Sup Forums identified in AHS season 7 trailer?

Sup Forums identified in AHS season 7 trailer?

People are getting pretty triggered by it, but I think it's funny as fuck

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Bruh Imma watch the shit out of this.

the author of AHS is a fag iirc

however this seems bullshit even by the standard of latest AHS series.

(((tv series))) seems to be going down pretty hard on propaganda again evil white trump supportes/creepy white guys in general.

Have you seen Mr Mercedes? Based on a Stephen King novel, the bad guy is a literal basement dweller computer genious psychopath who rammed a bunch of people with a Mercedes Benz and harrass others via internet.

omg how can they do this?? trump is a SERIOUS PROBLEM you cant joke about it!

People need to stop watching this mind rot. Learn how to enjoy good literature and classical music and art and you will have no need of it to feel your leisure hours.

God damn my sides.

holy shit this is going to be as funny as the gamergate law and order episode.

>what the thing that scared you the most?
>Trump won

Read an article yesterday saying that The Hallmark Channel does really well in the ratings. Turns out people hate leftist bullshit and forced diversity and political strife. They want simpler shit. The article also stated though that they plan to "diversify" so it will go down the shitter too once they stop showing old shows and go with the new hip diverse negress with an afro route.

Link, you lazy nigger.

reminder this show caters to women and faggots.

Genuinely rooting for blue haired tv humper. Seems like a cool guy

Its a WaPo article so they try to spin it as some reaction to Trump. the comments are gold. Housewives standing up for Trump dropping redpills.

Let's archive that

/ourguy/ Tate.



How is this real

i'm triggered by the pneumatic nailer not have an air hose

Someone needs to make some gifs out of the first part

Libtard crying and Trump guy humping the TV

To be honest I didn't fully understand what's the plot by watching this trailer.
Some sort of horror movie where the bad guys are Trump supporters from outer space?

It's funny to me yes. What's even funnier to me is how the creators ruined a show after 6 seasons.

Imagine how their fanbase must feel.

>guy trying to fuck the TV after trump won
Pretty much my reaction

>MFW watching the Arizona rally last night

I mean you can just keep guessing how the story writing went in the first week.

> Alright alright guys I know we had an idea for season 7 and 8. We've been busy with it since season 3. We've had tremendous succes above all of our expectations. But get this, what if we do a season... on Trump?

well, if you get along with the MSM narrative that living in "Trump America" must be living in literal hell, I can understand why the AHS faggots came up with this idea.

It already has. My mother watches it all the time and it's full of blue pills and diversity propaganda, the bad guys always white, women are always good, especially single mom's, it's trash.

I just don't get it. I thought it was a parody at first.

Appreciated user

>called American Horror Story
>is actually a comedy

That makes it even funnier.

This gives them more fictional stories to identity with. It's harry potter all over.

>"this is just like that time those trump Nazis burned down a inner city preschool and devoured the charred remains of the brown children on national tv, so realistic, so brave!"

i cant stop fucking laughing the first ten seconds are so good

>Imagine how their fanbase must feel
Ryan Murphy's terrible garbage shows are my guilty pleasure, and an entire season about a Sup Forumsack who terrorizes coulrophobic dykes sounds very funny and good to me.

I laughed pretty hard when he humped the t.v.


What does the guy at the end say?
"This is ???? Join me"

wow, rude

they always did this in the previous seasons (at least in the first 4 i watched) - put in as much weird shit as possible and go full retard with it. it would be weird if they never touched politics.

Seems like a show about a poor woman fooled by the (((media))) to believe that the sole existence of Trump in office will turn the entire world into actual hell.
Wow, sounds like the most redpilled TV show ever!

So it's pretty much commonly accepted that white guys are systematically made losers by the political system?

It's never been /good/ and after asylum it's been getting progressively shittier and sillier.

I was angrier to see that boring faggot Twisty than I was to see Trump in the promo.

>car says dodge
>tries to ram instead

ahahaha, holy shit my sides have gone into orbit.

I couldn't possibly care for your opinion on a shit show neither of us watch.

I'm talking about the massive following that this tv show has online that like shorror tv shows, which this was praised for.

How will they ever recover?

I'm amazed your country even has internet access let alone know what a tv is.



He's living in their heads rent free

Eh, I do watch the show- it's a guilty habit- but a lot of super sjws are too mad at the director for working out his weird homo issues by obliterating every gay character into a fine gay mist of blood.
If somebody watches regularly than they're prepared for stupid bullshit- like hotel just being about licking Lady Gaga's sweaty asshole, or whatever the fuck Roanoke was supposed to be.

There it is

I don't even recognise your flag

>nigger doesnt even know that South Africa used to be a first world nation before nogs chimped out and turned it into a shithole


It looks like it's satirizing the liberal meltdown, Trump winning is triggering these lesbians lesbians so much they're developing phobias based on how they see Trump. AHS has been a guilty pleasure for a while though, I may be biased. Hard to be worse than Roanoke or Coven.

AHS has always been cuck shit.
Even Lady gaga appeared in this shitty show and we all know is lady gaga is a typical hollywood brainwashed lefty.

>ranking worse than Hotel or Freakshow

They actually made her look quite attractive in season 5. Say what you want about the show, but their make-up artists must be simply top notch.

Shit those were so bad I didn't finish them.

Dandy made Freakshow just barely worth finishing.

What's the most intense physical pain you've ever experienced in your life?


>AH was absolutely based in season 1-2-3-5
>ok-ish season 4 and 6
>Now we get a season about MUH TRUMP and scary clowns

What a boring piece of shit, I don't want a shitty season about fucking clowns and Trump, we had season 4 for that and it was sort of tolerable.



>liberals ruined another good show

see? it's official: being a murderer is less evil that being a trump supporter.

Clown cult? Really?

Gotham just had a story arc about that.

post vids

needs the second thrust. cut too short

H... how did they get this footage of me election night? omg.

>just don't tell your moms

I fail to get the connection about Trump winning the elections and killer clowns...

Hollywood is still THAT ass blasted?

I hope all the writers in this show got aids.

>Hollywood is still THAT ass blasted?


during 2016 there was a 'killer clown sighting' fad so im guessing theyre trying to tie it in with trump by casting the evil clowns as trump fans


>Hollywood is still THAT ass blasted?
>the big town of super gay jews who react to everything melodramatically
>being told by liberal media that Drumf will holocaust them all and anyone they've ever loved
You gotta understand, these people were whipped into such a fervor that my gay niece literally wanted to flee the country because she thought there would be concentration camps within a month.

Yes, i remember that clown shit... but i still hate this hollywood writers and their lesbian mother who is crying about trump.

Fuck it.

the first season of AHS was great. It's never been able to recapture that lightning in a bottle. It's clear that they have no clue what the fuck they're doing, they just want every commercial break to be punctuated with a murder and every episode to end on a cliffhanger that will be forgotten by the next episode.

After Lady Gaga's naked, fat ass started flopping around in the Hotel season I'm done with that show.

This show has been losing its focus. This demonstrates a complete separation from its original intent. However, is he taking the piss?

Season 5 was mostly about making Lady Gaga look good. They had a couple of freaky monsters they used for 1 episode each, but dumped them in favor of a lot of shitty existential whining from other characters. Conclusion sucked balls. Tried to watch Roanoake; couldn't finish cuz it was shit-tier.
But if the next season is about Trump lover real-life trolling muh stronk dykes, cool

>After Lady Gaga's naked, fat ass started flopping around in the Hotel season I'm done with that show

Fair enough, but the blood orgy in episode one was disturbingly hot

Crwator: Brad Falchuk


True. The one thing that I admire though is that through it all they have kept a strong focus on building each arc around Gothic themes, story structures, and elements. The show could be titled American Gothic essentially. Nice to see at the very least the writing team is aware of some literary structures and stay dedicated to the show's soul. Last season really was on the nose with it though. They really love their Gothic Mansions. But they could be more creative with it, Alien is a Gothic story and that's not obvious on its face at all.

>has 17k likes and 750 dislikes
>people are getting triggered by it
Doesn't seems like it

Roanoke is the best season after 1, desu. Hotel is the objective worst.

had to go to daily motion for the full supercut.

Time tag it ffs. You think I have 60 seconds for this faggotry?

Roanoke was strong until the show within the show ended. Went way downhill from there. No way it's better than Asylum though.

I don't care, because my sides went to orbit


Looks cool. I only watched the first 2 seasons though.

youre on Sup Forums


>erroneous ideology

My had no idea my ideology was so erroneous. Thanks Leftypol!

>*humps the TV*
is that guy suppose to be anti-Trump or pro-Trump?
Also AHS is trash

Please yes.

It basically writes itself.

nice desu ne



I think they might be setting up a plot based around a bluepilled version of Trump derangement syndrome. They are noticing it but interpreting it as justified.

Young people aka "minecraft generation" aka "Gen-X pt.2" identify more with the blue haired guy than the shrill, suburban feminist.