What is MLM?

Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is a synthesis of the experience of the revolutionary communist movement from its inception to today. During the struggles of the proletariat and the oppressed masses, some of the revolutionary and communist thinkers and practitioners, namely Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin and Mao Zedong, studied, queried, experimented and theorized this experience in order to establish a new science. This science is called Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and it is an indispensable guide to creating a revolutionary movement and leading humanity to communism.

The establishment of this science does not stem only from the personal experiences of Marx, Lenin and Mao. History is its greatest teacher. While capitalism greatly developed scientific and productive forces, it also gave humanity the opportunity to definitively comprehend how the world works and how history has evolved. Before capitalism, it was impossible to understand history and all its vagaries. The working out of the science of communism was possible through their involvement in class struggle, acute ideological struggles, debates within their own parties and the Communist International. Without their involvement in the struggle of the masses; without their involvement in ideological and political discussion, it would have been impossible to produce this science despite their great personal qualities.

Marxism-Leninism-Maoism analyses historical changes. History moves forward through class struggle. A social class is more than just a group of individuals that share the same interests on account of the way they fit in with each other and the rest of society through the relations of production. A social class must also be conscious of these interests. Only the historical synthesis and the proper ideology of a proletarian party can help them achieve this goal.

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Let us build our great new wall

fuck off tankie

Anarchy is the end goal of communism. The only difference is how we think it can be achieved.

Could you define what real socialism is?


How is this different from regular Maoism and what political party advocates for this?

A political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

It's more universal than maoism which had China in mind. Many countries have local parties that advocate for MLM

all fucking commies must fucking hang.
>in all fields

If there was a Nazi party I'd join it only to piss off cunts like you.
If you animals actually do go full retard I'll be rooting for the right wing death squads.
Do something.

What do you think communism means? We just want to end exploitation of capital

You know that Nazi's are closer to Communists than Capitalists right?

So Venezuela is a socialist country by your definition, correct?

There are many socialisms. The term can be difficult to use honestly. Look up Libertarian Socialism, it is the correct way for humans to govern themselves.

Real socialism, the original socialism which developed in the wake of the industrial revolution means a democratized workplace. Businesses under capitalism are fascist in structure, totally hierarchical, the guys at the bottom do all the work but the guys at the top get all the money. Democratizing the workplace solves all kinds of problems but I'm too tired to list examples sorry.

Hello gomrades! XDDDD Dis general is for disgussion of margsism-lebonnism, da ideology of revolutionary socialism and gommunism.

Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society.

Wat exagtly is gommunism according to gommies:

>Gommunism is a stage of guckery in which the produgtive infrustrugture runs away from gommie country, and no goods are produced and beeple starve. XDDDD
>Gommunism in full form is obressive, statist society dat follows maxim "gib gib gib!" :DDDD
>To achieve gommunism we must replace broduction with murderous obressive rulers liek me, fug working glass beeple. XDDDD Struggle while I liquidate you all lol. When capitalists run away we win and I kill you all. Eventually the functions of state cease and state becomes murderous and indistinguishable from other gommies. Da state withers away liek da people.

GL uses philosphy of gib and starve, see here:

It is recommend you kill yourself so you can avoid starving.


Da sdages of gommunism.

>Sdage one
Bourgers aren't allowed to vode :DDD but otherwise da system is digtadorshib of gommies. Everything is stole by digtadors and digtadors rule all.

>Sdade two
All beeple who aren't digtador glass starve. XDDD Once glass disabears and we steal everything more beeple wither away. Bolice begome unnecessary as beeple are dead lol :DDDDD Central blanning begomes unnecessary begause sgarcity caused starving. Money is all ours.

>Sdage three
No beeple. No food. My money. Much benis.

>Sdage four
Nod real gommunism. Move on to nexd goundry :DDDDDDD

> exploitation of capital
At least say it like it is, wide spread poverty for the masses and all riches concentrated in the hands of the despot dictator.

Threadly reminder that America defeated communism.

No, they fail to meet the definition of "owned or regulated by the community as a whole" part. I am not an expert on South American politics though so I could not tell you why it failed

Thats the opposite of communism

Communism is a moneyless, classless, stateless society you fucking mongoloid. You beat authoritarian state capitalism.

Also you haven't beat shit but your dick faggot.

so what you're basically saying is.. it wasn't real communism?

But Chavez, with his United Socialist Party of Venezuela, took power democratically and nationalized the major industries, most famously the Oil Production

If this doesn't qualify as "owned or regulated by the community as a whole", could you give a example of what that actually is and how it would function?

No wonder why it always fails.

Your ideology is as bankrupt as Natsoc even if in principle it's right about a lot of things. Personality cults are for cucks.

You don't reach the Utopia over night. You don't stop trying either

ah dam got me

>Before Communism
Communism makes people equally
>After Communism
Communism makes people poor equally

Commie Personality cult?

Mao literally killed millions do to his retardation. Go ahead and put his name on your ideology.

Sounds absolutely BOLSHY™
>B O L S H Y

>50 U.S.C § 842

>The Communist Party of the United States, or any successors of such party regardless of the assumed name, whose object or purpose is to overthrow the Government of the United States, or the government of any State, Territory, District, or possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein by force and violence, are not entitled to any of the rights, privileges, and immunities attendant upon legal bodies created under the jurisdiction of the laws of the United States or any political subdivision thereof; and whatever rights, privileges, and immunities which have heretofore been granted to said party or any subsidiary organization by reason of the laws of the United States or any political subdivision thereof, are terminated.

Sage this garbage.

If history is the greatest teacher why haven't you learned from these three idiots mistakes?

Noboy wants military enforced slavery, thanks.
It isn't. Have you not read any communist literature that isn't propaganda demonizing everything else? A single ruling party deciding the worth of labor and distribution of wealth that only allows entry to those already aligned with this upper class is the equivalent of a capitalist monopoly run by a council of vicious dictators. Communism isn't about equality, it is about the exploitation of the people.

The state/nation /=/ the community. They are not advanced enough to reach that state. Socialism is a more advanced form of consciousness that can't be faked by states declaring themselves it while seizing the capital for themselves.

>ywn overthrow the capitalist system and take my shit

There is no military under world communism

>What is MLM?

Another pathetic attempting at a failed doctrine that failed 100% of time.

It is a thread for lowlifes to gather to whilst they wait for their impeding doom at the hand of the Right Wing Death Squads

>Blue and Yellow
Missed opportunity to make Ukrainian flag (country that got really fucked over from communism)

You have no idea how it works. Read what I wrote at least. It is a historical progress

and he also had some good idea's aside from his mistakes

>"Noboy wants military enforced slavery, thanks."
>Literally a Nazi

I bet you think I'll respond to your shitty b8

>Socialism is a more advanced form of consciousness that can't be faked by states declaring themselves it while seizing the capital for themselves.
Which is what communist dictatorships do.
So... you're saying communism isn't real socialism? Or is it socialism that is not real communism?

Here's an example of workplace democratization in practise

Why are the communists on this board so fucking dumb?

Is this some CTR / shareblue thing?

Socialism leads to communism. Chances are if a "communist country" has a dictatorship they fail to meet the definition of socialism or communism because capital hasn't reached the hands of the proletariat

So you are saying Socialism can only work inside a Capitalist system where regular people voluntarily give to each other?

Doesn't that already exist with charities/food banks/etc.
If so why bother trying to topple the government or stop capitalism?

Socialism is the transitionary period between capitalism and communism.

Socialism is where wealth is distributed equitably, industry is democratically controlled.

Communism is the end goal, a moneyless, classless, stateless society.

Sure, after you and your 20 friends have murdered the rest of the World's population, you can disband the military.

I don't know who you are and I don't give two shits. In all forms of communism, people are forced to work under the threat of execution, and all profits from their labor are exploited by the authoritarian proletariat party. It is a dictatorship based on slavery.

National Socialism is socialism applied to the welfare of the nation and it's cultural heritage. No one shoots you for not giving everything you have to them and bend the knee. They only shoot you if you try to enslave them or rape their daughters, you know, like the Nazis did to the murderous Bolsheviks in the Weimar Republic.

Socialism can only work when people are at a stage where they can share the means of production without falling to corruption or faux socialism that still embraces capitalism like china and Venezuela.

>it leads to historical progress
>It is literally only capable of passing time

Sounds about right.

I recall some commie group in southamerica preaching this shit and eventually turning into terrorist, killing mostly farmers and working class cause they were not on their side.
"Shinning Path" i think was the name

Nothing we teach has anything to do with murdering.

South America generally isn't at a high of a level of consciousness as most of the western world. Even the west has a lot of improvement to do.

>I don't know who you are and I don't give two shits.

>Nothing we teach has anything to do with murdering
Except that every single time communism has been implemented in practice, it devolves into an orgy of mass murder

Then could you explain how human being would be able to reach that stage where they can share the means of production without falling to corruption?

You really are dumb, but then again you're using a nazi flag ,so low iq.

Democratize industry. Decentralize society, dismantle illegitimate authority. Progressive income tax. Equitable distribution of wealth. Nationalization of banking, media, oil. Single payer health care. Basic income.

Lots can be done.

Hey conrade is really good to be the only person in the city with internet. jajaja
Here in Venezuela only the State elite have internet so I can be like you and masterbate to cartoons like my little pony, watch trans porn and play video games like you so good. XD
Because Im the only one in the city with internet Im mucho more popular than musicians and athletes, jajajaja so bueno conrade.
I even buyed a hair dye like shock pink to look like a 1st world left youth member I just need to enlarge more my anus with some rubber stuff but its hard to find here in Venezuela.
Communismo rules
Viva Chaves, Viva Maduro
The class struggle here is non existent since the only class are the people in the State Elite, the others are only our slaves who were oposition, jejejeje
Also I wish hope Japan make a communist Boku no Piko. XD~

All communist countries have, by definition, a dictatorship. The Worker's Party unilaterally makes all economic and political decisions without any regard for the opinion or welfare of the public. Usually it results in the Worker's Party stealing as much capital as they can and enslaving all non-party members to work in exchange for a ration and a blanket the rest of their lives.

In socialism, the means of production are democratically controlled, but the wealth is NOT distributed equitably, as there are profit motives and profits generated by a firm are either to be employed by that firm, or to accumulate in a social dividend to be used by the state to finance basic structure of society.
Socialism simply takes away exchange value.

Communism is classically called "classless" even though it does possess two classes: Worker's Party members and non members. All are bound by the same rules, but these rules are decided exclusively by the Worker's Party, whose composition is decided also by the Worker's Party. In essence, a dictatorship with a single ruling class presiding over an impoverished people who are forced to work according to their capabilities, and to surrender all products of labor to finance the Worker's Party, the military force that threatens to execute dissenters, and then a small fraction is given to the others according to their needs.

There is a reason people fight tooth and nail to NOT belong in communism: no one wants to be enslaved by vicious monsters.

But how would you even be able to do all of that with a decentralized society

Progressive income tax. Equitable distribution of wealth. Nationalization of banking, media, oil. Single payer health care. Basic income.
All these things being provided implies that there is a strong government that is able to enforce laws

I understand the part about socialism and seizing the means of production, but in the end game of communism/anarchy/whatever you wanna call the lack of State, who stops people from i dunno, just doing whatever the fuck they want? I mean, what stopped Person 1 from making more money than Person 2 in soviet russia or Maoist China? I'm legitimately curious


Not necessarily. I mean you could decentralize society and let people sort it out for themselves. I'm not saying do all these things, but these things would work to make society better.

If you gave people sovereignty over their own communities without an overbearing government it would probably be a lot easier to institute these changes in all honesty. Big government is unwieldy.

Pinochet did nothing wrong

So you mean that socialism works only with non-human beings? How is this helpful for humans?

This is objectively false. Anyone who refuses to surrender all of their earnings to the Worker's Party in the name of "from each according to his ability" is either promptly shot in the head or is forcibly robbed of all possessions, including clothing and food, and left to starve or freeze to death. Communism always uses mass murder as the incentive to submit to the Worker's Party, since there is no profit motive nor nationalistic pride. Only the threat of death if you stop being exploited by the ruling class.

So because you can not argue against facts or history you make use of ad hominem? And how ironic is it that you're accusing someone of having low IQ for wearing a certain flag while brandishing a Communist flag?

, knowledge begins by apprehending existing objects in their specific differences. In the study of nature, for example, we distinguish matters, forces, genera, and the like, and stereotype each in its isolation. Thought is here acting in its analytic capacity, where its canon is identity, a simple reference of each attribute to itself. It is under the guidance of the same identity that the process in knowledge is effected from one scientific truth to another. Thus, for example, in mathematics magnitude is the feature which, to the neglect of any other, determines our advance. Hence in geometry we compare one figure with another, so as to bring out their identity. Similarly in other fields of knowledge, such as jurisprudence, the advance is primarily regulated by identity. In it we argue from one specific law or precedent to another: and what is this but to proceed on the principle of identity?

But Understanding is as indispensable in practice as it is in theory. Character is an essential in conduct, and a man of character is an understanding man, who in that capacity has definite ends in view and undeviatingly pursues them. The man who will do something great must learn, as Goethe says, to limit himself. The man who, on the contrary, would do everything, really would do nothing, and fails. There is a host of interesting things in the world: Spanish poetry, chemistry, politics, and music are all very interesting, and if any one takes an interest in them we need not find fault. But for a person in a given situation to accomplish anything, he must stick to one definite point, and not dissipate his forces in many directions. In every calling, too, the great thing is to pursue it with understanding.

Only humans are capable of advanced consciousness. Some are further along then others.

Yeah sure, by eliminating private property, wealth, food, water then the people. Commie paradise!

Property and money is only eliminated when there is enough to go around for everyone that no one has to worry about it

Lol, just lol. One day you'll grow up and realise how very wrong you were. Until then leave the politics to functioning adults.

By your own admission,
> Businesses under capitalism are fascist in structure, totally hierarchical, the guys at the bottom do all the work but the guys at the top get all the money. Democratizing the workplace solves all kinds of problems but I'm too tired to list examples sorry.

You realize that your description of fascist capitalism is ultra incomplete and also defines communism, right? All workers' labor is exploited by a single corrupt ruling class, the Worker's Party.
Have you ever read any history book? Have you ever heard of WWI? Cold war? Joseph fucking Stalin? The Holodomor?

This is the history of consciousness itself we are talking about. It happens regardless of what you think about it.

But that would mean different communities would have different success with ruling themselves, you'd basically regress human society to tribes

>In every calling, too, the great thing is to pursue it with understanding.
So how do you pursue understanding of this greater consciousness and how would that make for the implementation of socialism in society

Hey conrade don't avoid me Im a venezuelan senpai. My father works for Maduro police I have pink hair and I like sucking cocks like you. XD
Hey conrade in the prison here all the oposition eat shit jajajaja
We dominate the country conrade, come here visit me XD
Hey conrade we can bang all negros here come to Venezuela jejejejeje
We can play ps2 and suck each other cocks like in the xvideos XD
You gonna be my conrade moe I'm brown almost black and I know you like color people XD

Enough to go around according to whom? And don't say "collectives" or "committee" or anything like that because then it's not real Communism according to Marx... cone on pinko faggot, who decides how everything gets parceled out?

>History of conciousness.
What are you blabbering on about?

>Only humans are capable of advanced consciousness. Some are further along then others.
And humans with advanced consciousness have already determined that we are not biologically wired to submit to a single ill-defined ideal that fits your agenda and no one else's. People have different political opinions and inclinations, and this is good as it allows different ideas to compete on their merits. Or it would, if there weren't authoritarian pigs like imperialist capitalists and communists.
I defend your right to be a communist in your land with your people, but you do not have a right to waltz into other people houses, beat and torture them into submission into your twisted slave-based murder-laden ideology. You do not have the right to attempt global domination, and you do not have the right to simply shoot everyone who disagrees with you.
Until you learn to respect other people's opinions, you'll never grow as a person. And when you respect that other people have different perspectives and we all have a right to coexist peacefully, that is the day you will drop the communist flag and become a responsible adult.

Communism is a death trap. You may as well just save the commu ist leaders the hassle and sign all your earthly possessions over to them and neck yourself....or shot at them. Those are your two best options.....either that or they slowly starve you and your family to death.

care to take a ride in my helicopter. you'll have a kick

Mostly just consciousness testing itself against itself in form of other people. Voicing your opinion and then having it tested against others until you reach an opinion that can stand up to something

All consciousness leads to communism, your petty events mean nothing in the grand scheme of things.

I give up brothers. This movement is just too fucked for me. I'm not alone either...

So your using some new age bullshit as circular reasoning to justify your shitty ideals, great.

You dont have a helicopter, fatty

Exactly, these kids don't understand that communist is not peaceful or willing at all. They clearly have dabbled in Karl Marx's texts but they have never pondered the actions of Stalin or the horrors of the Holodomor, and not to mention Mao Zedong's 1949 purge, the GLF famine and the second purge in 1966.

So the free exchange of ideas, i.e. free speech, is vital for what you want to accomplish correct?

Then why does Antifa wish to stifle all opposing views?
It doesn't matter how repugnant an idea is, according to you it needs to be freely expressed to be able to compete with opposing ideas

If opposing ideals are not expressed and tested against others then the advanced consciousness you speak of will never occur, according to you

>Mostly just consciousness testing itself against itself in form of other people. Voicing your opinion and then having it tested against others until you reach an opinion that can stand up to something
But this is EXACTLY what communists avoid. It is why Mao and Stalin purged people. Address my reasoning, if you truly believe in your words:

Wow, just when I thought the communists on this board couldn't get any more degenerate, this subhuman shows up.

Please end your existence before you cause others to experience the same.

Do you deny that consciousness exists and that over time it has reached a point that is more rational than before?

>All workers' labor is exploited by a single corrupt ruling class, the Worker's Party.
Have you ever read any history book? Have you ever heard of WWI? Cold war? Joseph fucking Stalin? The Holodomor?

I literally have never heard of a single one of those things. There are many kinds of communism matey. Even Libertarian Communism. Lots of Socialists and Communists have major problems with Stalin and the Soviet Union.

I don't like calling stuff Communism because nobody living has seen or will see Communism, it is a moneyless, stateless, classless society, that is way way down the road. You probably got your hot buns crossed over Leninism/Stalinism, authoritarian regimes which were anti-socialist. Immediately after the Bolshevik revolution they crushed every popular movement, destroyed the workers councils, dismantled the soviets, they had super exploitation of labor. That's not indicative of the problems with Socialism that shows the problems of authoritarianism.

Socialism's goal is to liberate working people, did working people control the means of production? If not then it's not socialism.

I mean I don't like calling the USSR or like Maoist China Communist because they're not.

People call themselves Communists, whatever. Should be anarchists but that's another debate.

Some liberals are hypocritical. Just because you call them leftists doesn't mean they adhere to the stable beliefs of it.

>dude maybe if we just beat our heads against the wall a little harder it'll all come tumbling down
>dude social Darwinism is like mad legit and like science and stuff so if like social class is like a result of like darwinism then like... communism is science bro it's settled. settled science. I'm smart.
>dude like maybe we can't like do it in like post-industrialism and shit like that but uh... maybe if we like overthrow a couple like I dunno Mexican and Indian states the UN and NATO will just like... I dunno give up???

You people are fucking idiots real talk.

I have only masturbated twice today.


So what happens, when during the path towards the advanced consciousness, socialism meets opposing ideas.

Since this is something that is still in progress, how can you be sure the end result will be socialism/communism and not something entirely different

Antifa doesn't believe in freedom of speech. Simple.