>A Canadian town says it will not remove swastikas from a public park because it has historical significance.

>Corey Fleischer, who goes around Montreal removing hateful graffiti, tried to paint over the swastikas.
But the mayor stopped him and had police remove him from the park, arguing the anchor is a part of local history.

Other urls found in this thread:,_Ontario

Wow Canada, really? I thought you were on the right side of history.


Oy vey.

Quebexit when?

Theres a giant swastika at York U in Toronto. Dont tell the libfags though.


is the /uncuckening/ finally starting for canada?

>when canada has more balls than the US
welp looks like i was wrong. how do we defeat the burger menace?

i fucking hope so.

Lets archive that

I wonder what "historical significance" a Swastika has for Leafland.

>canada is becoming less cucked than usa



atheists everyone lmao

Deal with it faggots.
- t. Polish and no fucks given

>However, Mr Fleischer says older meaning is irrelevant and the symbol on the anchor is clearly one of Nazi Germany.

>It is painted black and laid over a white circle, a stylistic choice that he says was only employed by the Third Reich.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>As founder of Erase the Hate, Mr Fleischer has travelled the world to remove hateful and anti-Semitic graffiti.

>"Maybe the city did not know," he told the BBC. "But I know exactly what this is. There is no ifs ands or buts about it."

>Mr Fleischer said that as a piece of history, it belongs in a museum where its meaning is clear, instead of in a public park.

>"It is a place where people come to feel safe and this is being displayed for everybody to see," he said.

Doesnt have the same feel to it as the Norwegian

>take a gun
>put the barrel in your mouth
>aim the roof
>open fire
And this is how the world could have been fixed 100 years ago.

>As founder of Erase the Hate, Mr Fleischer has travelled the world to remove hateful and anti-Semitic graffiti.
Why aren't you traveling the world to paint over hate Sup Forums?

>mfw everything east and west of Ontario is against (((their))) agenda

Yes the eclipse turned us into canada

I hope that we can get #uncuckening trending

Oh no, don't keep the jews out of that fucking town. Whatever will they do without kikes?

It's nice to hear that Canada has a pair

>"It is a place where people come to feel safe and this is being displayed for everybody to see," he said.

People don't go to parks to "feel safe." Why do leftists say such inane things?

I don't care what anyone says, Quebec is based. We've been fighting to preserve our culture from invaders for hundreds of years and as a result we hate foreigners.

Maybe indians don't want their holy symbol removed.

He's not entirely wrong about the museum thing. I dont support the destruction of history ever, but we can 100% have museums for certain things.
This is still based as fuck

>jews upset about something that used to be a symbol of peace
know that feel

My ancient beaver magick worked!

why does Canada make up a disproportionately high amount of the alt right

annex quebec

Because Canada has a disproportionately high amount of cuckoldry.

Redpilled mayor kek glad he knows it's an ancient Himalayan symbol

Québec masterace, suck it up, Canuckcuck.

it never started. don't take Sup Forums so seriously, canadians are mostly centrist.

>As founder of Erase the Hate, Mr Fleischer has travelled the world to remove hateful and anti-Semitic graffiti

I wonder how many artifacts he has desecrated.

why does he have a semen stain on his shirt

Muh safe space

wrong, this is a local thing, as soon as trudeau and co. step in it will be out of there

plenty of local communities have defended their history in the US and lost when big gov steps in

>The statement cites an article by Radio Canada, which says that before 1920 the swastika was a symbol of peace.

Canadians are the most powerful race in the world.

>when leafs have more balls than americans

Nazi swastika's are tilted.

Mr. (((Fleischer)))

Not always.

I wanna be the very best
Like no one ever was
To paint them over my real test
To remove them is my cause

I will travel across the land
Searching far and wide
Each Swastika to understand
The power that's inside

Swastika, gotta catch 'em all
Its you and me
I know it's my destiny

Paint brush, oh, you're my best friend
In a world we must defend
Swastika, gotta paint 'em over
A cause so true


dosn't look like a nazi swastikas for me, more like one of those buddhist/indou symbols

lots of German immigrants after ww2. I'm from one of them. also this was probably from a destroyed nazi ship.

because my high school wad over 50% Muslim.,_Ontario

Why are you not celebrating the destruction of historic monuments?

When they are gone it opens the door for someone truly worse than Hitler to step forward.

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it

Fucking krauts

Molon labe faggot

Not for long. Burgers are sending you their Haitian migrants en masse

No one fucks with our swastikas.

Its on an anchor from a Nazi ship they hauled up from the ocean

Pretty cool, why remove it?

Its not like they put it up to celebrate Nazi Germany or intimidate jews.

Canada destroyed itself by multiculturalism to keep quebec appeased. Would be bitter if they left now.

He needs to go back where he came from, what a faggot.

never hopefully
i may think the rest of you leafs are completely cucked faggots but we're still part of the bloody country
t. poutine

What's next? Scrubbing the history books of Hitler's favorite hockey team?

>brave Jew paints AND PAINTS OVER his own spastikas

They always have


>canadians are mostly centrist
Except mostly centrist means absolute faggot in Canadian.

(((They))) have lot of works to do if (((they))) want to erase history

Good luck with those..

Who's paying his salary I wonder...

untold thousands

We've never been cucked. We had a hard right government for 10 years while you guys were led by a literal muslim nigger. The problem with Canada is we had one bad election a couple years ago when people voted for Trudeau because they thought he would increase gibs for the working man, and he instead turned out to be SJW-in-chief. We will correct this mistake in 2019.

theyre a common fan favorite around here too these days.
The Windsor Ontario Swastikas

>hard right

Jesus fucking Christ i pray to God this is bait.

I used to work at Union Station in Toronto. In the maintenance levels of the station, there are massive sump pumps branded with swastikas and the Nazi flag because when the station was built, only Nazi Germany made pumps big and effective enough. Always makes me giggle to think that the hub of the most liberal city in Canada was constructed with machines from DUH EBIL NATSEES

We will ..

He does it for free you bigot
>When Corey Fleischer drove by a swastika scrawled on a cinder block left on a street just off Monkland Avenue in Montreal's NDG neighbourhood, he had to stop.

>Not just because he was Jewish, and not just because he was a professional graffiti remover, but because he felt it was his duty to clean it off.

>"I roll around the city looking for anything that I can erase, anything that's flagrant or could be offensive to any cultures," said Fleischer.

>Fleischer runs his own graffiti removal company called Provincial Power Washing, but he's made it his mission to get rid of any racist, homophobic or hateful graffiti for free.

>It's his pastime, and he admits it's become a bit of an addiction: He feels a rush of adrenaline each time he sprays off a hurtful symbol.

>Fleischer told students at Marianopolis College that he removes a swastika almost every day, and 85 percent of the hate graffiti he tackles is anti-Semitic.

you're doing god's work user. thank you.

anchor isn't even German, Nazi or even from WW2. it was cast by a British company whose owner liked the swastika design. the pattern was pretty common literally everywhere.

My grandpa loves them it's the only thing that snaps him out of his alzheimer dementia momentarily.

power faggot in question

>*reads article*
>my goodness!
>*laugh in vodka*
>*legs stiff*
>*fall over*
>*gasps for air*
>*tries to stand up*
>*fails, props himself on elbows*
>it fucking took
>*slays Turkish invader*
>wait a darn second
>*two Hitler-worshipping lads defenestrate a Gypsy family from the passing train*
>you mean it? it took them
>*finally stands up and restores farce of dignity*
>*guys inside the pub now paying attention*
>*pub laughs in slivovicka*
>to find our hiding nazis?!
>*shepherd axe flies through pub window*
>*swastikas glow in man's eyes, a double cross shines through the shirt on his chest*
>*gypsy ghetto in Kosice burns to the ground*
>and they pretend to not have known about them?!
>*the Bata family's fortune in Czechoslovakia is restored*
>*all of it belongs to them*
>*all of it*


> leftists

you mean jews?

How did the symbol get there in the first place?

Wait till they discover we have a whole town called Swastika.

When will they come after my home church?
Pic related

Way way to late. Without actual genocide they can never go back. We are all stuck in a new multicultural hell

It predates WWII and has nothing to do with Nazi Germany.

Just noticed the fasces on the wall. Huh.

too busy having real jobs probably.

once upon a time thousands of years ago, some artist or craftsman created an aesthetically pleasing pattern- the swastika, since then till about ww2 it was a pretty common decorative pattern. it isn't always political or even religious most of the time. but this doesnt stop assmad jews from jewing it up anyways. take back the swastika

First time ?

>85% of graffiti are anti-Semitic

Bullshit, people here don't give a flying duck about Jews.



Untold millions, goy!

>bro lets seperate from canada even though it'll destroy our economy and sovereignty

kek literally no one likes you in canada, just fuck off already you stupid beta french wannabe

because of the syrians. probably apologized for them too

Makes sense, given England's rule of India. People also liked Chinese pottery because of HK.

Must be hard seeing the world in just black and nazi.

if this fuck's made it his job to erase history, he should be removed from the country, not just the park

Mr Fleischer can kindly fuck off.