What would you do if you looked like this?


Kill myself

shitpost all day

find a girl just as ugly so we could make uber ugly children.

>What would you do if you looked like this?

Vote for Trump.

report this post for wasting perfectly good trips while having nothing to do with politics

waste quality digits

Read marx and become a revolutionary chad

Gain weight, lift, get a tan, eat healthy, fresh hair cut, possibly grow slight beard

I would do exactly the same what im doing now.

nevermind I checked his face again i would just kill myself immediately

Fit into British society

Probably tell lots of lies to myself every day



what if the child comes out a model and disowns you and your ugly wife?!??

Make a Yandre Simulator


Git gud

run for congress

I would grow a beard, wear clothes that fit me, eat right, maybe move sometimes, and do something reserved but maintained with my hair. I would pick a something that I really liked, and get good at it. Really, if you just do the last one, the rest sort of just fall into place.

Looks like a future person of mass happening.

this is messed up you guys he might have an illness

literally me

Become a streamer.

Write a memo that gets me fired from Google

Shave my head and LARP