Can we replace (((YouTube))) with

(((YouTube))) is censoring right-wing views like never before. It'll only get worse with time.

I think the best way to fight YouTube censorship is to mass-shill (without getting paid) for, in order to get people away from YouTube.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this?
Are there any better alternatives to YouTube than

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YouTube has whores.

Those whores are your favorite YouTubers., doesn't currently have your favorite YouTubers uploading videos.

Nor, to the best of my guess work, does pay their content creators with ad revenue.

YouTube does suck now though.


Era of Data Scam social media is ending
Kill youthoughtcrimetube's dominance & kill facefuck's dominance
should be Trump's tech and free speech priority

have a painless seamless overnight replacement with a meshed together network of competing platforms so they're not lone data scam platforms hoarding all the data the users have put on over the last 8 years. you'd have meshtube, meshbook and meshtweet so that youtube & facebook for example would just be one company of 10 or so healthily competing all interlocked together so that users see videos/posts and can interact with them even if the friends/creators are using another platform. end this data scam assault of the public square & ideas. currently the data scam model of social media only allows one set of companies to profit from the data of humanity that they don't even own and had no role in creating. they are using this data hostage approach to censor humanity and make people read/watch leftwing. Zuckerfuck himself is using his platform to make people vote him into office with fake PR so he can protect his data scam into the future. holding world's data hostage to shill for yourself

all data: subscribers, views, comments, likes, photos, friends people have produced and typed up over the last 10 years (which they own, not the Data Scammers like they would have you believe) is on meshtube and meshbook the day this law is passed. for pewdiepie and his viewers, or your family and their friends using facebook nothing changes except they are no longer censored and facefuck is a $1billion company again like it should be. holding people's data hostage is not providing a hundred billion dollars of value to the world a big group of generation Z's could reproduce facefuck in a year it's not a special contribution to the world, what is valuable is the data (which the people typed up not facefuck). facefuck and ADLtube need a harsh wake up

end Zuckerfuck Data Scam Enterprises and ADL terror thoughtcrimetube.

start implementing parallel institutions like recoding the basics of facefuck, thoughtcrimetube, google and others, then can get them inserted into the mesh networks. do better than their institutions and then blacklist SJWs

humanity owns it's own data, not Zuckerfuck data scam enterprises. pic is a network topology of the competing company products that would all operate on meshbook together seamlessly like you wouldn't even necessarily know what platform the friends you're interacting with are using

just making facefuck competitors or campaigns to switch from it won't solve anything because they still hold most of the world's data hostage and can leverage it to stop people leaving. break it up with law to end the scam and reintroduce healthy competition

they would all be essentially clones of facefuck so people can choose the company who's interface, practices and owners they like the best

there should probably be laws against manipulating the public mind with your platform too (including political censorship) to apply to the big 3 networks, youtube, facebook, twitter and also goolag

They are Silicon Valley supremacists and believe that the truth or impactful dialogue should be thoughtcrime.

I try not to watch that much YouTube anymore, but a lot of people, especially young impressionable propagandizable people do. I just feel like YouTube shouldn't have a monopoly on internet videos, as it does now. And you know, Google owns it, so it's really Google that has a monopoly on the whole internet pretty much, which really sucks.

Someone should just create a YouTube clone that accepts porn. Who doesn't wanna see Sargon of Akkad make commentary to sluts getting fucked. It will be the fastest growing site on the web. is super heavy on the censorship too. You need to use

You're right. If only some right-wing millionaires got on board with it. I'm pretty sure that developing all that software costs a lot of money, money which most people don't have.

If we could convince right-wing millionaires to set up competitors, kind of like DuckDuckGo is to Gulag, that would do a lot for free-speech.

Another bonus of such a site is that it would have absolutely 0 censorship.

stop shilling for, theyre sjws

Never been there bruh

Actually I've never used I have been blocked on YouTube before, and I'd like to avenge that YouTube account.

can you guarantee that will not cave to left wing bullies and do the same as youtube?
I think all content creators have to diversify and keep presence on all platform. this is to keep them competing with each other and prevent them from doing whatever they want.

I also remember a seeing a really good Seth Rich video. When I came back to show it to someone a week later, the whole channel was gone (I searched for half an hour). Even if it was just a conspiracy theory, it shouldn't have been censored like that.

Today I posted one (only one) comment on an Antifa-related video linking to the Antifa Terrorist petition, and when I signed out and checked to see if it was still there, it wasn't.

Sadly I don't see any content creators really doing that. I know Twitch grew off of YouTube's failures, though, because some gamers simply moved from YouTube to Twitch. is literally a plebit subsidiary
fuck off with your bullshit

dtube but that place blows

So we should just accept YouTube's bullshit?

at least doesn't block my videos in over 300 countries.
1 like=$7? Where the fuck does that money even come from?

I haven't looked into it yet, but I've been hearing good things about Bitchute. DailyMotion may be an alternative (sounds sketchy, though). I've heard bad things about and Vimeo, but they may not be out of the fight.

Minds is finally getting its video hosting into working order, so that may be an option too. So far, Minds has been pretty good about allowing unpopular speech and the ((undesirables))) have had a hard time gaining a foothold. They have only a tiny presence and it doesn't seem to be growing much. I think that Minds is going to be a serious competitor in a few years. It's still in beta for now.

The main problem is people are more used to YouTube. For example, after the first couple months of using DuckDuckGo, I had a tendency to look up google and use that instead, just because I was more used to its set-up than I was to DuckDuckGo.

There has to be an app aimed at mobile devices, or at least a website with a mobile layout. I haven't seen Minds yet but they need to do this if they want the normalfag crowd to use their service.

>implying YT isn't
Nice try kike monopolist.

Minds has a mobile app. I think it's also beta, but there are a lot of people using it right now.

Get on Dtube you fucking normans

dailymotion is as old as youtube but it never really took off though it was pretty popular here because it's French. They're pretty loose on censorship but I wouldn't rely on them because of our freeze peach laws, if they never cracked down on it it's likely because no one cares.
Bitchute looks like shit but it's pretty promising as it's decentralized

Okay, but can you tell me where all that money comes from, if there aren't ads? I mean, people get paid around $7 just for getting a like? This seems very exploitable.


No, they already censor; though maybe a some of these will do: (SteamQ)

Why don't we conquer Jewtube and Facetalmud, like invading their headquarters, killing everyone we see, burn their money and put us in their throne, then banning degenerates and deleting their content?

dailymotion is good

vimeo is full of kike artfags.

Is geo-blocking on a thing?
If you watch porn, you are a degenerate and cucking yourself. UNLESS, you watch anime and rule 34.

How? Shitposting is just a temporary solution.

honestly where the fuck is that money coming from also seems kinda fishy though after 66 likes only like 8 dollars then just one more like nearly doubled it. wtf this has to be fake

you guys have it all wrong

it's not google or youtube
the problem are the advertisers who don't want their ads to appear anywhere near controversial content. The platform who pays its creators the most will awlays dominate and in don't see how vidme can compete here with its donation system.

Go get a knife or gun, find your friends and go murder these niggers of these companies.

Google is owned by Alphabet. Youtube is owned by Google. Does that mean that Youtube is owned by Alphabet?

We could try to convince Mudslime extremists online that JewTube is a hub of degeneracy, showing them all the gay pride stuff on YouTube Spotlight. Then maybe possibly one of them would allahu akbar the headquarters?

>vimeo is full of kike artfags.

and they censor and will take down videos at the slightest complaint

Woes and Molyneux now put their vids on Anyone else of note?

a = b
b = c

a = c?

transitive property?

Styx has been building a presence on and Minds, anticipating getting screwed by YouTube.

These are all so fucking gimmicky.

you tube is done

TBF, a lot of them are still in beta, and probably desperate for users.

Read the TOS. Non-leftist speech is banned. We need something like for videos instead of repeating our mistakes.

I use hooktube for viewing purposes. You can search on it and view channel videos now so I rarely go to youtube directly any more.

Dank list. Lets use them all.

They really need to clean that up though, and maybe put the videos in a grid. It'd be usable if it were neater.

Here's the full list of YouTube alternatives so far, including the bad ones: (SteamQ)

Whadya mean grid? Looks fine to me.

Yes, but not to normalfags. The average person would never use that, no offense. The videos are stacked on top of each other sometimes, so you can't even see the title. It could be fixed, right?

What's the best of these?

Bump for interest

Hooktube isn't really an "alternative", though. It's more of an Youtube mirror - you can't really upload things on it.
Yeah, I know it's not actually a mirror, but you get the idea.

My half Shekel
Jwtube killer. Basically the same with integrated Hatereon
Never really used it, hated the interface
Same as vimeo
Download my spyware. No thanks
Facebook Killer
Same problem as with libry
Not tested yet
> (SteamQ)
Like it, great mini blog.
Many problems with the interface. Searching it is a ddg search, no way anyone finds anything
Not tested
Twitter. I hate twitter
Great to fuck jewtube. Would be nice if they would integrate some embed option

I got a Minds account and am currently giving it about 20 minutes a day. Not too thrilled about this "boost" and "wires" and "earnings" crap, though. is unironically owned by google, so no it would change nothing.

Great for watching pirated content
Confusing, dumb people like me can't use them
Simple, better than most of the other things on the list IMO

seems legit.

What about now? Hard refresh. Completely different thumb grid system.

Vidme sucks for politics. My videos get literally 1 view unless I direct traffic towards it. Youtube gets traffic relatively easily if you just use keywords. Vidme doesn't seem to allow political videos to trend.

Yeah, I just tried that and it worked. Maybe I'll switch to Hooktube, just to avoid supporting YouTube.

Vidme might be a lost cause. There is a jewish faggot pushing this shit in their forums already.

So in conclusion, there aren't any good replacements for YouTube?

I'll save us.

any centralized replacement is doomed to fail eventually.
Move to zeronet ( instead.
Its completely decentralized, instead of one big server hosting the content (which could be taken down, raided, censored...) every single peer helps distributing it.

Its free and open source, and while privacy is not a focus of zeronet, you can route everything through Tor with just one click.

>visit site
>download some of the content and begin distributing it (without tor)
>long-ass list of IPs of people seeding the website
wew what could possibly go wrong
it's ripe for abuse is even worse than youtube when it comes to censorship
dont bother

ugh the fucking disdain in his eyes. That's a nigger whose been working for unsavory Semites for too long, look at both their eyes. Completely separate realities.

forget it
the future is live trolling
everybody is jumping on the bandwagon already
(((disney))) to name one

As if Vidme won't go full SJW as soon as any social pressure is applied. You still don't get it, do you?

well, what could go wrong?

Oh man, she has such a stereotypical Jewish face.

Kikeme is much much worse than jewtube. They will ban fucking everything as soon as they grow large. Forget about a single site, use every video hosting and sharing service available. is voat of utube?

I think we should first test how far right we can go on vidme, befor we start praising it.