Call me a shitskin all you like, we are related and have common ancestors and you can't change that. I am your cousin

Call me a shitskin all you like, we are related and have common ancestors and you can't change that. I am your cousin.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm an alien
You can't prove shit

Was hoping for a rare, but all I got was a shitty leaf

FINALLY! Someone gets it!

That's good but it still doesn't change the fact that us whites are better than you in every single way.

And that just pisses you off doesn't it?

We are related to coral reefs too, plus corals help the planet and shitskins destroy it.

but you're not bro. My tech is Asian, my clothes are Bangladeshi, my food is middle eastern. I love everbody, whites are good at things too.

our ancestors :)

Just like how Amoebas are our relatives?

We don't think Amoebas are equal to us just because we are related

>We are related to coral reefs too
Yes if you go back far enough but we are all humans, it's not comparable.

My *real* cousin is a half retarded brony autiste and I don't associate with him, why would I want to associate with my shitskin retard genetic "cousins" from the inbred side of the "family" any more?

>we are all humans

I beg to differ

why would being someone's retarded distant cousin make you happy?

Aliens do post on this board so whatever bro

>Lets see how enriched u are when habib blows up your supermarket

Seriously dude quit being so fucking stupid. I Know its cold up there so its hard to think but seriously your kids are going to hate u.

Your daughters going to come from school one day years from now and say "hey dad, akmed raped me today and no one stopped him".

To which you will reply: Just accept it honey. We wuz all shitskins.
Thats you. Do us all a favor and kill yourself.

all I know is that my sperm and your sisters egg is able to create another human being.


And a fat Russian in his parents basement can jerk off into a chicken egg and """make a chimera"""

What's the fucking point

on every level exept physical i am an Elephant

there's literally more genetic diversity in domestic dogs than in humans

Donkeys are Horses can mate, you just get a fucking dumb retarded offspring

I don't see corals shitting in the streets or expolding at concerts, corals are better cousins than shitskins

Here's the full list of other human species it is ok for whites to mix with, (ignore the Others section)

If you aren't on there I don't know what to tell ya

>Donkeys are Horses can mate, you just get a fucking dumb retarded offspring
ah but mules can't reproduce because donkeys and horses are different species. A biracial human can reproduce. Oh and mules are quite smart and useful animals.

>I am your cousin

the fuck up one

also a banana

Then we share one-eighth of our genes. The rest of you has to go back inshallah. Get off of my continent.

i larp as a white guy on the internet.

sometimes feminists attack me and i get called bad names for disagreeing with nonlarpers.

We'll, I'll be a monkey's uncle.

>we are related and have common ancestors

So do you and a pig. You still eat pork don't you? Or is it haram?

slavs are subhumans.

end of discussion

>ah but mules can't reproduce because donkeys and horses are different species. A biracial human can reproduce
But they can, brainlet-kun.

who the fuck cares? do you need somebody to tell you what your eyes can tell you

wake up you retarded espanol nigger

Fuck off mountain kike

slavic diaspora ,

you have to go back


You have to go back

>.You still eat pork don't you?
No but you do Sven
They maybe a bunch of cyka's but they are related to you and me
Well I'll be a donkey's nephew!


relations are not important, only the quality of selection

non existant for niggers and slavs

prove me wrong

Why do you live in our country then? Our countries must be better if everyone wants to live here.

Northern germanic heritage here, but nice try.

Serious question about you lazy Swiss fucks though

Our vendor/support team for our Enterprise Resources Planning software is in Switzerland and they take weeks to respond to dev request tickets, is it the thin air and the carb haze from all the chocolate you guys eat that make the Swiss so lazy?

Justin Trudeau invited me, he's a great guy.

we output quality work, now sit down and wait till the master is finished you burger faggot

t. greetings from the modern MOunt Olymp, nr 1 at everything in every field every subject

This thread should be on /bant/

you're the cousin to a white person in the same way a bonobo is a cousin to a white person

six million degrees of seperation

Try harder

>Not even our military is white anymore

Sorry, we came from stars, you literally evolved from monkeys.

The president of Ukraine makes better chocolate than you

All you're good for is firearms, guarding the pope, and providing a tax haven for (((capitalists)))

We left home for a reason

How's this?

I can change the air you breath into delousing agents.

The fact that you want to be related to us and we don't want already tells everything.

Im not related to you, my family came from quebec

Im so glad im not a cumskin

Bonjour, comment ça va?
>The fact that you want to be related to us and we don't want already tells everything.
I don' WANT, I already am related to you

Then, by that logic, pigs are also family.
I hope you don't mind having pigs and porks as your cousins, some common blood in your veins.
How do muslims deal with that?

>people still reply to these posts

So you think being separated for like 200k years makes us family or something?

Well at least we don't eat our cousins.

I like middle easterners. We just have to destroy your religion. I get along with everyone of you I meet

My 23andme.
Proud and Pure South Asian.

Yeah but isn't it `haram` to have pig's blood thrown on you, or in you?
Aren't you supposed to go to hell?

>South Asian
Sirf Continents hai beta
kek no we're just forbidden to eat it. Of course we do try to avoid touching it.

No, you just fuck and have babies with them lmao

>I am your cousin.

You don't even know who you father is, nigger.

Fuck you, mom deserved a better man than you!

>7 billion relatives

Ya that's too much for me