How does it feel being losers?

How does it feel being losers?

>pepe is on the same level as two historical states that took years to defeat.

Way to inflate the ego liberals.

i dont know, ive never been a confederate or a nazi and if you see a cartoon frog as a legitimate enemy then i would ask you how it feels to be a loser.


if you see yourself rallying under a cartoon you're probably the biggest loser of all

Pepe won in 2016 tho and sorta in 2017 if you count the inauguration


The world is in chaos after the 2016 election.

And you think we consider that a loss.

>confused descendants of rebel cells
>I fly towards the universe, I'll pass through it
>if you are a star, show yourself, I will stop

Chaos from Order - Order from Chaos

If you meme a president, you lose.

this is the average Sup Forumsster

Better than it feels to be a fucking nigger

never said i was but i do apreciate the humor of the group.



I STILL think Pepe being considered a racist/nazi symbol is really really funny. I don't think I'll ever get over it.

newfags don't sage, hide, and report shitty and obvious bait

why do election losers keep trying to call others losers.

do liberals know how to stop projecting?


Someone Photoshop this to a democrat symbol and 2016 pls

> electing one shitty president over another

everyone hates you now and you're considered ISIS-lite. you're losers

Good. Bought a house in January, so no need to blame the system as to why I can't afford anything or hate white people.

poor pepe

>when youre so clinically retarded you believe the medias narrative and think youre smart

By "everyone" you mean the same people who did before - the shitlibs in shitlib hives? No one cares faggot.

exactly yes what the actual fuck is going on with those drones


This. Anyone who believes the media should be sterilized.

The media need a major enema

good luck getting the new fidget spinner grew up watching YouTube generation to follow your terrorist bullshit lmao

>left = communists
>bernie = communist

What did Ameribibles mean by this?


We haven't had the war to lose yet.

>terrorist bullshit
>standing around a monument

>not terrorist bullshit
>attacking people and burning shit

Back to your hole, antifa cuck/brainwashed goy.


I'm actually not sure what you meant by this post.


>How does it feel being losers?

I don't know. Ask Antifa. They are getting their asses kicked at every event. It's funny as hell.

Hillary/Obama shoop inbound

Pepe lost what?

He actually looks more attractive than 90% of niggers, and he's ugly. So yeah I guess he does have superior genetics to them. Not among the white population though, true.

proving that the OP was grasping


There should be a Islamist version of this.

>hahaha, look at that loser
>he’s not embracing degeneracy
t. WTJs




So long as the Pepe emoticons and the Donald Trump MAGA game with Steam Trading cards is still for sale we are good.


>democrat slave owners lost in 1865 (zero republicans and many democrats owned slaves at the start of the civil war)

>national socialists lost in 1945 even after being supported by democrats

>Pepe the frog lost in 2017

Wait, how did Pepe lose?


Fucking losers

The internet delivers ahead of schedule.

"Wrong side of history" according to them.

I want to thank the retarded alt-right for the rally in Charlotte. People that aren't alt-right are so disgusted with you fags that millions rallied in the streets around the country just to tell you to fuck off, and ruined Trump's reputation even further.

You also ruined many confederate statues just because you are stupid enough to relate their cause with yours.

Truly, you are the most cucked political spectrum in America. Kek. Anything you relate yourselves to end up getting shat on. Your own existence is a meme in itself.

t. shill.

0.05 cents has been deposited in your account.

It's attracted a lot of attention. Probably growing the movement.

Nobody cares about the people denouncing it.

>"Losers" is a valid argument


God bless


Oddly feels like winning

who is your president again?

None of those are remotely the same. Niggers can't even into history.

you tell me Hillary

how does it feel being the kind of person who posts this thread every day

Go beat up a bin faggot

this /thread
nigga isnt getting the fpbp he wants

All 3 of those groups are immortalized in history, so I'm not complaining

I fucking love debating inbreds like you. Why are you even on this website? I'm amazed someone as dumb as you can even operate a computer. Anyway, I'm going to need you to take your opinions and shove 'em way up inside your butthole. Not like you'd understand that reference, its from Rick and Morty. I suppose if I am to even engage in discourse with someone such as yourself I need to reduce myself to saying 'Bazinga' after making a statement otherwise you wouldn't even be aware of how many dimensions you have been owned in. In fact you know what, I was going to embarrass you publicly but you're just not worth it. Studies show that conversing with persons below 2 standard deviations outside of your IQ range is pointless. Of course I can't delete this post once I've started writing it since I need you to know how pathetic you are in all parallel and alternate universes, none of which you are loved in.

The small pepe in this picture looks pretty nervous.. I feel sorry for him.

>he doesn't rally under the Team Die Gurren flag

omg guys he is so nervous!!! We need to halp him guys!!