Nazis are desecration

Being a Nazi in America is a desecration of your country.

Being a Nazi in Europe is in some ways even worse, looking at you France and England.

Anyway if you are a Nazi in the US you may as well go drive your car through a war cemetery, you're desecrating their memory you may as well do the same to their remains

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White men in the 40s were probably way more racist then the Nazi LARPers of today.

Why would I worship a country that kills my race?

Yeah but Antifa are ACTING like Nazis, which is far worse.


Cringe. If any one of those men could see the world today they'd be Nazis.

You don't know shit.

OP is still a faggot



Veterans fought for free speach. The left opposes this.

Couldn't the same arguments be made for the liberals on the side of the Commies. Yeah the Nazis were bad, but the commie slavs were absolute subhuman savages. did they die that you could become a filthy homeland-hating hippie?

YOU are a desecration you your country.

Saged. But I agree, it's a shame they were manipulated into fighting against their own brothers.


America sucks dick, I don't care.

I doubt our ancestors would have fought if they could have seen what their countries would become.

This. Probably hated commies as much.

Strange that you forgot to add in the communists.
it's not like we fought proxy wars and nearly went into a nuclear WWIII or anything with them

This thread again...
1. American WW2 soldiers were more "white supremacist"/"racist" than the "alt-right"
2. The US didn't fight against NAZISM FFS.

They fought for this.

What's hilarious is that stupid fucks actually think Nazis were communists/socialists. Hitler warmed the oven for them.



At the end of the war, Patton wanted to join with the Germans and attack your Sov heroes, faggot.

>no mention of Commies in OP


i've had to put up with the results of jewish communism for 23 years, fuck amerikike fuck commies and fuck you jew lovers


>We defeated the wrong enemy
- G.S Patton

B-but Antifag fights fascism. It's literally in the name. How can anyone oppose that?

There's no such thing as Nazis


You do know that the majority of American soldiers of WW2 refused to utilize the same facilities as negroes?

they died for jewish lies

Ethnonationalism is not equivalent to national socialism. Prove me wrong.

>Being a Nazi in America is a desecration of your country.

You guys picked the wrong side in that war.

Our war was with the nation state of Germany, not with the political ideology of national-socialism.

They didn't die for nigger gibs and watching faggots parade through the streets half naked. They sure as fuck didn't die for communism to infect our youth and for the United States to become a country with a white minority. You show those men who invaded Normandy a 5 minute video of what the US will look like in 2017 if they go through with the invasion and I guarantee they all desert.

Germany was not the first white country to put boot to Jew ass and they will not be the last.

>Be "Allied Forces"
>Fight Fascist who are fighting Communist
>Help defeat Fascist only to hand over control of much of the planet to Communist
>Spend everyday after WW2 fighting Communist and living with the threat of nuclear armed Communist
Really makes you question who the fuck the "allies" were actually "allied" with.

The US fought the commies even longer and yet you see people flying commie flags and spouting marxist shit.

The reason you see the rise of the far right is because the left is choking the U.S.


>1 post by this ID

You sure about that?

Naw, they weren't edgelords like they are today.

>my grandfathers fought on the Axis side

Oy vey, guess I'm already an enemy right?

It wasn't about fighting Fascism, even for most of the Soviet troops (US allied with Spain and Portugal for decades after the war), it was about fighting off foreign invaders.

No offense to my pshek brethen, but this particular eagle's pathetic look always induced a grin of disgust on me. It's a fucking rooster.

We fought two wars against Commies as well you leftist faggot.

>What's hilarious is that stupid fucks actually think Nazis were communists/socialists.

>National Socialism
Open a book kiddo

We didn't fight tea-sipping Brits so you could drink tea and watch Doctor Who. If you are a Whovian in the US, you might as well go drive your car through a war cemetery, you're desecrating their memory and you may as well do the same to their remains.

Reminder those dead americans didn't have a choice to fight the nazis or not.

Ya fuck nazi but edgy autist are going to be edgy autist.

They fucked up, so what?
You cant blame them, they had no independent news and they really were thinking that they are fighting against the bad guys
If they knew what we know, they would not have gone

The original is always better then the sequel's.

White on white war since 1666 is desecration of your country and your race ..traitorous fiends

>thinking that Nazis were socialists
>burned socialists and commies
>marxism was a Jew movement
>wanted a superior race, no equality

Get fucked. Nazis weren't commie socialists. They even worked with American banks. They wanted capitalism just not Jewish capitalism.

>what is civil service?

fuck off commie, we fought more wars and more years to get rid of you scum


They probably hated blacks and had the same opinion of Jews. Most countries did, Hitler was the only retard to take it too far.

They died to preserve freedom of speech. Every dead WWII veteran would be disgusted to see how antifa is assaulting freedom of speech.

>you may as well do the same to their remains

Promoting desecration of the graves of war heroes. Real nice, bud.

Near the end of the war General Patton said we defeated the wrong enemy, he was right.

I wonder why they fought

Whenever an american stopped and actually thought why they're fighting, they realized what they were doing was ewrong

You're right. Edge lords are racists that hide behind computers. Most WWII vets came back and called the civil rights people niggers straight to their face.

Your assertion is based on the assumption that everyone is equally lacking in intelligence as you are, that they believe the lies they are told about the history of the German NatSoc's

and waving the commie flags would totally make them not roll in their graves.

No, niggers kikes beaners chinks and race traitors are a desecration. Nazis are a justified solution to your degeneracy and disgusting endorsement of genocide. You can be executed for your crimes. We are the good guys, youre a genocidal maniac, or you just dont think genocide is something to get all riled up about, which makes you complicit regardless, and thats also a crime.


Ah the old, everyone i dont like is a Nazi




Never understood why anyone could sympathize with a nazi. I've seen a meme floating around with some german troops that says something about "you killed your brother" or something like that, but truth is they massacred entire villages of white people that didnt even have jews in them. They killed tons of innocent french and russian civilians. They killed their own people too. Never my heros...


My grandfather fought for Germany, so joke's on you, faggot.

I wasn't raised on a steady diet of "fuck communism" to side with you fucking faggots either.

Half the shit in there isn't even bad, and those that died would actually support half of those things today. You're a 60 iq retard.

They didn't die for your cultural marxism bullshit either, so kill yourself.

We're much the same as they were then, honestly. They had some Nazi sympathies, wanted to be separate from blacks and others, and loathed commies.

we fought the commies for quite a while longer

>see antifas burning the stars and stripes
>can't save flag, but can avenge
>hurl milk jug full of gas
>plenty of time to salut

viable response?

Didn't people back then support eugenics and white supremacy? We didn't hate the nazis because they were racist.

They're not. They're acting exactly like commies, which they are.

>I have a child's understanding of WW2

If you think Hitler had to go because of his nationalism, you're clueless.

Hitler had to go because he threatened Jewish control of the internation banking system. He had not only liberated Germany from its clutches, he had transformed Germany into the 2nd biggest economy on earth, and by far the biggest in Europe. Were he not stopped, the whole European continent would've been lost to the international banking system.

You think the US went to war to stop a guy from being racist? Haha, hell no. The US government was looking for a war to profit from. They were about to invade Canada for no other reason than because they could and it'd be materially gainful to do so.

Still think your country is righteous? No. Your government is a bunch of (((profiteering scoundrels))). Mafioso thugs who shake down whoever looks like a good target.


they fought the wrong enemy

The Red Army took over Germany. Literally circled Berlin and caused Hitler to kill himself.

Fuck the left. Falsifying history yet again.

being a soldier in the allied forces was a desecration of our race

Anyone else notice that former Communist country's are the same country's refusing to take in Kebab

Also our enemies have changed. If anything it's the damn alt-left that have become Nazis, trying to create a multicultural ethnostate and treating whites as Jews. Really makes you think.

Boomer detected. Your generation deserves to be executed.

Yeah and the reason is that they know a invading army when they see one.

oy vey! thats right, they died for israel.
and for you to be a commie!

How about you send that meme to the commie faggots on the left, then we can have an open discussion about this, you shitlord. Until then, go suck a dick you weakling.

No way, national socialism is a political ideology just like any other. Otherwise, you must give up your communist ideology, considering that Americans died fighting it too, like in Vietnam.

This the red menace got redpilled.

Fuck off and watch your 80's sitcoms.

Fucking boomers at it again.

You mean the same veterans who on polls showed the majority didn't want to fight Germany, most liked Hitler, and most thought Hitler was a good thing for Germany?

>American goys conned into killing their blood brothers in Germany for the sake of Jews

I'd say you're right if I were certain you used the word nazi in it's original meaning