August 21st - September 23rd

Why is nobody talking about the fucking cataclysmic events that are supposed to take place in the near ? Every single thread is about interracial dating or Nazi larping or some other Sup Forums tier bullshit. We're fucked.

Other urls found in this thread:

Nah, the moment Pol predicts a happening with a date attached to it, it's guaranteed to not happen. It's the inverse of pol is always right.

The extra shilling is the scary part.
I pray it's just regular shitposters and jidf shills and not covering something important.

This. I'm into meditation and lucid dreaming. I've had some of my darkest visions and dreams these last couple of days. I have a bad feeling about September in general.

Everybody knows eclipses are well understood phenomenal and have no mystical significance whatsoever.

3/10 troll harder newfag.

You're going to see a stock market collapse, civil disorder and then world war in that order. European markets crash at the open. Only a few hours to go.

i gotta ride my bike to work right in the mid of it. IM FUCKED

In no particular order, based on my meditations and dreams, some things I think might be coming soon:

>Trump deposed
>North Korea happening
>Solar Flare, widespread power failures
>Major Earthquake within the US
>Russia and China aggressive actions, including potential invasions
>Violent riots in Europe
>Martial law in the US

I'm legit freaked out, and I didn't freak out over any of the past shit that people lost their minds about, including 2012. This feels real to me.

C'mon come to pepe

The eclipse is not going to cause anything and nobody is inferring that it will. It is a marker for the kikes to begin the end.

This. I've had multiple dreams of cataclysmic events in the last few days. Before I even started reading into these things. I started reading because of the dreams.

You retard, you of all people should know the moon light would shine reflecting off the sun, with all that orbital velocity and apogee. The glasses will have thick hull polarization that can absorb retinal display, so no frying brain matter will evaporate, unless your a retard, you fucking twat.

>everyone knows

I don't know about tomorrow but soon. I sold a lot of my bitcoin holdings last week and am buying triple S&P and Nasdaq shorts tomorrow.

same here, i saw a huge portal opening up in the sky night before yday.

Nigger have you not been paying attention? For the past 3 hours all I have seen on here have been larp threads about the eclipse.
Lets see....
Terrorists are going to detonate explosives that will crack the glass firmament over earth was one

Ever famous yellowstone was another

Civil War part 2 has been hot lately

Ayyy's invading is picking up steam

Stargates opening are lingering around

Pick one!

>Pick one!
Nigga its ALL about to happen

Earth is Flat.

Welp if it means anything something will definitely happen during the eclipse I'm so fucking sure of it that I personally made sure my work and class schedule would not interfere with the next 3 days for the inevitable happening

The antichrist is in the White House. Anything could happen.

Nah something will happen don't listen to the larpers they're not even sure what will happen when the star gorges itself on clay

Please enlighten me.

Castrate yourself for the love of god please

Correct! But your forgetting about how Einsteins' special theory of relativity FAILS in the dark!

((They)) will begin the end game.

Fuck it, race war now

If you believe in this superstitious bullshit then you're probably a nigger.

Because I'm not afraid of dying OP. We've been dead for billions of years before you took on this consciousness, life is abnormal.

The worst part is nothing is going to happen

You say "ever famous yellowstone"

I'm actually living (for now) close to it. It hasn't stopped shaking, and I'm not talking about the pithy quakes every other day that is typical, I'm talking about swarms of minor Earthquakes that haven't fucking stopped, at all, for about 3 months now. This is not normal.

Aside from Ayyy's, glass firmament, and Stargates, the others are legit fears. You need to reconsider how you view all of this, because it could be right in your face very soon.

Because every single thread tomorrow will be about it.

You need to have faith in the habbedding Albania you need to especially have faith in KEK

Rrminder that unite the right happened on Soros' birthday. Totally not a Cohencidence.

Those are demons

This is always true

Yep :/

about 2 hours ago 3.2 magnitude, 9 km depth
West Yellowstone, Montana, United States
about 9 hours ago 2.6 magnitude, 10 km depth
West Yellowstone, Montana, United States
about 17 hours ago 1.6 magnitude, 8 km depth
West Yellowstone, Montana, United States

but will i get a gf?

Denial is so much less stressful. In the last days they will party hard until the end, living for the moment and find all manners of distraction. Few realize that we're in the End Times now.

Maybe the only reason we all are not dead yet is because we keep predicting it every day?

fugg both my sister and I had crazy dark dreams the past few days


If you can convince them that there's going to be a happening soon, it actually might not be too hard user, desperation is a funny thing.

I had a dream last night a shadowy demon jew watched me sleep.


my whole island had a power outage today - kinda eerie. I can post vid if people want.

Bump - came here tonight to ask the very same question

don't fuck with me, i'm watching the eclipse from Rexburg, Idaho.

Sorry, just reporting the facts inlike the MSM


and by meditations and dreams you mean browsing Sup Forums right?

NASA's incredible plan to save humanity from Yellowstone supervolcano: 'Risky' plan to COOL magma by pumping in water (but it could trigger an eruption instead of preventing one)

Read more:

to all of Sup Forums geologists it appears it is serious after all, the Beeb even had an article. eruption worse than an asteroid hit. HA!

I had a dream last night that I did cocaine and packed up my car for an incoming hurricane.

Remember, remember, the 23rd of September.

I had one where I had this convo with this creepy guy in a city. He ended up murdering my friend and I but we woke up as spirits and the world was burning

My sister had a dream Bermuda was sinking and everybody she knew died. She also woke as a spirit and things were in flames. We had these dreams the same night.

If the board is shit right now it's probably just to cover up the Imran Awan indictment stuff or to spark more racial hatred and get people out in the streets killing each other.

The eclipse is just a fucking eclipse. It'll look cool, but it probably has no great significance.

Post vid bls

Nothing will make a woman interested in you, user. Your only option is rape.

That still trips me out.

you ate some bad jerk dude

just another day like many others.
with an eclipse in the mix.

>tfw September is one of my favorite months but I fear tomorrow and September very much so

im going to yellowstone in late september. i am legitimately terrified of this trip but it's for school idk what to do.

Just like stuff was going to happen on 2012? Fuuuuuuuuck off.

It's gonna happen, noggers.
Don't look at it.

so basically what that's saying is St. Louis is likely to get hit?

Also look what city they show the sun over in pic related, which is the logo they've been showing all over the news

okay lemme upload

no day is ever like another - the whole never step into the same river twice thing, what do they teach in schools these days

Never have I ever had a rush of fear, anger, excitement, and so many other emotions.

It's real Anons, this is the media and scientists admitting that this is a legit problem that has to be addressed now. They think it will go off in the immediate future, so much so that they are willing to risk setting it off early rather than wait for it to explode a little later.

If you are living anywhere near Yellowstone and you have the means to get away from the area, fucking move, NOW...though if it does go off, the US is dead.

St. Louis and Bowling Green.

If that name sounds familiar...Well, you should probably be a little concerned now.

32 days until the red dragon devours the manchild. Yes we are fucked.

Bowling Green does sound familiar, what of it?

that fucker will take out the whole human race, other articles too, look them up just 2 days ago. why they are writing them now, dunno, but I'd say it is more serious than gov't lets on.

>tfw I live right by St. Louis
Its been nice knowing you guys.

Can confirm.

See for yourself.

>Sup Forums tier bullshit
>literal /x/ tier bullshit.

cause we aren't newfags like you and have lived through other Sup Forums predicitons

The path of the eclipse is covering places that overwhelmingly voted for Trump

Here ya go:

The only lights were the emergency lights. It was like this the entire island. Super eerie. We're also the last place to be able to view the eclipse tomorrow.

Be prepared

the buzzing sound is a generator in the building next to me. Still they had no lights.

More like sexburg, because Mormon grills like anal

I asked why nobody is talking about it faggot. Just wanted to get the superstitious talk going. Have been here for almost 5 years.

damn. major power outages is the only SHTF scenario that could really fuck the world up in one go. kinda scary how the sun can do that to us at any moment.

Damn, that's some fucking darkness nigga. Black magic midnight.

Bowling Green Ky, bunch of Muslims there and a bunch of cars at a car museum swallowed up by sink hole and Kellyanne Conway said an incident happened there, like a terrorist incident or something and she caught hell for it, I think one of Obama's or RINO subversive people made up a bogus story and she repeated it in good faith. early days of Trump admin and made her look no end of stupid

reminds me... i had some weird negative dreams the past few nights. I dont remember the specifics, but they were very negative.

Wasn't there a specific date that Yellowstone was supposed to erupt last summer? I remember people making tons of threads about some sort of volcano doomsday shit.


But seriously though, are Italians white or not?

can we look at video of it?

it was really creepy only the lighthouse and that other light was all I could see. If I looked the other way it would literally be nothing but darkness on the vid.

yeah the stars were amazing at least. But still it's not very assuring to have every little bit of power off. It's scary how vulnerable you feel

September is always the month of every year people think shit will go down. It has happened before though so I can't deny it.

Happened to me in Denver once. Everyone kind of wandered outside like zombies with their phones and we started hearing sirens all over the city. Feels like the end of the fucking world, for sure.



I can only imagine the US with no power. Even just the Eastern Seaboard or something. Society would break down in 4 days or less.

>tfw sick and get to watch it all while I'm home comfy in bed dripping snot

Holy fugggggg

is that Sam Hyde?

Dam sun