Sargon Of Cuckland answers nazi comments

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>be sargon
>shill my own videos on Sup Forums under nazi flag
Dammit nigger you should have backed us when it mattered

Carl you really have no shame posting your own vids here. Jesus fucking Chri$t.

He's officially more embarrassing than Jim Sterling now. The sooner he fucks off to live in America the better.

are they still monetized by the jews or banned?

Reminder that Sargon is a literal cuck

>le altright are le same as sjws

Slaughter this pig already, he's served his minimal purpose

Stop posting Sargon threads. This gives the guy way more publicity than he deserves.

I'm not a Nazism supporter but because I'm fairly well read on the subject I now saw for the first time that Sargon apparently doesn't read much literature on the topics he is talking about, except some short articles.
For one he claimed that the UK beat Germany on every level to minimise the economic achievements of pre WWII Germany.
If we have a look at the actual economic data we see this:

GDP Germany 1918: USD 17 billion
GDP UK 1918: USD 18 billion

GDP Germany 1938: USD 56 billion
GDP UK 1938: USD 26 billion

This alone shows that the economic development of Germany after Weimar was not only remarkable, they ran circles around the UK, who was previously the uncontested superpower of the world.
It also shows why the UK wanted the war no matter what (as Churchill himself stated) and why Germany was capable of basically fighting the whole world combined for almost a decade as economic power equals military power.

It's really disappointing to see Sargon engaging in this kind of uneducated shilling. There's enough legitimate stuff to criticise about Nazi Germany, but the economic and military power certainly is not.

Where does it say he's a cuck? I can't see anything related to cucking here.

This interests me, do you have some book recommendations on post WW1 economics?

so nobody is watching your videos anymore?

Oh no he watches the porn!!!!

Say what you want about him raising an adopted child, but he probably just sees what some of these people write in his comments and feels legitimately threatened that they'll eventually come after and slaughter him and his adopted daughter. Don't really blame him for disliking them.

>be sargon
>be faggot crypto kike
>shill against his own people

get roped sargon

Just face it user Hitler was right and you know it

He's a quadroon.

I like how sargon fanbase is 12~18% nazis or nazi sympathizer.

top kek

prove it or you're just spouting memes

literally not an argument

>sarcuck of mossad

Racists BTFO

it's obvious they're tailoring perceptions of reality in a self-serving manner

>I'm an individual
>I do not indulge in puny things like family and it's extension race like you who practice identiy politics

I love how triggered nazi fags are at his recent videos

You dumbfucks kept hating on him constantly yet you're all subbed to him, lol

>I'm an individual
>I'm an freethinker


t. Authoritarian Right dude

Or how about stop trying to find one group of people to blame for all your failures in life

Dear Sargon
See: Shia LeBeouf

Hitler did nothing wrong

He's destroyed the SJWs and now he's coming for us. I'm afraid.

excellent post
uk economy was being strangled by international banking in the 1930's.
hitlers economic policy success was the cause of the war.

Nobody gives a shit what brits think and we never will. goddamn ameriboos.

>I don't believe in white genocide because there are more white people alive today than ever before

Why does anyone take him seriously?
That's the kind of logic he's using. I know, I know, le epic troll Sargon doesn't actually MEAN anything stupid he says it's just a troll.

I forgot this e-celeb cuck even existed.
"Im not really interested in protecting the white race, I dont really care about the white race, Im apart of the white genocide I thought you already knew".
-Sargon of Akkad

>Sargon reads one single book and his mind is blown

What book is he on now? Third? Every time he reads one he babbles on and on about it for a year at least. Or about the 2-3 paragraphs that he managed to make his stoner brain digest.

Nice try Sarcuck

Just get out, you fucking moron. That's not what anyone does here.

The only thing we want is to be left alone.

you dumbass, between 1918 and 1938, Canada, Australia and South Africa seceded from British empire, thats why they lost a huge chunk of GDP not because of low economic growth

most stormfags are emotionally driven retards who watch shitty youtube conspiracy theory videos and then get this undeserved superiority complex

This is how the concept of the political is according to Carl Schmitt. Politics is based on friend and enemy.

Its more beneficial to sacrifice a small population to unify the nation.

police states can never unify the nation since everyone is in effect watching and waiting to snitch on their neighbors and even family out of fear for themselves. It pits the nation against itself in the name of purity. this is why Arab armies suck so much btw. they live in police states, which pit generals against each other so they dont get together and over throw the dictator, which makes them a jumbled and nonunified force which is easily crushed.

>no evidence for subbing
>subbing equals upboats XD
>you can't blame people who fuck up your economy, culture and Race

People still watch this guy? Not even a Nazi but you have to be retarded if you don't think he is trying to stir up shit for views

Sargone of cuckdad

>listening to the opinions of a literal black man

>>police states can never unify the nation since everyone is in effect watching and waiting to snitch on their neighbors and even family out of fear for themselves. It pits the nation against itself in the name of purity.
I wish you guys explained this to Poland.