France pol news network

would Sup Forums be interested in a daily thread on the events in France and the evolution of the political spectrum?

Other urls found in this thread:



Fuck France

Just put up a meter showing us how much longer you all have to go before you're an Islamic country.


absolument ma grenouille

Surrender news. No thanks.


Gonna add that france is an irrevelant shit hole


Sure. Good idea. Would be better if it was hosted in France but obviously that is impossible for legal reasons


Yes, please.


Im absolutely interested in what the fils de jupiter is up to right now. I dont know much about french politics, can you tell me what you think about macron? Are the french people happy about the islamisization of their country or is the majority vocal about their distaste for immigrants that "enrich" france with crime? Is france full of liberal cucktards like canada? Also, bonjour from one of your former colonies. Why did you abandon us :(

Macron is in deepshit the people are starting to hate him and the far-left is preparing huge unrest in September against his law named "loi travail"

Is the right starting to emerge or is everything going further left??


Yes, please.

The far right is more then emerging second political party in the country and now polling first for the next elections the only problem is the second turn bullshit but we are starting to pass this and winning

When you say "far right" are they legitimately far right or just right-of-center?
Europe seems to call everything right of Marx "far right."

What are some of the politics of these groups?
What are their names? I'd like to look into it further.

You might be interested in researchig some of the old "Frog/pol/" thread to see what works best to attract burgers attention

Name: National Front
Ideas: Fascist nationalism before with jean-Marie but now with Marine they went more patriot anti islam and anti EU
They were Far-right before but now more of conservative right then really far right

thx man

>but we are starting to pass this and winning

Yeah keep voting Le Pen goy, you'll probably win in 3058

non ta gueule osef

Ah yes, I remember us talking a lot about Marine and her niece. I wasn't sure if you were talking about a different group or what.

Disregard what this guy is saying. The "far right" is a fake boogeyman in French politics. Every single party, including those in that "far right" are authoritarian socialist. Every single one of them. The average modern Frenchman would never vote for actual right wing politics and economics. They want socialism, the welfare state, free shit and a big, strong, all over seeing authoritarian political figure that watches every single one of their moves.
The only notable difference between the national front and the other parties is that the former want to put immigration quotas in place, and that's all there is to it. But that's enough to be called "far right" and "nazi" in this ultra leftist shithole.

tu veux faire quoi d'autre ?
te toucher sur du merluche en pendant que ton pays se transforme en zimbabwe2.0?
Je suis déjà dans les manifs et dans les organisations.
toi tu fais quoi?

>Every single one of them

This guy was an absolute madman, ragging anti semitic, convicted racist, anti E.U. polled regulary between 10 and 20% evetually made it to the second turn once.
But now that Marine and Philippot are ruling the FN has become a gaypride proto sionist party. Clearly controlled opposition. Marine is married to a jew. Fuck FN. Did you see her dancing and smiling after she lost...baka..."This election will change our civilisation for the worse or the better"she said....baka. Fuck FN

Maybe we should do like Pierre Sautarel and buy a house in the countryside to start little white communities

Now that Le Pen lost, probably not. The future of happenings is unfortunately predictable in France and threads will be made anyway.

says the guys who lives in a country one step from getting a complete marxist 1984

yep Jean-Marie reviens!
mais bon il est vieux et temps que Marion ne prend pas la tête du parti on doit supporter les sodomites et les feujs

Ce que je prévois de faire quand j'aurais fini mes études.
Ceci, clairement infiltré par les juifs.

I love France


>vivres à la campagnes
tu quoi ?

Why do frenchmen speak like a faggot and as thin as a mime?

mdr la police au top

why do all niggers talk shit and pass their time niggering around?

Frenchmen sounds like a faggot digits confirm.
Better eat your baguette Jean Le Faggot

Bonjour amis francophones.

Not all of them

French women love big black cock.

Bonjour my man.

been thinking about learning french so i can fuck your women more easily. i already know spanish so it shouldn't be too hard to learn french

Braves gars. Ils n'avaient rien fait de mal.

t. Maghrebi

You voted for whats happening in the caliphate of france.There are no happenings in france therefore

Vas crever du sida pendant que ton bateau coule en méditerranée , sale nègre.

How do you say French men are faggots and French women love big black cock in French?

Maintenant ferme-la bougnoule.

J'essaie de faire une "affiche noire" avec le visage des bougnoules depuis Merah jusqu'au dernier terroriste en date sur le sol français.

Vous auriez une liste des attentats en France sous la main ? Je ferais la recherches des visages moi-même.


Lets get antifa labeled as terrorists, official white house petition here:

For those who don't know what antifa is, it is a far-left domestic terrorist group (only considered so in 1 state, for now) that is part of the alt-left and promotes killing cops, destruction of private property, anti-white racism, open borders, islamic terrorism and the implementation of communism thru means of violent revolution.

Read more here:

Please share to all burgers! Share it everywhere!

nop demande sur la taverne ou regarde sur religion of peace

>larping as a nigger

Le Dieu-grenouille a vérifié et approuvé.

France is No. 1 friend of USA! I love France

KeK wills it Deus vult templar

are we getting an africa news network too?



won us the Eurovision Song Contest

no daily threads would be too much

Fuck, Jean-Marie was based. Too bad political parties don't work

If there are updates on actual Fascists movements in France and not the Kosher Nationalists, then yes. I would like to learn more

AFAIK there isn't really any good Fascist movements in France right now, though I may be ignorant