Deleting my fucking iTunes

Just trying to figure out how to convert the couple albums I have into mp3 and put them on my hard drive.

>Support the Southern Poverty Law Center's work fighting hate, teaching tolerance and seeking justice.

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FLAC them you fucking idiot. mp3 sounds like ass, but I guess you wouldn't know the difference from your ijunk.

>he owns apple anything

wow are you a fucking retard? way to pay twice as much for a device with shitty power rofl

also guess you don't care about slave labor huh

What kind of phone do you have?

There's literally no difference in quality between mp3 and FLAC, only one takes up more space

lol this
get an android kiddo

wow I can almost get passed the shitty sampling rate

I Spotify everything, they don't even run ads anymore. They've dropped some white supremacists after Charlottesville too.

>not getting multiple cheap Android phones via being a "New" customer (w/different alias) a couple of times a year, at different MetroPCS stores to buy during promo deals
>not doing this for two years
>not having 17 phones through this
>not using VLC player app
>not using winamp on PC
>being applefag

what format is your music in? aac or something?

look for a container converter so you dont lost quality

if yiu have high speed internet just buy a spare HD and doenload a few FLAC alvums every hour or so

mp3 cuts off the entire high and low part of the sound wave, and compresses whatever is in the middle

Unless they're super rare you can probably just torrent the album

You mean get an (((Android))) right?

>They've dropped some white supremacists after Charlottesville too.
Yup. I'm listening to Schubert on Spotify right now, but it really sucks that almost any company of import is virtue signaling now.

I feel ashamed using all these companies.

Yeah it's in AAC. I'm literally only talking about maybe 6 albums though. I don't care much if there is a slight loss of quality. I just selected the highest quality mp3 to convert into: 192 kbps.

not true MP3 is limited to 320 kbps, FLAC often 1200 kbps or higher

>highest quality
steve jobs was a mistake

>sill sounds like garbage half the time

flac isn't limited. goes to full 24 bit 196KHz. I'm sure it handles 32 bit as well but it's retarded and nobody sells that.

People who fell for the itunes/ipod meme WHEN IT CAME OUT were either gargantuan faggots or seriously, fundamentally retarded.

I think there are no words to describe your particular case.

but muh mp4!


Tu dile ñero. Pinche puto verga weyy;
Ya... Que se van ala yonga y que vayan al
>TREN AL SUR!!!!!!!!

what is going on with the splc and adl? the owner of fucking fox news just donated millions of dollars to the adl. they are also hooked up with google and youtube for censorship

is there some sort of conspiracy? jew memes aside, i didnt think there was an actual connection between all these people. i thought it was always just jews being jewy, but it looks like there is actually a conspiracy here

>VLC player app
my man

Speaking of conspiracy, did you know the BBC reported 9/11 twenty three minutes before it happened? The fuck is that about?

hadnt heard of that before

wew lad

It may be that these corporations are "buying" protection from concerted campaigns to call them racist in the future.

Frame Game Radio has a good Twitter thread where he breaks down "the diversity industry."

Why use any other?
The supreme gentleman's first choice.

I don't know if it's the same one, but check out the one where the news bimbo gets all confused that she's supposed to report that WTC7 just fell down but it's still standing right behind her. lelz

Why the fuck are you using MP3 when .FLAC exists? Do you enjoy having half the dynamic range of your music being stripped out? And why the fuck aren't you saving Lossless to your HD?

"Hurrr derrr Imma protest Apple by making my music sound like shit."

Jesus fuck. You probably listen to shit music anyway.

Nice bait, faggot.

>Do you enjoy having half the dynamic range of your music being stripped out?
Yeah I love it.

>You probably listen to shit music anyway.
I fucked your mom last night.

>Support the Southern Poverty Law Center's work fighting hate, teaching tolerance and seeking justice.
>Options: Donate | Not Right Now

Buy a proper compressor faggot. It sounds way better, and it's tits for when you have to suffer through JewTube-quality levels.

Just make sure you put the dirt back in her grave. Oh, she was cremated, dust fucker.

>dynamic range
>implying everything post 1994 doesn't suffer from the 'Loudness War'
Nigga, iz yo ass listenin to muhfuckeen jazz from the 1960s cuh??!!

>not pirating and then exclusively listening to 2 TB worth of Czech death metal


Are Beatport, Soundcloud and Bandcamp compromised?

>this thread

Search it on the internet you mong, the last time I used iTunes was in 08
>type in the word 'rar' along with the name of artist/album
>being so devilish

every comment on the tweet is negative. maybe twitter users arent completely retarded after all.

>being a poor android spic at that
lmfao famalan

>what are third-party converters which offer output bitrate of 320 kbps

My bad. Sorry.

Flac is only good if you have equipment for it. You'll know it when you take the audiophile steps

For OP, just cut losses and use soulseek to redownload everything. A few hours can get you dozens of gigs of CD quality tunes

You don't even need audiophile stuff. I discovered even ogg a max quality was a slurred bunch of nonsense when I was still using these tiny detachable speakers from a $20 piece of shit from the 80s.

What does paul use for their primary android smartphone music players?

You need hi-fi stuff to discern a difference, else its prob just a placebo effect. Most people use

That's a nope. It boggled my mind when I took to building my own equipment and determined that I could in fact hear the difference among various op-amps, or even if it was soldered together rather than sitting in a bread board. That was also with a shit signal chain.

It motivated me to try out a few dozen prominent headphones of the day up to about $1000k. They're all still sitting in a box losing value and waiting for me to sell them off so they stop taking up space. None of them sound like reality. I roll with a busted MDR-V6 for daily use just because it's relatively easy to apply some physical modifications and slap some heavy-handed EQ on it to make it livable.