She's has a point you know

She's has a point you know

No, she doesn't. I don't know how somebody that dumb knows how to use the internet

It is lawful to protest in public spaces as per the US constitution; however, I doubt the legality of ramming planes into buildings per the US Penal code.

>Get permit to protest in a park
>Walk around with torches, yell slogans, no damage to property + removal of mosquitoes

>Next day 2 other groups with permits for other areas leave their areas to start shit with group
>Property damage and assaults left and right, 1 dead road protester

Wtf the 9/11 (((hijackers))) had tickets how the fuck do you think they got on the plane

Wait nevermind I'm retarded

I mean they did have plane tickets how else did they get on the planet?

Jesus Christ, the stupidity on this woman is unlike anything I've ever seen..

What if the CIA approves it beforehand?

What did these alleged "neo-nazis" even allegedly do? I haven't kept up to date on all the alleged Charlottesville violence. I only know about a car allegedly ramming somebody. Other than that, what happened?

Well that's different

Didn't more people die on 9/11? this doesn't make any sense.

Those doubles don't lie

if you apply this logic to the situation then why did the twin towers attacked the planes?

what i still don't get is how the fuck did they hijack a plane with boxcutters?

seriously have you held a boxcutter, shit is nothing to be afraid of

Yes user more than 3 people died in 9/11

Islamophobia. The planes were just defending themselves against the bigotry of (((the Twin Towers))).

Trump is a fucking coon in everything but name. I hope to god he fucking resigns because he has been nothing buy an embarrassment to our nation. And look, if someone's acting like a total retard, it's not persuasion, like some of his supporters like to hallucinate, it's madness. Trump needs to go

BREAKING NEWS: Freddy Krueger and Jason Vohrees fighting at Camp Crystal Lake no one safe!

TRUMP: They are both bad guys, sad!






Those Muslims were just expressing their culture. Perfectly legal

It's something to be afraid of when people are slitting throats with them, no ones afraid of them when they're cutting boxes

but the buildings attacked when they shouldn't even of been there and the plane was flying within the agreed flight path


Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Because before 9/11 there was a standard way to deal with hijackers. It was assumed that hijackers weren't gonna commit suicide. They rushed the cockpit and slit the throats of the pilots when they weren't expecting it. The best chance for survival for everyone else seemed to be to just let them fly the plane wherever they wanted.

Now this would never happen because the passengers would pull a United 93.

wtf i'm voting hillary now

>She's has a point you know

thanks for my next filter add

Except they did. It's called the First Amendment. I don't think there's a law, let alone an amendment, which allows you to smash planes into buildings though.
Liberalism is a mental illness

>Exercising free speech
>Hijacking a plane

Which one is wrong here

Why do they imagine that anyone who doesn't endlessly apologize for being white is a 'white supremacist' ?


Fuck this cunt whore


You can't pretend to be rightwing just by adding "coon" to a leftist rant.



Free speech =! Flying into buildings

Nothing. Besides antifa acting like apes and causing shit. Literally nothing.

Tickets. ... to destroy buildings?

>... and BOOM. There it is!

Obnoxious and retarded thing to say. How to show you're just bandwagoning on something that sounds like it makes sense but doesn't.

And the fucking gall on this bitch to compare an assembly to 9/11. Doesn't get much more apples and oranges than that.

>Ignores violent antifa
>Ignores violent BLM
>Ignores that whites assembled like this under Obama
>Ignores that race relations became complete shit under Obama

Can we just ban women from discussing current events please?

>she's has
No wonder burgers only speak halve a language

Didn't they supposedly have fake bombs too?

They had plane tickets but they were just the passengers. Now the terrorists did not have tickets but they got on the plane anyway and crashed into two towers and 3 towers fell because the government sided with Anftifa and the Jewish terrorists and Mossad...

>ignores flag
Right-wingers have to be some of the dumbest people I've ever conversed with. Funny thing is that Scott Adams is ultraliberal and is only using you idiots for book sales (his new book 'win bigly'). But, I guess ignorance is bliss.

>8/12 white supremacists
What happened to the other 4?

no. no it isn't. freedom of assembly and legal precedent allows these rallies. that's rather different than sandniggers killing innocents in a plane hijacking... or are these people so fucking retarded that they actually can't distinguish between the two?

The police, who are white supremacists too, let them protest without a permit.



make u think

>She's has a point you know
And what is that point? Please elaborate.

False equivalent

They got permits to protest, not permits to crash planes.

If her point is that niggers are stupid and as such should be kept away from whites then yeah she has a point

a permit to protest comes with police protection, which wasn't present at the Unite the Right rally.

this is why trump will win a 2nd term

> purchasing a plane ticket gives you the right to hijack the plane and fly it off course

They're calling it 8/12 now? Christ, one person dies and its a national tragedy for two weeks because the guy who ran her over was white for once

A woman dies in Charlottesville because a lone madman drives his car into a crowd of people.


but we understand that they had plane tickets, thats why airport security got beefed the fuck up

what the fuck is this dumb cunt saying?

Can you keep this up for 7 years?

Not really, plane tickets don't mean you can fly the fucking plane moron.

So why was there not A SINGLE ARAB NAME on any of the lists of flight attendees?

Well jews and ISIS are pretty much the same too so....