"We're going to be laughed at so much, you're going to be tired of getting laughed at!" - Donald Cuck...

"We're going to be laughed at so much, you're going to be tired of getting laughed at!" - Donald Cuck, adressing basement dwelling Pepe-virgins

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Trump won. Sage

Well... at least some people are learning about history.

Every generation, a little closer to victory.


>He still thinks Trump is in his side
Trump won, you lost.

Did you want to talk about loosers?

You're Mexican.. pretty sure you lost the day you fell out of your fat mother's burrito addled vagina.

>literal fucking spic poster
No, you lost.

Lawho zahers!!!!!!

RNC raises millions more than DNC in July.

The RNC raised $86.5 million through the first seven months of the year, while the DNC raised about $42 million. The GOP also has a huge advantage in cash on hand — $47.1 million to $6.9 million.

DNC BTFO slow mo edition.

You're the ones who protested against some leftist candidate for Senator. Give it a rest, Kristi.

>Butthurt namecalling
What happened to those smug retorts, Cletus? How about that fence you were going to make? Did it finally get a budget?
Don't worry, I'll lend a few Pesos if Trump calls us again and asks nicely.

The dems literally have no one in the stable. Their complete and utter lack of cohesion and unrelenting tyranny has left the cupboard empty.

Hell, I think if anyone even ATTEMPTED to try to usurp Hillary she might still do dirty shit to destroy them, if she still thinks she is going to run in 2020.

u do get that the slave unproductive south were DEMOCRATS right?

I live in the richest part of the most powerful country in the world.

It did in fact get its budget. Your peso will be worthless when we are done with you.

What will happen in 2025?

Do you think we should get Antifa labeled as terrorists? There is a official white house petition here:
Given that what Antifa is a far-left domestic terrorist group (only considered so in 1 state, for now) that is part of the alt-left and promotes killing cops, destruction of private property, anti-white racism, open borders, islamic terrorism and the implementation of communism thru means of violent revolution, do you think it should be done?

I think this should be more discussed.

The smugness of a spic that's going to starve to death when Patriot Act sanctions are instituted. Get ready, wetback. Your shithole homeland is about to get a lot more shitty.

Why do people act like I should give a fuck what some people I haven't met and never will meet think?

I like this pic OP, I made it pretty.

Because that is how liberals think. They want praise from anonymous people on how progressive they are. It's what they live for. It's like being famous without the money.

A nuclear winter.

>Empty threats
And when exactly is all that jazz happening? Its been over half a year and the biggest thing he's done so far is golf with a few people, made a fool of himself in national TV and beg our president to stop being mean to him. I'm sorry boys, but I'm failing to see any reason to be intimidated.

democrats do keep on losing!!!


>They think there're winners in war.
The civil war killed off a good chunk of a whole generation of America. Good job "winning" there guys. WW2 killed tens of millions of people of a generation and gave way to regimes that killed millions more. If Hitler winning WW2 meant that 100+ million wouldnt have died under Communism, you'd be retarded to say that the allies were better off winning

The bill has already passed the house. The entire budget will be done before October 1st. I know you don't have a real democracy where you live and Cartels run everything, so you're confused how it all works.

democracy is communism

private property based republic limited by constition is best!

See It's already over lmfao. Your little feudal kingdom of drug cartels is fucked. BYE BYE!! BYE BYE!!!

So I guess Mexico is not paying for the wall then?

>The entire budget will be done before October 1st
Wow, good for you, Joe Bob! When exactly are we going to pay it then? And how long will it take to finish it? How exactly will it stop me from climbing it with a ladder or digging my way through?
More importantly, Why is ISIS still a thing? Didn't you have a plan to take them down in 30 days?
Sounds to me like you fell for a populist, friend. Bad move, that.

your not white KEK

Sorry for the flag, I was LARPing

I like how one of the reddest parts of Maine gets labeled as blue because of ~200/5,000 of the people that live there. But, I suppose that happens when most people don't bother to vote.
>referring to the northern-most blue section FYI

>American reading comprehension

TFW trump is president


Mexico will pay for it the same way they were always going to pay for it. With all the money that will cease flowing across the border from illegals that are sucking our country dry. This has been stated. This is the reasoning for the saying. Mexico will pay for the wall, twenty, forty, and in the future hundreds fold.

>burrito merchant talking shit
lol your homeland is a third world country, you dirty spic. how does it feel?

Not only are they third world, they somehow managed to be third world and the fattest nation on earth.

Absolutely fucking disgusting. What a shit hole.

Well, most immigrants come here through tourist visas. Don't be too disappointed if the wall doesn't stop illegal immigration that much or gets killed before the budget completely leaves congress.

Ok, so you're going to make us pay it by building an impenetrable a wall, wich will actually be an easily scalable fence, that will magically stop the cash and drug flow since its literally impossible to dig tunnels or use ladders.
I can't help but see a flaw in this plan.

>American can't into IDs
Color me surprised, go to my second post.


It's a constant struggle. But it's also weird that people think that Pepe is as significant as the 3rd Reich.

I like the color of your skin, bitch. It comes out of my ass.

Yes, if the Democrats choose once again to not protect its citizens and enforce laws. Which is one of the reasons they have been pushed out of power all over the country.

The wall will be similar the one in Israel, using the same technology. Ask the Palestinians how well it goes for them.


Good people fight Nazis.

If you think democracy is communism then words have lost their meaning

nazis dont fight themselves

they fight the non people known as commies

communists arent people

Hey, how's that drug war treating you Raoul? Still devastating anything and everything Mexico tries to accomplish?

If you've got time to shitpost on Sup Forums, don't you think you should better spend that energy making your country less fucked? You know, so you fuckers can stop sponging off of us to get by, instead?

better pic

You realise most people are centrists and hate both nazis and commis?

kys brown scum

Statistics show there is no correlation between racism and Confederate monument building. Identity politics is a foolish ploy by opportunistic politicians.

>the amerilard teenager resorts to namecalling
How predictable
I'm pretty sure the constant bombing and military superiority is what's keeping them at bay, not a lump of concrete.
If you're trying to sound intimidating by comparing the US-Mexico Relationship with Israel and Palestine Then I don't really know what to say other than your extremely delusional and should leav Sup Forums for a while.
Pretty well, actually. Funnily enough, the further one gets from your shithole country, the better it gets.

>winners in 1945

except that 6 million

How are any of those movement related? Do they actually think Nazis were Confederates?

who is this melon merchant?

>the amerilard teenager resorts to namecalling
>How predictable

m-muh feels

Nah that guy doesn't believe in the holocaust because history is for idiots hurr durr

White nationalists have lost this argument so hard I'm amazed

Did I hurt your cheese stuffed fee fees, dirty spic?

Why are they incapable of memes? It's like unless thy are told specific instructions to cause chaos they fuck it up. They can't even hive mind correctly.


good people ARE nazis

Lol this.

The right also think their women are on their side because they voted trump.

In reality is was just dumb housewife and unemployed women with kids who voted trump. Loser women with no value.

Meanwhile, successful career women and feminists voted Hillary because these women have brains. These are higher quality women, unlike the shut indoor women who are a burden to society.

imagine actually believing this

most antifa and BLM women are dumb druggie degenerates who only know how to shout mantras

but they are cute as hell ill give you that

No bully Pepe.

lol no


What if we archive it

Jesus Christ,
How many fucking CIA and JDIF proxies are here?
Shlomo calm the fuck down, we agree that repeating a number over and over and also lying about a thing that didn't happened could convince millions of idiots.

Sup Forums literally tracked down a person who attacked someone with a bike lock under a week and it took the US government a decade to find Osama.

Are you telling me that uneducated women are better than women with actual careers?


to be fair, Osama wasn't posting his life all over social media, uploading pics of when he eats and when he shits

Your cartels are even worse than the Palestinian jihadis. We should be bombing you faggots on the border.


Are you kidding me?

I'm talking about career women. Women who are your boss. Women who're in board rooms firing many men who work for them while another male us massaging her feet under the table before he has to fetch her coffee

They voted Hillary

In fairness Osama had been dead for the last decade.

Someone replace pepe with Hillary's campaign logo

Why don't you just admit you're gay and go find yourself a big strong provider?

>Are you telling me that uneducated women are better than women with actual careers?

actually the uneducated ones are usually liberal women who studied social sciences, liberal arts, black history then ended up with useless degrees, couldnt find a job, lived of welfare and became ugly cat ladies.

no these voted hillary

hmmm, maybe you're right, i wouldn't know

>These are higher quality women, unlike the shut indoor women who are a burden to society.
one could argue that those women you bash breed and raise more children to career women and are therefore superior

Trump won, though.



>American Germans won the Civil War for the North
>American Germans won WWII for America
>American Germans are now waking up to realize they've been tricked and betrayed
>The coming civil war will be American Germans vs degenerates

trump talked so much about winning but honestly, i have yet to see a president LOSE so much. This is just insane

ya typhus is a bitch

what has he lost?

No but conservative housewife women aren't educated in the slightest. All they can do is babysitting bratty kids or cook meals. They know nothing about careers or politics. Meanwhile the feninst does

ya nice meme dude. You're still a loser though.


just read the other answers to know that this is the truth

>t. beaner

the entire world's respect

What even is your point? You just trying to sound badass in a congolese scuba diving forum? you look like these guys

>one could argue that those women you bash breed and raise more children to career women and are therefore superior

No those women with no career are jut brainless sheep who are part of the mono system

Career women are more independent and don't need some man to feed them . They also contribute to the future matriarchy that will be here in America in 2030 after Ivanka beat her dad in the in the heroic and chain breaking 2020 election

>They also contribute to the future matriarchy that will be here in America in 2030
sounds hot, cant wait

hopefully the matriarchy will figure out how to breed without having to rely entirely on immigration otherwise your matriarchy will be replaced by catholic hispanics or even better, muslims

Damn Yankees; too intellectually challenged to realise that they lost too.

(((They))) were the only winners.

With that same argument one could say that all whites are inferior since apparently they're being outbred in their own countries.

you fool. Women are here to breed children thats their purpose to keep up population growing. They dont have to be awesome badass politicians and bosses. Thats just your lefty fantasy to be dominated by women. pic related

Also woman can have children and have a job at the same time. That way she will be more useful for country than childless old bluehaired feminist in pussy costume

>They also contribute to the future matriarchy that will be here in America in 2030 after Ivanka beat her dad in the in the heroic and chain breaking 2020 election

jesus christ you are some special kind of cuck. how long ago did you cut off your dick?

>He still thinks meh-he-cans are people
oh, right in your side!

by the darwinian laws of nature, that statenent would be correct

the weak are bred out and the fit pass on their genes

whites aren't inferior racially, but the modern western lifestyle is a dead end with no future