But also replace "doesn't =" with "is generally considered" I'd also agree

But also replace "doesn't =" with "is generally considered" I'd also agree

Other urls found in this thread:


These people are like dumb consumers trying to validate their moronic purchases of things they don't need.

Man the harpoons

Fat people should be sent to special labour camps

Cant change the facts fattie

The lady doth protest too much. Deep down the ugly unsexy unhealthy lazy desperate worthless fat slob knows the truth.

You could make a lot of soap out of one of these whalepeople

She is one of these people who is literally wrong in everything she does but society in >current year actually promotes and tells her she is right.

It makes me so fucking angry that people can be completely wrong but live life in a positively affirmative bubble where everyone tells them they are great.

Time to bring Fat Shaming Friday back.

Fat doesn't = unhealthy
>nigga wha???

Fat bitches must be put in place.

Consume more

What the hell happened in 2001-2?

I thought this lady died of a heart attack?

Fucking hell.


Fats are literally useless

y2k scare, food shortages, ask your grandfather about it

she will, CVA or massive MI before the beginning of Trumps second term in office.

Clogged arteries doesn't mean unhealthy

>worship me
Yeah, no.

>there are people on Sup Forums that don't remember y2k

Well, at least I'll live to remember the race war.


This butter barge almost had a restraining order slapped on her whale ass by the gf of a dude she’s been stalking. Apparently her and her gay husband sleep with others. Her husband has a huge chubby fetish, pun intended, and fucks other fat asses making her rage.

It literally does = all of those things. You can just tweet out lies

Antifa doesn't = Violent
Antifa doesn't = Evil
Antifa doesn't = Insane
Antifa doesn't = Bigoted
Antifa doesn't = Racist
Antifa doesn't = Sexist
Antifa doesn't = Communists
Antifa doesn't = Anarchists
Antifa is beautiful. It's everyone else that's those things! It's everyone else! We're the only sane ones!

>crops profile picture so she looks thinner
>mfw not even fatties believe the horseshit they spew
>mfw not even fatties find fatties attractive

Fat does certainly equal ugly, unhealthy, unsexy.
Fat may represent a physical laziness but not always, a lack of self control and a surplus calorie intake will make you fat regardless of hard physical labor.
Worthless? Depends on what we're talking about.
Desperate? Maybe, depends on the person.

>say's the fat, ugly, lazy, unhealthy, worthless, unsexy, desperate bitch

there are always outliers but it is statistically significant. fat people are overwhelmingly all of the above

When you have to convince people so hard about something maybe it means you're the one that's wrong.

I miss the Project Harpoon...

The fact that she has to point out that it isn't a strict equality rather implies that a lot of people DO hold those opinions.

No one points out the white swans.

It does mean unhealthy.

what the fuck is with that shitty english

Fat does = lazy sorry.

The problem is that she isn't fat. She's disgustingly morbidly obese. The Hindenburg couldn't take off if she was the only passenger.

remember when people started photoshopping fatties and they looked MUCH better when not fat?

and how butthurt those whales were?

That was one of Sup Forumss best days...