What if American Slavery Never Existed?

I dunno guys, do you think we would be better off today?


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>no niggers in usa
>caribbean nations are white paradises
>brazilians arent monkeys
If only, lad. If only.

>america has smaller population
>no blacks
>no racial tensions but no one ever thinks of blacks
>less money in the americas and less land conquered
>USA completely dominated by the north
>no european empires built on slave profits
>europeans focus on the eastern trade routes
>african coastal kingdoms are poorer
>africa still gets post-industrial revolution imperialism

>world divided in nationalistic and racial bubbles

the south would never exist tho, and all power would belong to yankee

Does Brazil have the reparation movement going on?
That is a fuckload of slaves.

>I dunno guys, do you think we would be better off today?

No. Slavery brought out the best in whites.

slave cant pay reparation for slave

portugal would pay
but now whites are getting blacked and losing every country

That's not due to slavery, that's due to lack of slavery.

Immediate re-enslavement is the only solution.

If American slavery never existed then the warlords that enslaved the losers in their little chimp battles would just have killed them. Because of this hundreds of millions of niggers would not exist today.

they wouldn't have the slave money to buy better euro guns and grow their empires even more to enslave more people and get stronger militarily

likely the ruling nations would change from militaristic slavers to people who can actually do something, at least in the south

All of this bullshit because of a single retarded pope banning the enslavement of Native Americans... how stupid is that. We could've had an entire continent full of white and castizo people and instead we have a mulatto supercontinent full of mestizo spics and niggers getting ready to devour what's left of white america. how cool is that


native americans weren't fit for slave work

>weren't fit for slave work

Bullshit. It's because of a stupid pope, look at the Aztec pyramids and all the Inca architecture up in the Andes... it was all built by meso-american midgets. Maybe they weren't quite as productive as their nigger counterparts... but a continent's worth of native midget slave power surely surpasses the effort of having to buy a bunch of niggers from the other part of the world, right?

what if black lives mattered?
>6.25 million black slaves in sub saharan africa, today
>white people ended it here 150 fucking years ago
>let them fix their original homeland

their population decreased bigly due to sickness, they knew the land better than settlers and how to escape and live in the jungle, they were close to their homeland and had more reason to escape, and they were smaller and weaker than better-fed africans, besides being harder to capture since you had to organize expeditions in their own land that you didn't know, fighting jungle and diseases, with a smaller population and some advantages like horses neutered by the dense forests

It's no wonder argentina, mexico and usa only defeated all indian tribes late in the XIXth century

Can't magyars into american history?

Yeah you probably raise valid points... but then again, the population couldn't have been that low, most of the Latin American population today is made up of mestizo midgets. That's not something that happens to a people nigh-exterminated half a millennia ago.

Brazilians would still be Mestizos.

You should've picked your own cotton

the white population was small too

It would be a different south. Probably fighting with itself instead of the yanks. While outright slavery wouldn't exist, farm hands would be paid part in food and housing rather than mone, or otherwise be tied to landowners. This did happen in mining towns were workers got part of their salary in booze, it would happen on a bigger scale.
I guess there would be social unrest in the mid 1800s with farm workers demanding reforms to always be paid in money, but a "civil war" would be limited to workers versus pinkertons until Abraham Lincoln (or whoever) comes up with a federal legislation about it.
The south would be the south, just less different from the north.

Why did we let them stay?

The persecuted Portuguese (((New Christians))) would be unemployed.

We'd all be Mexican, and Germans so no

It's been coming for 40 years...

England would have shipped the whole potato nigger population here instead.

He is right but it's because the blacks took to slavery better than anyone else. These are not my words these are the words of primary slave traders of the world, Arab muslims.
City footpath

Like others have said, the real problem is that the south didn't have enough people in it. Farm workers would have demanded more money as they'd be a scarce resource and that could perhaps have redirected some migrants that in our timeline would have gone to the industrializing North. However, the south had around 3 million slaves at it's peak and replacing those people with European migrants would have been hard.

I don't want to live in a world where Brazilians aren't monkeys

Potato niggers. Prior to the famine there were 8 million. They could have easily made up the shortage.

It'd doubtful that more Irish people could have left Ireland than actually did leave Ireland. The amount that arrived in American alone between 1820 and 1850 was around 1 million. If you increased that to 4 million, you'd basically see Ireland loosing close to 90% of it's populaton in just three decades.

Of course that level of migration from Ireland wouldn't be completely implausible, we saw pretty insane amounts of people leaving Sweden for America during the 19th century. I mean we're talking something like half of the Swedish population just fucking right off to America

Without slaves the yankee/dixie dichotomy would've been non-existent....