

Other urls found in this thread:

Trump will evolve


gets thread?

Get comfy lads and place your predictions here

Let this be a good get

It will be something about Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo

>WW3 soon

We should ban all porn, even hentai and rule 34.


Skippy and the crew

gonna need some pepe reaction memes


You think
>pic related is real?


Jews did 3/15


getting close


There will come a time when the jew is named and purged from this beautiful world, ending their hook-nosed tyranny on humankind.


brexit talk with daniel hannan

WWIII confirmed for 2018

Trump will rule the world

ww3 happening in maximum 1 month

Try again, faggot.

Trump has a mangina

I was hoping for a happening last night

MSM journalists will start getting killed

what was in the post

Chatholics will rule.


There is no greater power than Sup Forums


the get will be wasted


Los Angeles gets nuked!


KEK the true god


Peace and love

W e w

CNN headquarters will be invaded by members of the alt knights and all top level executives/ reporters will be executed on camera. Screencap this



Democrats will die.

Fuck brazil

Not soon enough

Rerollin myself

Israel will get nuked soon

Child pedophile ring is bust wide open like the kids

Germany is still important

Three days from the eclipse (tomorrow) or in September faggots

Second coming

antifa will be labeled a terrorist organization and the usa will ask the world to do the same... and leftists will be hunted down like terrorists world wide in early to mid 2018

Prophecy of KEK

2100:Poland remains the last white nation on Earth.

Ban HeLa cell research cuz a white man stole the cells from a beautiful black woman named Henrietta Lacks

Hilldawg goes to jail if 7's get

gas the kikes. Race war now!

guns ammo food fuel. it starts tomorrow

It got deleted and I'm intrigued: What the hell was it?

The final world war begins when september ends




Traps ARE NOT Gay.

merkel assatination

Antifa will be deemed a terrorist organization

It'll be yet another North Korea "happening" thread.

trump will win in 2020


Only a 6? Not worthy of a thread

Not deleted. It just doesn't exist yet.

American boots kick both nazi and commie asses.

To be clear im a brumf supporter

That get did not fall to the enemy

i'll have a qt waifu

Any second now...

Germany falls. No more mercs :(

Trump 2020

Assange drops proof Seth Rich was the leaker.

Trump kills Hillary live


OP is a faggot

Hillary Clinton will die in prison

ive just arrived brother

bowling green massacare, checkem

>pls be my ai gf

>ww3 soon


Let them all burn, the whole dnc come crashing sudden.

May Jesus bless your soul.

david Brock will be burned alive


Kek lives





Poland will exit the EU

CNN will have their press access to the White House revoked.