Do you believe in "White Genocide" and why?

Do you believe in "White Genocide" and why?

lmao i personally it's a stupid belief made up by white supremacists to have a reason for their anger

>lmao i personally it's a stupid belief made up by white supremacists to have a reason for their anger
it is

Idk a small minority of white peoples believe this bullshit. And feel like theyre being oppressed. I don't know ant white person who identifies as white. They identify with the cultire they're from e.g scottish french german

not really, but i do believe there is a top down pandering to brown people at the cost of civilized society


Fuck out of my country, Muhammad, get out of Luton.

imagine thinking trying to fix the wounds of racism/slavery is white genocide
people are really living in another reality

was this meant to be funny? top kek bro



I never owned a slave, and nobody here ever was a slave. There's no wounds, you idiot.

its institutional, user

it's meant to tell you that you're a shitty third worlder that needs to get the fuck out of this country and this board

oh ya, it's prolly fake. that's why you're so obsessed with it.

bc it's fake.

Not an argument.

European people ended slavery worldwide. Even in 1962 president JFK went to Saudi Arabia and urged them to stop slavery and free the slaves.

Lol but we getting genocided by weaponized white thots
Our blood is a drop in the white bucket. Keep Uncle Tom alive though amiright? Yeah stick it to whitey.

'Genocide' is not the right term, 'displacement' or something like that is better suited. Other than that, yes it's real.

What's the percentage of homeless people in your stats. Especially for DC ?

I thought it was bullshit until the official slogan of the Democratic party became "FUCK WHITE PEOPLE"

The term you are looking for is ethnic cleansing.

Man the only reason hispanics are on the come up is them hopping the southern fence.
That shits coming to an end rq rq


Who cares. I'm white and when I die it won't affect me so I'm not going to worry about it.

>Ethnic cleansing is usually accompanied with the efforts to remove physical and cultural evidence of the targeted group in the territory through the destruction of homes, social centers, farms, and infrastructure, and by the desecration of monuments, cemeteries, and places of worship.

Well would you look at that.

it is not only white genocide ,it is race genocide.
Why? because of globalization


also who ever said u had a slave or blamed u?

white genocide is definitely real. people are being replaced, but i don't think it's that much of a big deal. chinks will slaughter all of the browns when whites die out

Opposing colonialism by colonizing.

You aren't American. You and (OP) need to read the Kalergi Plan. It's a plan that came about by an ideological founder of the EU which results in more control for the elites by systematic destruction of the white populace. This is your sneak peek. Look it up.

Diversity is a one way street. Jewish State? Fine and dandy. A Christian Nation? That is pure evil. Starting line up of a NBA team is all black? Why that is okay because blacks are athletic geniuses who earned their spots. A street named after a white racist? Must be renamed. A street named after a black nationalist race baiter like Malcom X? That's just innocent racial pride.

>"lmao i personally it's a stupid belief made up by white supremacists to have a reason for their anger"
you probably listen to the bbc so of course you don't believe it

So women are attracted to people that they have similar interests with.

Women are lazy
Women are inconsiderate
Women hate working
Women like vices
Women are.....etc

If you take the traits of women, black men have all the same traits.

Women are attracted to black men because they are on the same lower intellectual level.

I believe in white suicide, pushed by jews.

Its a shit tier talking point. Normies see "genocide" and then see that they're not being systematically killed and think you're an idiot.

"White genocide"
That sounds like some white supremacist who can't bear to be cucked anymore

That isn't what genocide means tho so normalfags proving they are useful idiots once again.

In their native tongue it's "Demographics is Destiny". I've been hearing Demofags say this for 20 years now. They are so fucking sure that we will have a socialist utopia once we import enough stupid brown people to always vote Democrap.

And in answer to Ahmed hiding behind a British flag. Yes I believe in it.

I think the natural traits of Nordics (intelligence, empathy, low aggression, and future planing) make "whites" too hard to control for the world elites. (((They))) would be much happier with a world of chinks, poos, beaners, or mulattos. (((They))) hate us, and ONLY us, with a passion. (((They))) will never feel truly in control while even one pure white person walks this earth.

There is no "believing" involved its planed, said out loud and done.
You dont believe in water you know its a thing when you see it.


>hurr durr i am an ultramaterialist retard whose worldview can't handle the idea that motivation can proceed from something other than socioeconomic ambition and also i can't talk about a contentious point without hiding behind a defensive walk of irony and snark

Article 7 of a 1994 draft of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples uses both the word "ethnocide" and the phrase "cultural genocide" but does not define what they mean. The complete article reads as follows:

Indigenous peoples have the collective and individual right not to be subjected to ethnocide and cultural genocide, including prevention of and redress for:
(a) Any action which has the aim or effect of depriving them of their integrity as distinct peoples, or of their cultural values or ethnic identities;
(b) Any action which has the aim or effect of dispossessing them of their lands, territories or resources;
(c) Any form of population transfer which has the aim or effect of violating or undermining any of their rights;
(d) Any form of assimilation or integration by other cultures or ways of life imposed on them by legislative, administrative or other measures;
(e) Any form of propaganda directed against them.