Why Croatia is so Based

If you dont like those commie leftist protests, all the media bullshit, or you are seeking a place with no shitskins then come here. Sure our Politicans are typical Balkan corrupt, but atleast we dont have any rapefugee issues, and if one does arise, it is dealt instantly, no BLM, no ANTIFA no nothing, Just a Beautiful Coast, a pretty Contintal part, lovely people and great weather.
So user, why didnt you move to Croatia yet

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck off we're full

also, what the fuck are you talking about? our media and politics are just as infected by leftist propaganda as the rest of the western world

>no shitskins then come here. Sure our Politicans are typical Balkan corrupt, but atleast we dont have any rapefugee issues, and if one does arise, it is dealt instantly, no BLM, no ANTIFA no nothing,

not good anough brate, same can be said for bulgaria

Every fucking day.
Fuck off and stop making threads about us.
The last thing we need is attention

a sta je s lokalnom mafijom koju stiti policija? sta je sa huliganima kojima nemozes nista jer ih ima ka govana?

The Balkans are already full! Fuck off!
Go to Czechia instead - they have decent beers and the architecture in their older towns is incredibly good. I'd go there if I could.

što je s neimaštinom i neimanjem posla?

Shut the fuck up.

We need the manpower for the frontlines when Bosnia explodes again. Foreign fools who come living here will be a perfect cannon fodder to throw at muslims.


>when Bosnia explodes again
>implying a bunch of goatfuckers living in the hills without electricity or running water are enough of a concern that we should just give our country up to foreigners

posla uvik ima samo se nikome ne da radit, pogotovo ode u splitu

I didn't make the map, but honestly we don't need it. Serbia deserves a honest sea access as well.

>Serbia deserves a honest sea access as well.
serbia deserves nothing

>posla uvik ima samo se nikome ne da radit, pogotovo ode u splitu

istina, isto je ovdje u zg. Ali i kad radis, troskovi su naprosto preveliki u odnosu na zaradu...porezi nas jebu prestrasno. Porez je skoro 100% na neto plaću što su jedni od najvecih poreza u europi

Just like how Swedes and Germans are doing. All those Somalis, Turks and Durkas are a part of the greater plan of another Barbarossa.
>form couple of tens of divisions of them and throw them at Russia
>tire Russia out and then march into with native troops.

So stupid it is actually genious.

>a place with no shitskins


istina ali ne moras uvik radit neko sranje od posla, iskreno ako odrasta covik ne uspije napredovat u barem 10 godina onda je debil koji zasluzuje jadan zivot. uvik postoje opcije, uvik postoje i poslovi vanka drzave i uvik postoji sansa za napredak samo je bitna volja a ne odma kukat i trazit placu od deset iljada.

b-but why

Why not simply cut out the middle man, Hrvoje


Can't wait for after WW3. Just to see you grovel again.

>uvik postoji sansa za napredak samo je bitna volja a ne odma kukat i trazit placu od deset iljada.

ma imam sve to stari, zavrsio meme faks, radio nest u drzavnoj firmi i sada zujim jer je ponuda u struci katastrofa. radio cak i baustelu nakon toga. nemoj me mimat molim te.

dal da ucim programiranje, svi sad idu na to...ima li smisla ulozit vrijem u to ili da se odmah bacim na rad?

You don't get to distribute our clay.
Stay on your side or we'll lay siege to King's Landing once again.

prekvalificiraj se u elektricara, plocicara ili pitura i radi za sebe ili neku firmu, tu dobre pare. ako stvarno zelis instant lovu onda ajde na pomorski, zavrsi 3god i na brod, vratit ces se za 5 god pun para. programiranje samo ako si pametan i volis sidit i mislit cili dan.

We really should leave something like a muslim "cordon sanitaire". At least City State of Sarajevo with Bakir Izmetbegovic as a ruler. Build a wall around it and feed them exclusively with bananas.

You faggots know we can see your conversation, no?

>prekvalificiraj se u elektricara, plocicara ili pitura i radi za sebe ili neku firmu

to sam i mislio, imam telenta s alatima znam radit, programiranje mi se pomalo gadi, mada mi kompjuteri i to sve ide i volim mislit - al mislim da je to pomalo i rizican posao dugorocno (stalno moras ucit novo, moze zastarit za par dana i u vecini slucajeva radis za drugog i usrane korporaciju i nemres zucnut)

a sta ti radis? reci neodredeno.

fuck off, we have already too much foreigners, they are called tourists.

based Montenegrins

Ala vise dosta prikinite srat

Brod ili Bilice

lay your jewy hands off the bay, hrvoje

Croatia it's not based, it's just such a socialist failure that niggers don't wanna live there. You don't produce enough gibs. Your commies and lefties don't protest - because they hold all the reins of power already.

it used to be ours. Used to be...

also, out of all the times for croats to go leftist is the time when we actually need them for once to finish this bosnia shit. fucking retards, they just have to fuck everything up.
no. it didn't. and it never will be either so feel free to fuck off

>.. should just give our country up to foreigners

Finish what Bosnia shit? Wouldn't it be better to work on adding new rights to Serbian people, less government regulation and taxes, more free speech, decentralized media

can't talk shit like this anymore, miodrag

>new rights
we need something like the 1st or 2nd amendment, our current constitution is probably the most cucked in the world
>less government regulation and taxes
i agree regarding gov regulation, but taxes shouldn't neccesarily be lowered, i am not a libertarian really
>more free speech
>decentralized media
shut down fucking rts fucking parasites

however, all of that doesn't mean we shouldn't work on solving the bosnian problem.

>talking about socialism

3 min into Croatia thread and chill and you are already mentioning us,kek

Ej /hrvatine/. Nekidan sam pustio stranicu u opticaj za politički chat, možda ste vidjeli koji thread.

Fali mi ljudstva dok god nema threadova. Malo sam autist pa posjećujem samo chanove. Ako lurkate na kakvim drugim političkim mjestima jel možete ubaciti šil-post?

Inače stranica: poldare.com

My dad fought there and helped train the Croat Army in 1991/92. I've been a few times.

Very nice people, beautiful women, great food but it's not my country. I'll visit and happily spend my money there but immigration is wrong and I'm not a Croat.

Going to Zadar for three weeks in September. What should I expect?

Tons of niggers, almost no white people

Nothing special

there were alot more croats there than now, and it was always part of dalmatia, controlled by venetian providur from Zadar, later during austria it was part of dalmatian kingdom(part of austria) also controlled from Zadar.


What are you guys talking about?

which doesn't make it yours. also, if we are gonna pull "it used to be ours" line, fuck off from anything east of vrbas-imot-cetina

I'm from Split, Zadar is much nicer than Split, cleaner, calmer... It doesn't have nice surrounding of mountains as Split and is bit smaller but ehhh, it's nice there.

Don't worry Tonibler

Balkans in a nutshell.

i live here and i don't remember the last time i've seen a non muslim person
also fuck off we're full

Don't be suprised if you see a Montenegrin with a Croatian girl


typical serbocroat fight. Hurrr this clay is mine, no it's mine hurrr durrr

I'm not an albonigger.

nothing. Boring af there.

this country is a shithole and I'm emigrating to hungary or serbia.
Enjoy niggers soon.

i thought serbs knew about this meme land

Kek, all my relatives live there. Somehow I ended up here

tgere are almost ni croats there, that's in zrce and that's probably some american slut.

Evo i webm

>no argument

The only problem with Croatia is the media, one of the most popular media outlets is run by admittedly Soros funded frustrated degen faggot whos website serves only one purpose - to shit on everything non-pozzed thing about Croatia.

It would be a real, real shame if someone took his life, in some sort of intense, life threatening self defense situation.

Other than that, we're one of the last bastions of BASED in EU. Burger faggots can only post pics of their military to cope. Cope more, fat disgusting enslaved cucked jew slave faggots.

Don't talk shit about Croatia or I will troll another statue of your historical figures to go down while you do nothing about it but post on /pol how you're back to back WW champs hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

Snip snip on ya dick, said the doctor rabbi :D

Israel is a disgusting apartheid shithole but JewSA is 10 times worse, a degenerate mix of faggot zombie slave fucks who take most pride in MUH MILITARY aka doing Israels bidding and fighting kike wars and dying for the kikes, HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHA.

What city, though? As far as I know, Serbs don't have access to the sea. What part of the coast is that guy claiming?

Herzegovina is Croatian land
fuck off negro

Didn't know about Croatian nigger island

we owned it when we were a part of austria

You are rapefugees yourself though


Territory called Boka Kotorska, around town of Kotor. That's part of Montenigger now, and they are basicly serbs, just like austrians are germans.

how come?
last time i've heard croats were considered the best immigrants in europe and we have one of the lowest crime in the world as well

nothing suspicious here, you can have the same conversatins you have on a somewhat secure imageboard, but just on a place where you have virtually no security that could be used by anyone to doxx you. absolutely nothing suspicious.
try shit get hit hrvoje

Nigga we owned it when we settled there.

>this is what they tell them in croatia


>talks shit about how half of the balkans is his land
>try shit get shit
you're retarded

Suck my dick you limp nigger


boka kotorska is ours and so is eastern herzegovina. you'll be lucky if you get 15% of bh because of tudjman's autism. fuck off.

>only 20% croats
Okay, boka kotorska either remains with montenegro or goes to serbia.


once a stable boi,always a stable boi

>you can basically have conversations in real life, chans are useless

That's you right now.

you are retarded

yes, eastern herzegovina is now yours and majority of population there are wolves and bears. There is literally nothing there. Biggest city there is fucking Nevesinje

i've heard about your beautiful country.

too bad arabs refugees are raping your women

don't you have a wife to beat, milorad?
>the pages show actual sources to the information from direct german official sources
>its fake xd
go back to your roachland, nemanja

>no shitskins
there are already too many of them. They are croats. Sure some of you look white (especially regions bordering slovenia) but still

it's even less now. It used to be majority croat 100 years ago.

>eastern herzegovina is now yours
it was always ours, nigger

t. servecuck

Zašto dolaziš u ovaj thread Srbo. Ajde da završimo ovo na brzinu, i samo bi htio reć - ne želim mrzit Srbe, htio bi da smo u dobrim odnosima i da se riješimo svakog do jednog bosanca u usranoj prokletoj bosni (da - i na hercegovnu mislim jebenu kretensku), i da se riješimo albančuga i da imate kosovo. Ali ti si jedan od onih retardiranih srba.

Pa da te podsjetim, ukratko;

> Aca Vučko Acika zvani Alek je tvoj Gospodar, klekni pičko pred njim
> ustaška lezbačina je tvoja Gospodarica - pokloni se
> najveći heroj srbačina poput tebe je udbaška protuha koja je popila metak u glavu dok je ispunjavala kladarski listić hahahaha
> Beograd na vodi - turčinska okupacija the sequel
> žene su vam pretvorili u kurvetine
> prva asocijacija na Beograd su "splavovi" dakle kurveštine, loša gudra i još gora turčinska muzika
> televizija vam truje mlade, Mitrović i Popović pišaju vašim Njegošima u usta
> kad smo kod Njegoša, Crna Gora je NATO hahahahahahha
> Alek će vas ugradit u EU, ali ne brini, Rusi su vaša braća
> Kosovo ste izgubili
> Edi Rama maše sa naslovnica tabloida koji također jebu vaš narod u glavu, uz reality TV
> ali nema veze Ljotićevci i Nedićevci se vraćaju hahahahahaha

Saberi se larperu imaš 500 milijardi tona sranja za riješit u svojoj prčiji prije nego kreneš srat o Šešeljovskim sranjima rapidne srpske teritorijalne ekspanzije.


t. bečki konjušar

Well she will come over later this day to my place so who knows.

No it wasn't
you're just making shit up you deluded faggot

smrdi na datamining desu senpai
uostalom ovo , chan je bolji format za diskusiju neg 1na1 chat sa random pizdom

serbs are subhuman mongrels
crawl back to your homeland of anatolia

wew m8,have to say that's some bad photo shop

>but atleast we dont have any rapefugee issues

Tell that to Zagreb