Is walmart dog whistling to white nationalists?

is walmart dog whistling to white nationalists?

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>tfw no Walmart beer

>back to school

I'd probablly be an alcoholic if i was a teacher tbqh.

Dumb.. Walmart is about money, period


dude a fucking 6 pack costs like 12 bucks here.
Fuck Ontario's stupid fucking liquor government monopoly.

>back to school
obvious have an /ourguy/ in the stocking department

No, but if you pressure them on this you could probably get PBR banned from Walmart.

Is that good? King of water is the only American I have tasted.

>that scooter-american in the back

Life, liberty and bursuit of burger :DD

>15bucks for a sixpack

Where is this? Europe?

>drinking 2.3%

Truly, we have reached pinnacle degeneracy.

that's not a six pack you dumb fuck

I want to shop in a walmart so fucking bad at least once in my life.

You Americans do not even realize how attractive your lifestyle is to young people here in Europe, even with it's flaws.

There is something so magic about the most simplest of things in America.

checked and kek'd you liberty-lacking leaf. Your jealousy is more delicious than your filthy Tim-Bits™


thats a dirty thirty you fuck

count again, if you're able.

so why do you eurotrash constantly bash us then?

PBR is terrible, even by Budweiser standards. Hipsters drink it ironically to show how down to earth and "street" they are. It's among the worst of all the American beers. I am however happy to report that we have excellent local microbrews in basically every small town up to large cities, so there's no reason to drink that swill. Unless you're virtue signalling of course.

>Clearly indicated there are 30 cans per package


It tastes bad but strangely enough it gets me more drunk than the other shit beers.

You'd be horrified by the people who shop there.

Enjoy your sickening buzz and terrible hangover. But at least you look cool.

can you read?

No Walmart photo would ever be complete without a fat ass riding a power scooter

It's almost as if a customer moved signage from one department to another for a social media photo...

I only have ever shopped at Walmart when I'm out in the middle of nowhere camping. What's so impressive about it outside of convenience?

Believe me kraut, it's a blessing. Better off shopping at some place like a Kroger's or a Costco.

I want to walk down a street in 1936 Germany so fucking bad at least once in my life.

You Germans do not even realize how attractive your pre-WWII lifestyle is to young people here in America, even with it's flaws.

There is something so magic about the most simplest of things in Nazi Germany.

you haven't lived until you've driven around a walmart in their freedom carts.

PBR does not taste too bad, but it is a "watery" beer. But lager in general is watery and tasteless (except for hipster microbrew lager where they threw a bunch of random flavors in for the hell of it).
What's wrong with watery beer? Do you not drink water either?

No, it's similar.

pbr is a hipster beer at least in texas.

I drank so many pbrs in college (because they're cheap) that I genuinely like them now.

I imagine it's the novelty of it and what it brings. Like how some may want to visit some shitskin country and experience a crowded, shitty bazaar.

I love Costco.

>We must secure the existence of our beverages and a future for cheap beer.
My favorite macrobrew.

its the "I want to party and get drunk on a budget beer" its honestly not that bad you just have to kick a few back till theyre good

Ikr? Buy anything in that bitch for a massive amount at a cheap price relative to the unit.

probably a university town dog whistling to frat boys

>communists like this want to be in charge of allocating resources

>communist flag
>advocating for generic flavorless "beer"
checks out

Look at his flag. He's accounting for the 24 beer can tax for every purchase of a 30 pack.

Beer is for pussies and cucks. Real men drink 80 proof bourbons and scotches.

What are the most known American bulk beers and their rankings? I'm not so interested in 'fancy' beer even when I'm a tourist. I just drink beer because I fucking have to.

sssh, these people have never had actual beer before. They just like HOP OVERLOAD: TURBO5000, and NUTTINBUTHOPS for sale for $19.99 a six pack

just wait until the revolution. anyone drinking beer with flavor will go to gulag

Natty Ice $12.97.
We must secure a stronger cheaper beer and drink in parking lot. I'll getter.

its actually 4.74% ABV and a trip to the bathroom pissing every 3 minutes

>be fat amerikkan
>need THIRTY beers instead of just 6

Can Americans even count or does thier alphebet go: 3 4 5 30 ?

real Texans drink Shiner or Lone Star if they are desperate poorfags.

Go on beer advocate and look for American adjunct lager. I doubt anything will be rated above 70/100, with most being in the low 60/100 range. Still, and ice cold beer that you can drink quick after a hard day's work is hard to beat.

contray to popular belief, there are actually many other beers than IPAs which got hyperinflated in the 90s. I've seen my fellow burgers go to europe and complain that the beer was "shit" because it didn't have 100x hops, and actually had undertone tastes. (and had been made for 500 years)
as far as I'm concerned, those fuckers are same that shove a gallon of A1 sauce on their steak, or 2 quarts of Ketchup on their burgers.

>not drinking $9.99 build your own 6 pack with neato IPAs and overall the best quality beer available.
>not paying $11 for a big bottle of Rogue

>thinks we stop at 30

Try Yeungling if you're ever here
Best cheap beer you can buy

Disdain directed towards my country from a communist flag means we're doing something right.


>misspelling "alphabet"
>thinking an alphabet consists of numbers

It's just so big, XXL, just so American.

It probably has to do with me growing up under communism in East Germany, but I cannot stop idiolizing America as the greatest fucking country in the world.

My dream is it to get a green card and live in America but that is sadly a few years away.

America is just so fucking great man, I hate being stuck in Europe. It's so fucking boring here. The US has an amazing landscape, great people, not as many autistic soulless people as in Germany, it has great art teachers and generally a huge creative scene while Germany has almost none of that.

I also want to shoot a gun so fucking bad, not even a big gun, just a 9x19 handgun would be enough.

Just.. fucking kill me already Germany is so boring, drab, grey and depressing.

I never bash Americans on here, it's always some other autistic krauts.

>hipster beer is now racist

This is pretty great desu senpai, we should alert the SJWs

My favorite is shiner bock

We did plenty of counting when we decided how many astronauts would fly in a spaceship to the FUCKING. MOON.

absolute hogwash id rather drink natty boh

I will hand it to you on the guns there, mein freund, it's always reassuring to have a twelve-gauge at walking distance from your bed.

Pabst... the beer of progressive white trash alt left.

"I'm poor, dirty, don't bathe, live in a shack or 10 to an apartment, here is my demo reel/tape but I'm not hobo white trash because I do hallucinogenic drugs and race mix."

>Enjoy your sickening buzz and terrible hangover. But at least you look cool.

I'm a product of the northwest. I'll take one or two IPAs over an entire night of watery beer. Enjoy your beer shits. Not everyone likes to drink all fucking night. Part of becoming a man is choosing quality over quantity, though I remember my early 20s and I understand that you drink whatever is on hand and cheap.

>PBR does not taste too bad
Personal taste I guess. It tastes like Miller High Life to me, whereas Miller Lite is a nice drinkable pilsner. That's my go-to beer in a situation where I can't be picky. Light and crisp, easy to sip on, doesn't look pretentious. I enjoy basically all types of beer other than fruity beers (lambics are fine in small doses).

>pbr is a hipster beer at least in texas.
It's hipster beer everywhere. Unless you're legit poor, there's no reason to drink it other than to be seen drinking it. That's why they sell it in large cans in a paper bag, so hipsters can larp as homeless guys before they Uber back to their Daddy-funded condo.

>Real men drink 80 proof bourbons and scotches.
A time and a place user, a time and a place.

>What are the most known American bulk beers and their rankings?
I'll let the board answer that for you, but my advice would be to narrow down the type of beer you're looking for first, then look for beers in that category. You won't know until you try it.

Sorry for the blog post. First time I've written a multi-response like this.

Thank God


>not filling up a growler and getting your beer to go fresh from the tap

A burger on a scooter in the background. America fuck yeah!

>not drinking a beer because politics
you're just like the retards who won't eat chik-fil-a because muh pride

Gonna second this, Shiner Bock is pretty good for a cheap beer.

my nigger

By stocking hipster beer?

Love that meme, lol. Especially where he's got the McDonalds shirt on with the minigun mounted on the front n' shit. Also that singular bald eagle flying over head.

Chik-Fil-A is a gift from God. Holy shit I could eat their sandwiches all day, man.

sure enough
every photo taken inside a walmart contains a fat bastard in a motorized cart.
check it

Thank you. Here's a one can of reindeer piss for your services. The worst beer you can find here.

>Back to school

Boy, that one sure fizzled out, didn't it?

A shame, it was our last chance before activism was taken over and ruined by SJWs and antifa assholes.


No, walmart just wants money. PBR is fucking toilet water anyway. Nasty shit.

Europe has history, great castles, scenery, but the level of kike control must be extremely stifling. Now with the invasion of Muslims and niggers I can imagine how you feel.

Here in the USA cops know how to control niggers and Muslims aren't generally welcome.

Damn, it must suck to be an alcoholic in Canada. Dudes would have sell their ass just to get a 30 pack over there.

It basically tastes the same but it's cheaper.

Pabst! Blue! Ribbon!

Sam Adams makes solid macrobrews that are widely consumed and available everywhere.

Kinda, this is 4th dimension satire.

I'm proud of them for stepping up their game.

Walmartfag here. Apparently we try not to charge things with the whole .99cent shit at the end.

>Try Yeungling
Better than PBR, that's for sure. Probably the most overrated beer in the eastern US but I'd drink it, and it's pretty much everywhere over there. People who talk shit on it usually just dislike Philly for some reason (understandable, Philly sucks).

PBR is wal-mart beer. It's disgusting.

>50 cents a beer
God Bless America

It's not that bad. Stop being a pussy, user. Hurricane and St. Ides is truly foul beer, however. PBR isn't even in the same league as far as foulness is concerned.


The last time I had this, I drank two. I felt awesome, but I didn't really enjoy drinking them. At all. Pours a terrible yellow, goldfish color with no head and an unpleasant carbonation. Tastes of alcohol and rotting fruit.

It's not the worst, and for the price it's not all that bad. But the beer is named after a blue ribbon they won in like the 1800's. That was probably the last time anyone decided pbr was the best.

Only redeeming quality of this is it makes Budweiser taste amazing if you have one after the other.