What did the ACLU mean by this?

What did the ACLU mean by this?

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they're /our guys/ deep down caugth in eternal battle with the Jewish SPLC

I bet you RIGHT NOW it has comments trashing them for having a blonde haired white kid holding an american flag

I'll be honest guys, I'm getting worried

so their so called future is a white baby,literally erasing people of colour

Yes. Yes it does.


So.....the ACLU are the nazis?

White children are a symbol of white supremacy/racism now. Seriously, fucking wake me up. This can't be reality/

14 words

100% livid m8

White = Nazi

There's only one way now.

Is that a brony doll??

>White children existing is white supremacy
Really got my cranium a crackin

>white supremacy

>because whites flourishing is bad


Clearly a pupper.

>not a brown child with an american flag
>not a white child in drag holding an LGBT flag


that some things are of absolute importance, above all others

among them are freedom of speech

What's "ACLU"?
Some kind of jews?

This isn't real. This isn't real. This isn't real. This isn't real. This isn't real. This isn't real. This isn't real. This isn't real.

people are free to be bronies
do not oppress freedom of expression

yes it is degenerate and sad and pathetic

only push back when they try to normalize or spread it

American Civil Liberties Union

Hells yeah 14/88


Just say it's a gay kid, and it will be alright.

You should be

despite all degeneracy they incidentally support

they stick by their principles and freedom of speech

Legal attack dogs for democrats.

The white cucks I despise the most

what does it matter what color the kid is?

why is anyone worrying about such a thing unless they are a racist(the only ones who keep thinking about it)?

>What did the ACLU mean by this?
Probably some pedo shit, knowing them.

2 late

>White kids
>Nigger crying
>Green frog

This looks way too familiar to be a coincidence.

Dani gets the rope. JoAnna Banana gets a medal. That's the same chick that shut down Gorilla Man Cernovich

They want this.

When will white americans realize the fight is over ? You're less then 60% of total population and dropping even faster, white kids 5 years and under are already less then 50% and a majority minority now.

oh wow

>white baby

>twitter rules 2018
>all pictures uploaded on twitter depicting people must include people of all races, sexual orientation and gender identification to not let anyone feel left out

This fucking cunt though.

When are people gonna wake up and realise that the vast majority of non-whites simply RESENT white people for existing? They only tolerate us because they live in our countries and we hold the majority of the wealth/power.

you think the fight can be over while even one member of your side still draws breath?

coward let alone 150 million?

Meanwhile if the ACLU tweeted a picture of a brown kid, everyone would be commenting "WOW SO BRAVE! THIS IS THE FUTURE OF AMERICA, AND IT'S BEAUTIFUL"


Found the jew

Fucking GOD what happend to my country?!

What is the problem? The kid is cute.


Most kids in that picture aren't blond, and statistically 40% have dark eyes.

follower of Christ
jew in spirit only
as stated in the new testament

The Jews grip is cemented at every level in the american society, they engineered this decline in whites. 1 or 150 million there wont be any fight against this enemy now for he is hidden among niggers, arabs, asians and has control over key positions in media, culture, finance, politics. You honestly think this is going to end well for whites ?

The lack of God.

what do you think?
the same thing that has happened to the whole earth since the beginning

the dragon is what happened
that old serpent

no, they are just another symptom

Except in the case of the Daily Stormer.

hold fast to Christ
you have not seen anything yet in terms of wickedness that will manifest before the end


>they stick by their principles and freedom of speech
They actually aren't. The person who helped allow the first night's rally go on, has "resigned". They also won't be able to use the "We are non-partisan because, look, we defended Nazi's speech 30 years ago, remember?"


Actually that somehow got fixed in the last 2 years.

>The white birth rate in America has staged a near miraculous comeback and was a majority of live births in 2016—reversing a decade long decline—if the figures in the latest National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) report is accurate.

>The report’s “Table 2: Births, by race and Hispanic origin of mother” claims that of the 3,941,109 births in 2016, some 2,054,564 were “white” nonHispanic.

>This amounts to 52 percent of the total.

Let's see how long Burgers can keep this up with deportations and Trump's new bill that will limit legal immigration. And the thing is that the US has largest amount of white people in the world, meanwhile Davos expects 1 billion refugees to Europe in the next decades, which will overwhelm the relatively small population of Western European countries.

how can jews be a symptom? they simply exist as a people, unless you think that very existence is indicative of something.


never forget;
"if God be for us, who can be against us?"

they have nothing but a long running tantrum on their side, one that will be brought to an abrupt end

>white people existing is white supremacy
daily reminder that "white supremacy" just means "not actively anti-white"


I like this version better.

doesn't look like it, but it's a show for kids nothing wrong with little kids watching it

They should keep this up. They'll end up inadvertently redpilling more normies.

no they don't you stupid nigger

Fuck God. If he didn't create shitskins we wouldn't be in this mess.

These comments are hilarious


You pulled off the mask without being a big enough guy

>white people existing is bad

welp. time to go full 1488 guys

>tfw to this person, it would be fine if it was a black kid
>tfw you have to kowtow to and tolerate 70IQ niggers who don't understand logic, at all

what we are actually talking about here is not jews (ethnic, those in blood) on the whole but almost only and exclusively zionists

their entire attitude, plans, methodology, tools, acts, etc are all just the symptom(s) i mentioned

not some route cause

>unless you think that very existence is indicative of something.

well, that too
but not their existence, only their current state, i.e. that state thats been manifesting since the Cross


whats blonde got to do with anything?

fucking snowniggers thinking you're superior to any of us when most Europeans and Meds have brown hair

you dont have the first clue of what you speak

besides havent you ever heard the theory that the "mark of cain" is black skin?

or that the adversary created blacks?

you could just as easily say:
if he hadnt created lucifer (or had destroyed him at first sign of sin) then we wouldnt be in this mess

use your sense

>someone will try to dispute this

Also the comment section really shows that a race war is inevitable. Nigger and lefties really want to kill white people

we are needed, join in guise

They've been acting out at this audacious level for 3 or 4 years now at least, and the mass redpilling is yet to happen. Whites have been conditioned from a very young age (as young as that kid in the pic) to not identify with, or care about their race, so even when they see an obvious attack on whites, they feel nothing. It's not their problem. That's the best case scenario. Worst case scenario is that they become actively anti-white, for example joining antifa.

he did >oy vey jews are a sympto

I'm against that, im saying we should all mix race.

>they are just another symptom
>their entire attitude, plans, methodology, tools, acts, etc are all just the symptom
>the strategy to destroy western nations is a "symptom", and the conclusion of said "symptom" is absolute destruction of western nations

Stop pretending to know what the fuck you are talking about.

Brony detected

I think that post was sarcastic. I mean, I realize it very well might not be, but read like sarcasm and ACLU totally trolling to me.


They aren't going to give us any choice, but to fight. They are pushing us into a corner it is better we act now then when we're weaker.

But Ezekiel, he could be a blonde jew.





>this is what the left actually believes


Hej Lasse!

You know if they didn't say anything they wouldn't shut up about it.

>be ACLU
>get an entire years worth of funding in one day
>can only afford someone who makes white font on blue background infographics which could just just been tweeted out

wasn't he discriminating?


yep niggers got really triggered

If there was any doubt that crept in over the last few months let it be squashed, minorities and white leftists HATE white people and want us KILLED

>Follow our lead or they'll be harmed

Fits their character perfectly

They're still going for the "we just want civil rights" taqiyya:

Oh no, it's a white kid! Quick, everyone panic!

You should be. We're going to do the worst thing to Israel imaginable. We're going to retake all the ill-gotten gains by Jew supremacists in the U.S. and send them back to Israel. We'll see if they openbordersforisrael.

Jesus fucking christ. Can a few of you anons send this to Tucker?