Be in bunker

>be in bunker
>1945, April 30
>fucking Russians all over Berlin
>most successful B rush in history
>Reichstag now site of greatest drinking party of all time
>Thousand Year Reich in tatters, country in ruins, even worse than it was when you started
>everyone calling for surrender
>kill your kids
>Russians closing in, you can hear their guns
>take your wife to a private room
>Soviet National Anthem can be heard in distance
>she takes cyanide and dies
>Soviet National Anthem grows louder
>put cyanide capsule in mouth and load pistol
>how did it come to this
>Soviet National Anthem is shaking the concrete walls
>can make out individual Russian cries
>place pistol to temple and bite down on capsule
>Soviet National Anthem is deafening
>pull trigger
>everything is dark
>can't see, can't feel, can't move
>can still hear
>Soviet National Anthem is still playing
>keeps growing louder
>so loud now it hurts
>ears are bleeding but not from the gunshot
>never truly die

Why are "nazi" kids today worshipping such a massive cuck when they could be following Papa Stalin? Real communists mind you, not this hippy bullshit, I mean gulags, border walls, executions, etc.

Other urls found in this thread:

Hitler wouldve won if it wasn't for those american retards.

the union lives on in our hearts

>we lost because the enemy side had a bunch of mongoloids on their team



>being retarded enough to underestimate the evil power of the zionist war machine
>not realising the soviets were just the other zionist war machine

daily reminder that the USSR set every single milestone in the space race for years

>muh evil jooooos conspiracy

Lost because USSR was better

>hurr it's the jews

lol, Maybe NS is the problem

reminder that if you have to make excuses for why you lost you don't deserve to win

I'm considerably wealthier than most of the people on this planet but it was achieved via working hard in college and then working lots of over time.

I aint working like this for the same money as every other shithead.

Didn't communism collapse?
Oh right it's a bait thread.


Fuck off kike.


>even worse than it started
They overtook the British economy in 12 years after the war

> he thinks Hitler killed himself lol


that'll happen when the rest of the world feels bad and invests in your country's recovery because they don't want to repeat WW1's aftermath, and you're not really held accountable for any of the damage you caused worldwide, but get to keep all the shit you stole.

cool. u sent an ape into space. usa landed on the moon u stupid fucking alt left nigger


Hitler would've won easily if they hadn't attacked the Soviet Union. But Hitler was absolutely obsessed with taking Stalin out, so he hád to do it.

He could've taken the entirety of Europe, the United Kingdom, and could've left it at that.

>Meanwhile the USSR airforce gets oblitirated in 2 days

Hitler was a disaster tier politician and garbage military commander. He should have at most been a mid level policy advisor or smthing.

Nazis made their own grave.


Of course he was all of NS is built off of fervent illogical propahanda

Because they put most of their funds into that and arms race but their people lived miserably.

>Most successful B rush in history


those planes were shit anyway

So? You'd rather have them destroyed by the enemy?

You're a fag and a coward.

sounds like you're making excuses for why they beat you

enemy waste boolet on shit planes
we make better planes
Sturmovik kicks ass
we win anyway

It's in his book, dumbass

> Hitler admitting to propoganda in his translated book

Sod off.

You do realize Germany was heavily deindustrualized whose effects were predicted to reduce their population by 50 percent
What exactly? The Swiss gold, go read the Swiss banks account the money was prioritized to the Swiss first

US did the first rendezvous and docking of spacecraft. Rendezvous of two vessels is undoubtedly the most relevant factor in modern human space exploration.

nothing makes you sound more like a cuck than trying to justify your continued relevance even as someone is fucking your wife (read: soyuz docking) in front of your eyes

Aren't you hungry?

Mfw both the space program were based of German technology

have you not read a single book in your fucking life? even David Irving stresses how goddamn motherfucking perfect Goebbels was as a propaganda minister (muh sunday masscacre)

and the buck, does not stop, at Goebbels.

>mfw you can't poo in the loo

Who are you Quoting faggot

Sure Goebbels was fucking fantastic.

But I refuse to believe that even Hitler admits in his translated, read, translated book that it was all made up and a sham.

>Germany still has to pay reperations
>While still using the autobahn that Hitler invented

Feels great to actually drive over it. Wonderful feeling.

Sorry mister Neobol but it still doesn't change the fact that US did it first and went on to perfect the art (Buzz Aldrins rendezvous book).

Read Irving's books. Hitler was in on multiple propaganda projects and had exclusive orders about how to manipulate Germans and foreign powers.

its barbarossa. he should've secured the english isles before taking on the commies.

> John Winslow Irving is an American novelist and Academy Award-winning screenwriter.

No thanks.

You have no idea how NS even worked, apparently

Goebbels wasn't a fanatic, minister of propaganda was just a position, he was probably one of the most dedicated national socialist you should read his books he was truly woke

Yeah and the fact that Stalin wanted Germany to begin with didnt play into teh fact.
They tried to get the better of the soviets and attack first.
Stalin was mobilising and producing like crazy. He wouldve attacked himself a year or two later.

You uneducated mongoloids.

Hitler wasn't a bad commander as speedfreak military amateurs go.

Well, not when you look at it from that angle. First timer pretty much. But did he do grave mistakes multiple times..

Doesn't matter how woke he may have been, NS is a fundamentally cucked ideology

How so?

Because it's fascist

>faggot commies bragging about being 2nd place.
>would have been totally annihilated 1v1 against Germany
>everyone knows this.
>Why are "nazi" kids today worshipping such a massive cuck when they could be following Papa Stalin?
Why do commie kids worship a crypto Jew, who can never compete with the coolness that was Hitler? Just ask the families of the 20m Russians that died at the hands of German soldiers.
>be German
>fight because you love Germany
>fight because you believe in Hitler
>have a 9-1 kill ratio against the Russians
>kill 20mil Russians with 1/4 of your military
>get gang banged by the whole world and still almost win

Stalin isn't even in the same league

If hitler really wanted to win, explain to me why until the very last moment, he was still killing jews in specially built camps instead of enslaving them to actually contribute to the Reich in, say, mines? Total waste of resources and manpower. Hitler did not want victory, ge wanted chaos.

Hitler was cool?

I'll join your cause if you promise I can be segregated away from the muslims.

That's because, like the USA, you stole every piece of tech the Germans created, including their scientists. The German Scientists taken to the west vitually CREATED the US Space program.

How's your (((democracy))) working out for you, I've heard Toronto is in punjab at this point

Don't forget the UK actually invented nukes.

>he was still killing jews in specially built camps
citation needed
Yes well he was killin commies wasn't he?
Hitler was the coolest.


Well I mean, historically, Soviet Union hasn't been very welcoming to Muslims seeing as they keep blowing up our shit, and we would enforce State Atheism, so you know, no mosques, no Islam. Also, reoccupy Afghanistan.




>trump's stalinist own goal

Stalin was building up to attack him, faggot. They had a tank division parked within a day's drive of Germany's only source of crude oil in Romania. Only a moron would have sat back and waited to be overrun.

>hurrr my fuhrer maybe we should surrender from Stalingrad and save those 1 mio soldiers we cant even feed.

And he ended up in heaven.

You fucking failure. You little psuedo-intellectual faggot. Your life spent absorbing ZOG propaganda from video games. Run into a Nazi like me and I'll break your 7-inch arms in half and leave you with a mouthfull of teeth.

Keep pushing your commie, Christ-killing agenda and you will awaken men willing to risk their judgement in order to preserve the future. You will die.


imagine being such a hick surrounded by toothless incestuous faggotd you don't realize most of the world already have mouths full of teeth


"You finally came back -
To the borders of your fatherland.
Now enemies came,
Traitors everywhere at hand.
Many people who had fought and died
Knowing that they had to win.
Well yet still it sickens my heart
To see the picture of the red flag in Berlin."

Post your name and address so I can run into you.

>Why not follow Stalin?

Because he was a kike puppet

>Da Schlomo, I will help you kill my Tsar and destroy my millennium old monarchy and replace it with starvation and suffering

Nazis fucked everybody else in terms of tech progression. Built a fucking time machine for fucks sake. Kecksburg more like Keksburg.

I would savour it. None of you faggots are fighters. You're cowards and psuedo-intellectuals in the strongest sense of the word. Your foundation you are so immersed in is a LIE. You have tunnel-vision of worldy PRIDE for dead Soviets who were played like marionnettes for the Rothschild agenda. You are defending HUMAN EXPLOITATION, CHRISTIAN GENOCIDE and PEDOPHILIA. You are the modern-day sodomites. You have been given over to a reprobate mind. You neglect the temple of your body, you neglect excercising of the faith. You are the scrawny, weak army of the Synagogue of Satan and will be cast into the lake of fire.

Hitler Arrested Baron Louis De Rothschild

Hitler versus Rothschild

Child Prostitution in (((Weimar))) Germany
British historian Sir Arthur Bryant describes throngs of child prostitutes outside the doors of the great Berlin hotels and restaurants. He adds: “Most of them—the night clubs and vice resorts—were owned and managed by Jews. And it was the Jews among the promoters of this trade who were remembered in after years.”

Sir Arthur Bryant, Unfinished Victory (1940), pp. 144-145

Stalin was an old drunk and criminal with a bad temper, and borderline psycho megalomania.

Hitler was just a bitter ex-soldier and patriot, who had a bad habit of micromanaging.

Now, which one was the worst again?

>uses a flag that's a mix of both National Socialism and Communism

That fucking flag fucked Europe for ever.

Mussolini and Franco had it under control till autistic adolf and his obsession with Jews came into play.

Nazis should have the shit beat out of them whenever you encounter them.

Post your name and address so I can run into you.

Keep waving that flag and I'll keeo waving mine.

We both know whats gonna happen when they meet. Your side has faggots, beta 95 lb Marxists and complete fucking morons. My side has God.

I don't think you got the memo.
Nazis fucking lost in a humiliating defeat where their Commander in Chief cucked out and killed himself.

>Run into a Nazi like me and I'll break your 7-inch arms in half and leave you with a mouthfull of teeth.

I want to. Where are you? Why are you suddenly being so shy?

literally everyone hates you. I cant stand Marxists either but you faggots are ruining the right.

Kill yourself.

Yeah, youre a big bad faggot arent you. Its pragmatic for me to post my address so you can sneak and subvert me. Youre all cowarda and thats how you fight. Every Leftist video involving violence is a sucker punch. You have no concept of honor. You are not men of God.

95% of the Bolshevik Central Government, responsible for 66 millions dead Soviets, was JEWISH

Bronstein (Trotsky) Jew
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew
Lourie (Larine) Jew
Ouritski Jew
Volodarski Jew
Rosenfeldt (Kamanef) Jew
Smidovitch Jew
Sverdlof (Yankel) Jew
Nakhamkes (Steklof) Jew
Ulyanov (Lenin) Russian
Krylenko Russian
Lounatcharski Russian

You have no concept of what the movement is. You're a fence sitting faggot with no qualms dooming your offspring and theirs to a lifetime of usury, debt and servitude. Every major scandal involving human exploitation or child traffiking leads to a Jew. Listen to Joe Rogan Experience #911.

Weird how you talk so much shit but you're not willing to actually do anything IRL.

Literally all being consumed by white dudes. WAY TO GO GOY!

Can curb your impulses? Too weak minded? Why shouldn't you be eliminated?


Have you ever killed a man?

I have.

Have you ever knocked out a man in face-to-face combat?

I have.

Have you ever stopped yourself from killing someone and accepted their surrender?

I have.

So shut the fuck up. You know deep down that your constituency is diametrically opposed to mine in terms of what it takes to assume power. We are faster, we are stronger, we are smarter, and the only thing which restrains us are the reigns of God's Word.

But as I said before: you can only push these men so far before they risk their judgement to safeguard the future. Your flag will never fly again.

The entire UAE is under National Socialism in terms of their nationalized oil. Places like Qatar are disgustingly wealtht and futuristic.

These are NEVER shown on MSM. Instead they constantly cover Venezuela which is literally rigged to fail in order to be constantly referred to by (((Capitalists))). (((Ted-fucking-Cruz.)))

Archived it


holy fucking cringe

>wtf i love "joooos" now XD