration of the dangers of race mixing which is verified by "Le 56% meme."

To this day that fucking meme puts my sides in orbit - I love that meme.

slavs actual have R1a haplogroup, which is aryan, but yes that walking abortion certainly isn't





not even close, makeup is literal magic. She's probably a 6/10 without, and a 5 wherever she's from


Seriously though, that child should be gassed


In all seriousness I feel bad for the poor mutt. Kids didn't ask to be put into this world, the child isn't at fault. Sins of the father I guess.

Agreed. Now that girl is going to have a shit life, be an outcast, and turn to the group of misfit communists to fit in.


Jesus that thing is disgusting..