Pavlovian Network Programming

Brainwashing Commencing....
Rinse and Repeat...
Brainwashing Commencing....
Rinse and Repeat...
Brainwashing Commencing....
Rinse and Repeat...
Brainwashing Commencing....
Rinse and Repeat...
Brainwashing Commencing....
Rinse and Repeat...
Brainwashing Commencing....
Rinse and Repeat...


Postmodern philosophy also makes people unable to actually evaluate arguments or evidence.

So the next effect is - people are unable to think for themselves and respond in a conditioned manner. Then they are conditioned to hate so and so, and love so and so.

Once the conditioning is complete, you can predict exactly what their opinion will be on any issue, and evidence doesn't matter.

It's straight up brainwashing. And it's happening in front of our eyes.

It's not shocking since most millennials ate up Comedy Central and Daily Show.

It's amazing how brainwashed everyone is. I never noticed it until Trump got elected, and I didn't even vote for him so I think I'm relatively unbiased. We need to abolish the DOE and get education out of the hands of the government. The fundamental problem is people are not taught how to think. You get a little bit of that in college but by then the damage is done, and for every composition or philosophy course you have (((social psychology))) and so forth

west is mindraped

Spot on, media rapes your mind.

I first noticed it with Deflategate and what the media did to Tom Brady. It's 100x worse with President Trump

The craziest thing I noticed is that I can predict exactly how someone reacts if I say something specific. Bunch of NPCs with programmed responses.
Even really smart people are getting gobbled up. Notice when you talk to them about their career or anything they take to heart they act rationally, speak using their mind and are open to new ideas. But talk to them, even in private, about any topic that is subject to public scrutiny and they change infront of you. It's like talking to a computer that just spits out exactly what it's been told to spit out.
Worst of all they don't even notice it! If you challenge some of them they'll respond with "I'm not interested in politics", or "I don't really follow politics so I don't care really". Without noticing they adopt the view of mass media and propogate it/react to it, while still claiming they don't give a shit.

why are we immune to the brainwashing then?

Because people experience the world in different ways, literally.

Yep. Don't worry though - the tide is changing slowly. Keep chipping away at their defences.

The first thing though is to de-legitimize the enemy. Take the cloak of moral virtue off of the democrats and people's minds begin to open up.

You need to realize that these people are conditioned. You can't argue them out of their position, but you can help to re-condition them. Make them associate good things with Trump and bad things with Hillary and you will open the door.

maybe its because we dont watch tv but replace it with streamed anime instead.

thats why (((they))) hate anime.

1) We are not indoctrinated in postmodernist philosophy. Postmodernist philosophy is all about breaking down the barriers between objective and subjective knowledge and creating logical feedback loops that shut down thinking. The end result is that logic goes out the window and feelings replace logic.

2) Pol has the opposite effect on our conditioning. Pol trains you to ignore 90% of the garbage on this site, and to focus only on actual meaningful content. We watch CNN and we see larpers and concern trolls and bullshitters and deception, but you can't see that unless you have been trained.

Pol causes you to shut down your feelings - chemo threads, for example, force you to overcome your aversion to disgusting content in order to continue participating in the conversation.

>go on Sup Forums
>read shitpost after shitpost
>see post that could be an acual argument
>before I can process argument, surrounded by shitpost
>must take the argument and run with it
>the number of replies to it indicate it's value. It is a valuable argument.
>more shitposts

jiggled my noggin

We have a basic interest in politics and world events. We seek a deeper understanding of the issues and already have opinions on many subjects.
Most views of this show don't really care about politics or have any opinion. So when they are shown a new idea they can be taught how to view it


The problem whit "smart people" user its that they think they are vaccinated against stupid, that they are inmune, but that same arrogance or hubris whatever you want to label it, makes them blind to be conscious of their own stupidity.

See your tipical college eduated millenials they are the worst people who shows these symptoms.

Thats why a bit of humillity its necesary.

>1984 + 33
>watching the flickering jew

Television has always hypnotized and brainwashed the shit out of people.

They're also, generally speaking, not subject to the brutal reality in how the world works. They spend their time around people who will generally not try and deceive them, and usually, they won't be at all familiar with the realities of running a business in a competitive market.

The worst case of this is academia, and naturally, that's also where we find most of these people.

you realize that the other side thinks exactly the same about us and our views right? They may be wrong but it helps at least begin to understand the mindset of what we're dealing with

They do not have Christ.

Great advice.

They live in a social bubble where neither they, nor anybody they talk to actually deals with the real world.

They don't know soldiers. They don't know entrepreneurs. They don't know engineers or miners or the people who actually deal with REALITY.

Instead, they hang out with marketing people, salespeople, real estate agents, lawyers and others who only deal with people and not with reality - so as long as everyone believes the same bullshit there's no reason to believe otherwise.

I've unplugged myself from (((television))) and most (((movies))) for this exact reason.

This is why when people start ranting about banning shills and trolls I disagree with them. Their presence and bullshit only makes us stronger. Let them come and piss in this ocean of piss. There's a good chance they'll learn something in the process.

Because we all stopped watching TV in 2006.

I agree with you but I noticed the unconscious brainwashing in my father.
My father doesn't give a single shit about international politics. He mostly cares about provincial, and a little about federal, but will not do any thinking or research about international affairs. Thing is, whenever he's not working he either has the radio turned or the tv turned on to the news. Most of the time the media will do something like this "X is true because Y is true".
Sometimes the topic comes up at the table and the first thing he says is "X is so bad". I ask him why he thinks that way and he'll say "because of Y". I then explain rationally how Y is actually false, implying X isn't proven true. And then the weirdest thing happens all the time: he just laughs and refuses to see my point. I ask him to do his own research and think for himself but he laughs again and says: "Sorry I just don't care enough about the subject and I have'nt actually thought about it".
He explicitly says that he's uninformed, yet his first instinct is to spit out what he hears on the radio or on the TV, and then just shut out when confronted about it. I see this happening with dozens of people, it's scary.

See this is a tough one because most of these people just have no idea that they are being lied to.

They're not brainwashed - they have just been given false information and can't believe so many people would all lie about the same thing.

These people can be saved if, for example, Bannon can make a popular TV network that reaches every home.

I'm sure Trump has a plan for that - but he's holding off on his counter-propaganda campaign.... probably so that the media fully discredits itself first.

Hearing or seeing a statement without remembering exactly where it came from is a proven subconscious brainwashing tactic, and in fact, it's banned in certain types of advertising. That seems to be what's happening here.

We should do the same... that's why I think POL should use graffiti to push our memes.

You can't censor graffiti.


Political graffiti gets removed VERY quickly in the UK. Probably for that exact reason.

You just need more people making graffitti and that will change.

Also, I'm not talking about banksy stuff, I'm talking about markers in bathrooms sharing the truth about islam etc.

If there is 1 graffiti artist and 2 graffiti remover guys, the graffiti disappears quickly. If there are 10 graffiti artists working at the same rate, the graffiti stays up for a very long time.

Stop being a pussy and take action.

We're not, not entirely, it's just that this environment isn't subject to the same Jewish mind control influences as other forums