Trump unhinged

Trump unhinged.

Even the Republicans are saying it.

* only explanation is early onset dementia - Ana Navarro, Republican strategist

* don't know if his presidency will survive the midterm elections, Mitch McConnell, Republican Senate Majority Leader

* downright scary and disturbing, can't trust with the nuclear codes, Republican James Clapper, former head of national intelligence for George HW Bush

* not competent, not stable, Republican Senator Bob Corker, TN

and that's just the Republicans

Have we ever had a legit crazy president like this before?

He's just a total cunt, but with new added dementia. Not sure if it qualifies as insane, but nobody is going to do shit about it, believe that.

cool, they said the same thing when he was running for office.

Dont worry, we'll be removing them in the coming years

Well, it's 8 years of Trump or civil war, so it's up to them.


wow this narrative of a racist, bigoted, stupid, 2-scoops-eating, misogynistic crazy person really made me think about red buttons being pushed. Thanks.

We're fine

>inb4 fake news


>Russia narrative fails

>Nazi narrative fails


>Even the Republicans are saying it
Who, fucking Evan Mcmuffin? Why do shills act like the GOP was every friendly to Trump

You've been saying that for two years now. Haven't you realized that it's a losing strategy yet?

>Well, it's 8 years of Trump or civil war, so it's up to them.

This. And checked.

they said the same about reagan and nixon


leading republicans? nope

Im so scared right now, I'm literally crying

Fuck off antifa tranny

>leading republicans
Are these by any chance the same ones who sided with the democrats and tried to keep him out of office

wow he really scares them, he really scares them all

actually not. Bob Corker was an early supporter. McConnell was all in the Trump train.


ask sven to cradle your balls, it'll help calm you.

>Ana Navarro, Republican strategist

Whoever made this is genius, now Sup Forums can't make any criticism of Trump at all or they will be called a shill.

I dont understand why we even have a congress when they are nothing but traitors to Trump. Hopefully Trump shreds the marxist manifesto known as the constitution and writes a new one. I'm sick of this liberal hellhole of a country.

Nothing to worry about, everything will be fine


>James Clapper
Dudes a fucking deep state liar. Point blank lied about NSA surveillance and intelligence activities. Fuck that traitor he doesn't respect his pledge to the constitution at all.

what are you people like 2 years old? do you know how easy it is to disprove this? its literally a 15 minute test.

Oh lets take all these corrupt globalists at their word because they NEVER lie and they really do care about us.... /s

>With regards to the US response to intelligence findings that Russia was responsible for cyberattacks undertaken to influence the American election, after Trump won the election, Senator McConnell expressed "support for investigating American intelligence findings that Moscow intervened."
Yeah you're full of shit.

>Trump won't win republican ticket
>Trump won't win presidential election
>The electoral college won't make him president
>Trump stole the election with Russia
>Impeachment happening
>Impeachment happening in May
>Impeachment happening in July
>Trump is racist
>Trump is unhinged

It's a sickness

Exactly. Heil victory, brother.


Using twitter to broadcast his mind instead of creating his own forum makes him a bit of a lunatic. Twitter....really, limited characters for a president???

Why not set up a webpage so he can rant on and on and on like he does??

>Russia was responsible for cyberattacks undertaken to influence the American election

>>Russia was responsible for cyberattacks undertaken to influence the American election

>1 post by this ID

sage the thread. sage sage sage

>>>Russia was responsible for cyberattacks undertaken to influence the American election



kek. saved

Why not both?

clever. not accurate, but clever


It's not like he'd disappear, he'd just go back to TV. You could even buy his frozen meat products and eat them while watching his television program. Wouldn't that make you happy user?

>It's a sickness

we certainly do know that Trump can't govern. He can't get any laws through the Republican congress to make good on his campaign promises. weak. sad.

Ahhhhh, I remember a time I thought trump was going to re-name the us to the united trumps of kekistan... those were the dillusional days.

Drain the Swamp


Carry On

A faggot queer like yourself must find trump irresistible if you thats how you see him.


kill yourself shill rat guys are out of options. Now going the mental health route? neat. you guys are really running low on ammunition. Last week's car attack narrative didnt work so well. Now this? You should try that he is a reptilian alien next week.

by the way. Hollywood and New york bankers are evil, and even though they claim to be jewish are out to destroy israel.

activates the almonds as they say.

Republicans and Democrats are both Communist tools, controlled by Jews.

>the left and the neocons try their last possible Hail Mary play with LE TRUMP IS KRAZY!!! plan
>get BTFO'ed again and again.
>have no ammo left to use after this
>millions of liberal city-dwelling retards commit suicide when they realize that they've got 7.5 more years of Trump ruling over them.

I'm 100% OK with this.

>run out of room with the Russia conspiracy
>attack the president cause "he's mentally unfit"
These kikes are so desperate, I hope someone burns down cnns headquarters

I don't, bc it's funny to piss them off, and it's impossible to piss them off if they dont exist.

>.you guys

it's just kinda everybody. not me. those are just the conservative Republicans. imagine what the Democrats are saying.


No, it's literally just you and the (((mainstream media))). President Trump is the most popular, widely respected President in American history. Did you see the crowds at his rally last night? roflmao get cucked you fucking shill

>Anna Navarro
No she's a fucking spic and a clear Democrat
Daily reminder to report and sage spam threads

kill yourself

on the plus side, he's pointing out the media and left are completely out of their minds and the general public are seeing it now

he's stunted the growth of american communism for a decade or so

He's literally right about everything.

Just because he pisses people off with how he talks, doesn't mean he's wrong or a cunt.

Both the Repbulicans and the democrats are a pozzed scourge on this nation and care nothing for the interests of White America.
Fuck the lot of them.


Why are leftist memes so low energy?

WOW. It's almost as if... they coordinated talking points.

Thanks for confirming, faggot. Get fucked. Enjoy hell.

we should start arresting journalists for treason

>Why are leftist memes so low energy?

that's a weak meme, user.

>every president/presidential candidate has a mental illness because they do/say what i don't like

i wish it was like this in my country

>Even the cuck Republicans are saying it.


what? each one said something very different. you know when talking points are coordinated when they all use the same shitty phrase. LIke the republicans do ALL the time.

Think more. it leads to better posts.

>Trump is a communist agent he works for the kgb, he’s a nazi who has Alzheimer’s and is unhinged!
Schizo retards

>he works for the kgb,

I don't reccomend coming here again.

James Clapper is a fucking slave.

Nothing he says is of merit.

It was fun while it lasted, but his mental health is deteriorating.

Seriously, we can;t let this guy get the launch codes.

>8 years of Trump
he'll be like 78 years old ffs

To quote the previous pres. "yes we can"

>* downright scary and disturbing, can't trust with the nuclear codes, Republican James Clapper, former head of national intelligence for George HW Bush

Former perjurer in chief in front of congress and responsible for the suspension of our civil liberties. James Clapper is a literal NAZI.

Go back to Media Matters.

Stop thinking the republicans are on your side just because they are republicans. Most of them are just pseudo-democrats.

could outright kill it if he wins reelection and they are so delusional they attempt to overthrow only to get beat into oblivion

Shills don't even know how to greentext.

Trump insane?........

Hillary wanted open borders and would force every American to use their tax dollars to take care of illegal invaders


>Did you see the crowds at his rally last night?
inside or outside the venue do you all sleep at night knowing you allow this?

Is it just me, or are the Cucks stealing our tactics?

Cry more Salt-Right

Oi, what makes you think I'm crying?

you know what they say about big feet....

>Bob Corker

>Joe Carr, who has twice challenged Tennessee Republicans in Congress over the last three years but lost both primary races, is now weighing a run against U.S. Sen. Bob Corker in 2018.

>Sensing an anti-establishment undercurrent again, the tea party-aligned former Tennessee state representative from Lascassas confirmed he's thinking about challenging Corker, R-Tenn., for the Republican nomination.

>Carr said he "gets calls and text messages on a daily basis" encouraging him to do so. He said his candidacy would have an appeal "in the age of Trump," predicting 2018 would not be kind to incumbents.

>"Like Donald Trump, I speak my mind. I know what I believe. I know why I believe it," Carr told the USA TODAY NETWORK - Tennessee. "I believe I can articulate it, which generates a lot of interest."

Seems like the conservatives are not happy with their Republican representatives, and are rebelling against them. It's going to be interesting to see if the conservatives in the US try to remove as many of the left-leaning Republican traitors as possible in 2018, and replace them with right-wing patriots who support Trump.


>watching his television program
>watching the electric jew

shill bot
exact same thread on Sup Forums right now
