I honestly do not understand this

The very same people that told me to never give up your constitutional rights, never budge on personal freedoms, never submit to authority, to always QUESTION EVERYTHING in the Bush years

today they are for curtailing rights because their feelings are hurt, limiting liberty because someone is for something they are not. They are for censorship and for policing thought

what the fuck happened? has this ever happened before? Where did everything go wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:


Welcome to the greatest timeline

I blame the covfefe

all despots must seize power in the name of freedom

trump's successful "i'm not clinton and also illegal immigrants" campaign was something of an aberration, but it makes me no more confident that americans are capable of resisting tyranny again


Its simple user, our political parties give a message that people will like that hurts the other party. They go back and forth but when they are in office they either force a crappy agenda (see: Democrats) or do nothing and just let it happen (see: Republicans). Neither party cares about our freedom, they care about the power and money that they have while continuing to milk us dry and force us into silence, because they are globalist scum. Occasionally there might be someone who is actually genuine, but they can't do anything because of all the people who aren't

they never wanted true freedom, they simply wanted the freedom for people to be like them. they want a god who can guide them, tell them what they should and shouldn't do, enforce their views, and they tried and damn near suceeded in making one. you should consider yourself lucky that you live in a timeline where as a collective we threw off the system in favor of freedom rather than cowing in and becoming slaves without a fight.

>spend literally decades undermining the 2nd amendment in the public eye
>somehow people are shocked when they start to come for the 1st

The only consistent ideal of liberalism is to be anti-authority. They were pro-free speech because their authorities weren't. They were egalitarian because their authorities weren't. They were against war and violence because the authorities were pro war and violence.

when they decided to ban loony toons from television because "we wuz against racism and sheit"

why weren't they anti-authority under obama?

I questioned bush and his supporters. I questioned obama and his supporters. Now trump and his supporters get the same treatment

>what the fuck happened?
They got into power
>has this ever happened before?
Everytime they got power
>Where did everything go wrong?
We voted for a nigger that destroyed the country. Twice.

They viewed obama as a great freedom fighter tearing down the oppressive white Christian establishment. Yes, they are this delusional.

Because Obama was their perceived victory (emphasis on perceived). Same reason they didn't criticize his wars in the middle-east or his continuation of Bush-era meddling in Eastern Europe.

agreed, but during the Bush years I learned from these people to question everything, stand up for liberty, value and defend the 1st amendment...

now they just gave up everything they stood for and it's so infuriating. Infuriating to know that those I learned to think the way I do now and forever really were never invested in that line of thought themselves to begin with.

These are my friends and more importantly my family and that's what hurts the most.

memes separate the weak from the strong
we are unmasking the betas because they cant into memes, thats why theres so many more of them

they managed to get obama into the white house and got off on the power trip that the illusion of control over the mechanisms of control gave them.

i identified with the libs until 2007 when ron paul converted me. i've been estranged from liberal culture for the past ten years. they make zero sense to me now.

Tolerance Ain’t free. The tree of equality and acceptation gotta be litterd with the blood of Fascists. Danold J DRUNRT is not my presidnet. he is Racist, capatalist, and probbaly NAZI as well :DD. LOVEtrumps hate, not hate speech ok. praise marx.

Call them out on it. Remind them of their hypocrisy.

It boggles the mind. They rave about Trump being a dictator in one breath then about restricting the 1st amendment in the next. It's like they are too dumb to realize that any restriction they come up with would likely apply to themselves as well.

> It's like they are too dumb to realize that any restriction they come up with would likely apply to themselves as well.
I've noticed this as well with big government advocates. There is really no explanation for this lack of self-awareness other than lack of intelligence.

Our political beliefs are evil incarnate apparently. In fact, forget the "political beliefs" part, they're just evil. The embodiment of evil.

They've been encouraging this line for years. They paint something as the literal definition of evil, and then make it/those who believe in it exempt from the same rights as everyone else. They'll use what's happening to us now as a precedent for future censorship. Just wait and see. This has been a long time in planning.

we're training the public hate impulse with a regular series of minor hair-trigger events (talking "white vs. black" boxing match, not "crazed WN teen murders protester in euro-islam style).

the hate isn't calibrated to a target minority (jews) but instead split into two distinct streams, that allows us to control the intensity of each other individually.

in a post-conflict scenario, the hate/love ambiguity is ripe for exploitation by a true tyrant (as opposed to figurehead like trump). things are bad now but worse is inevitable if the mass public focuses ever more on minor things, even "microaggressions" and the fact that tom brady isn't black.

identity politics weaponized.

They are hypocrites..

They have always been thus.

The left and right were always a fucking lie they are one in the same and its been like this forever FOREVER. Left is progressive but the right is slower progressive. They are the same it was a big fat fucking lie.

And once they have taken all that we have we will have nothing left to lose.

Read the Unabomber Manifesto. Progressive conscientiousness always helps the system because they are oversocialized faggots

>The very same people that told me to never give up your constitutional rights, never budge on personal freedoms, never submit to authority, to always QUESTION EVERYTHING in the Bush years

>today they are for curtailing rights because their feelings are hurt,

not necessarily, i was one of those people and now im pretty much a nazi

They've never believed in those things. They were just angry that their party wasn't in the White House, and now it's happening again, but they're even less coherent because after the degeneracy of the last 8 years, they believed they could get whatever they wanted and no one could tell them no. Now, common sense has finally returned and they're out of sorts because the world isn't continuing to become twisted like they want.

yes, im sure many people went down that path, a lot of Obama voters went to Trump

but a lot didn't

To put it simply, the media happened. For the last few years we've been bombarded with things that never should have been big news. Every black person that got shot by cops was major news even when it was usually obvious why the person got shot, and everything that was actual news was scrolling on the ticker tape below. The media, or whoever controls them, have built up a movement around the name of social justice by bombarding its viewers with pieces designed to get their feelings moving instead of their brains. After the 30th news story about a black man getting shot by cops people who don't get the rest of the information of course will start to believe "hey racism might be alive". I mean, it isn't even just cops killing blacks I'm just using that as an example. We've had loads of pieces about inequality that usually cannot be proven to exist or is there on faulty evidence (wage gap, where are all the women CEOS???, sexism in literally anything) all the while being hit with nice new or changed buzzwords like "boys club" and "privilege". Events are blown way out of proportion or are outright lied about (evil white nationalist free speech rally that was really a handful of people some holding black lives matter signs) and since it's the actual news saying this a lot of people are gonna see it and believe it since the only other people saying anything about it have been successfully labeled with as many negative things as they can. To TL;DR it, people were dumbed down to the point that they wouldn't question anything (or even watch the event themselves, shit for very recent if they would just watch Trumps speech they'd see he said the KKK has no place in America but they wont watch it and the media won't say it) and the media pushes false outrage and outright lies to them.

sounds like pre hitler germany.

>The very same people that told me to never give up your constitutional rights, never budge on personal freedoms, never submit to authority, to always QUESTION EVERYTHING in the Bush years
>today they are for curtailing rights because their feelings are hurt, limiting liberty because someone is for something they are not. They are for censorship and for policing thought

Everybody likes legal protections when they aren't in power, and tries to crush competing groups when they are in power.


all that did was show people why they get shot all the time.

Probably one of those people here.

Never resign yourself to a political party, only what you think after questioning and viewing reality.
It's not about left right or center, only what works for the time.
sycophants infect everything, you have to keep on your toes and have to keep moving.
Yesterday I was "liberal", today I'm "republican", tomorrow I'll be "democrat" but what I thought and how I came to the conclusion never really change much.


The left has a different definition of free speech than you do.

You say that, but you're a bit wrong. You need to put yourself in the mind of a total bluepilled norm. These people don't know shit about shit and they trust what they are told, and you know as well as I do that we are told everyone is the same and everyone gets along and only evil racists think black people are violent. These people have been told that black crime statistics are because black people steal to feed their family, that they only do drugs because white people, and all kinds of nonsense. and they believe it. When the news started telling them that the cops are killing these people and that they didn't have to shoot them they could have just shot the leg or whatever they believe it. They don't know that just shooting the leg isn't only not easy, but they also don't know that it can get someone killed. They have been told to believe that racism is the reason for all this shit and they do believe it. Literally just go on tumblr or plebbit and you will see all kinds of idiots mindlessly repeating what they heard.Don't get me wrong, some right leaning people do the same just with different outlets, but the big difference between the two is who is using violence to get their way and who isn't.

It was never about rights or freedom, it was always about extracting the wealth from white men.

Best posts in the thread.

Kek every aging punk rock "rebel" that I know truly believes that Trump is the Great Satan. These are the same people, mind you, who absolutely hated on hippies and peace-nics their entire lives and were all about sticking it to the man... I hold them in zero esteem now. The ones who didn't wake the fuck up with the DNC scandal are just complacent hypocrites, IMO. Friends like that, I don't need.

well most people understand. only flaming liberals think otherwise.

The left doesn't actually have any consistent principles, their only goal is to destroy western civilization, and they'll use whatever means are available to them

You are talking bullshit and are clearly a Jew.

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:

Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:

The faggot left will only use those arguments when it suits their agenda and toss them when it's inconvenient. Fucking gas them all.

>to be so young to have believed during bush II
>to be so young as to not realized some of us were there for two bushes
>to be so young to be surprised or outraged or whatever emotion OP is trying to convey

god I wish I was young again

"flaming liberals" are a product, and most "flaming liberals" would be radically different if not for two big things. One is the media, as I have said. The other is social media. Twitter, facebook, instagram, the whole shebang. I'll liken it to something Sup Forums. Years ago Sup Forums got hit really really hard with a huge influx of furries, to the point that even old Sup Forums who didn't care what you fapped to wanted it gone. Sup Forums gave this tiny tiny group an outlet to post all their shit on that they didn't really have before. Sure they had small communities of people who shared their fetish, but Sup Forums gave them a new place with all kinds of other people, artists, OC creators, and things that didn't exist in other communities at the time and they fucking went nuts. This very very small group of people looked fucking huge due to the amount of furshit seen everywhere and non furries got tired of it and pushed back. The furfags called this "fursection" and legit had no idea why people were bothered by them. This is almost exactly what social media has done for the "flaming liberals". They gained an outlet to talk their retarded shit. I don't mean normal left leaning people either, I mean the "DIE CIS SCUM" people that we all laughed at years back. They gained a platform and they fucking yelled loud, loud enough to make their group seem bigger than it was. Over the years small bits of the original loud crazy liberals have integrated themselves into what are todays leftist groups, except now they call it "white privilege" (no longer saying to "check your privilege", just flat out you have it you cant deny it, you can't even question it) and other things. Social media today serves as an echo chamber for the mediagrown liberals, and it spreads. Social media is not like myspace used to be, more and more very young people are on it and more and more of them are going to be shaped by what they see on it. The problem is too many people are misinformed.

It happened in 2011-2012 when Dianne Kikestein, Michael "kike" Bloomberg, Chuck "kike" Schumer, etc. decided they want to go on a crusade against firearm freedom.

They had the mainstream media and hollywood spreading lies to the American people, who wised up to their bullshit pretty quick.

Social media completely fucked the narrative they were trying to shove down their throats.

This trend appears to have continued, we even have new media companies forming, on platforms like youtube.

the emotion is outrage and disbelief that those which I founded my convictions on don't really believe in anything they espoused -

those that taught me the very foundation of my critical thinking don't even believe it in themselves

Their entire platform revolves around soccer-flop tactics really.

Also to add to this, yes people who are just liberals because they truly believe everyones a racist and shit do exist. I'm talking about why it's so big, and why people keep joining even when antifa is clearly clubbing people. Controlling information can let you control people, and the news spreading outrage and social media reinforcing this outrage are a big reason for it.

its about restoring America from those who abuse that trust.

With ultimate power comes ultimate responsibility, once we clean the streets of the rats we can go back to normal.

Turns out the only thing worse than neo-cons is neo-libs.

are you older than you were back then?

You got fucking hornswaggled mate, never fuck with the machiavellian Left

Don't lie, none of them can even listen to the music because it's too "triggering"

>what the fuck happened?
Idiological subversion happened and Yuri Bezminov was right.

What did he say was the solution to waking them up?

we know it came from the media but now they are making legislation to promote this shit dont tell me its all in your head and just a perceived threat.

there is none he said. they will be like that forever.

He didn't really say much about stopping it but I know this much for sure. The only thing we can do is make every effort we can to red pill everyone we can but we need to do it in a smart way. Eg all the memes we make and the meme wars we fought made a huge difference in red pilling people.

The main thing though I would say we need to do is take down the mainstream media propaganda machine.

The question was where it came from, and as I've said you will have to find who funds the media. The social media thing was an inevitability as although its mods will delete extremes (or in a few cases just right wing stuff in general) its mostly people driven with a relatively small (compared to userbase) amount of shills. The media pushed this shit, you want to know who's behind it find out who's behind them. No, it isn't just in your head but if you can't actually prove anything beyond a doubt you can't diffuse the situation for shit. As for some of the "lesser" stuff likes trans related shit in legislation some of it is likely left politicians doing what their voter base wants (or else they wont stay in power), some of it is likely people high on the idea of equality and social justice, and some of it is likely people trying to cause controversy. If you want answers fucking look for them, I'm just a shitposter with some free time giving an actual fucking opinion for once.

we already know where it comes from you are very new here.

Yeah jews, no shit. Can you provide solid 100% infallible evidence that even the radical left can't ignore? If not then you very much don't understand shit about what I've been saying and the discussion has largely changed from what changed in people to whatever this is.

You cant wake them up
So you gotta put them to sleep forever

someone post the growing chart of jewish media reporters and writers. they represent something like 95% of all media. while only being 1% of the population. what they have done is tricked people into thinking they are white people when they tell them to tone it down a bit. Its Jewish privilege not white privilege. once people realize that all that white hate they created can be directed to the actual elites.

See, this is how I know you don't know shit about how other people work. If you were to go to a fucking BLM rally and show them that chart and tell them it's all lies they are gonna fuck you right up. Until you can show a fucking video of the fucking jews sitting at a table talking about how to use the media and what outrage to make next no one that doesn't already believe is going to believe it. If you want to beat the leftists you either need 100% proof or you need to do it slowly, you need to show them small things (like the video of what the "white nationalist free speech rally" really was) and keep showing them the lies. You don't just fucking name the jew in front of them, they've been literally built to lash out against shit like that. The OPs question was "what happened" and lots of people gave good answers, I don't know why you're being so retarded about it.

>implying meems aren't real

how about you lurk more before you think you know how this place operates.

>The very same people that told me to never give up your constitutional rights, never budge on personal freedoms, never submit to authority, to always QUESTION EVERYTHING in the Bush years

That was us.

>today they are for curtailing rights because their feelings are hurt, limiting liberty because someone is for something they are not. They are for censorship and for policing thought

That's the generation below us, who took it too far.

Checked. Reference for further reference on what the greatest timeline entails

You can't give rights to retards, they'll force someone to take the rights from them. Then will come tyranny, and THEN, a few generations later, people get their rights back and the cycle restarts.

Here's what the foreseeable future holds according to Kek:

>The very same people that told me to never give up your constitutional rights, never budge on personal freedoms, never submit to authority, to always QUESTION EVERYTHING in the Bush years

>Bush years

Bush years? If you want to be even more confused look at the liberals in the 60s and 70s compared to what we have now. Destroying art, demanding "safe spaces" and censorship, calling on the government to make anything they don't like illegal. They're a far cry from what they used to be.

It's true, the SDS and weathermen make antifa and the modern lefties look like pussies but it doesn't change the fact that the modern left are a cancer.

Real life isn't like the movies buddy. The bad guys don't monologue their plots to the guy holding a camera. They don't let untrusted people into their elite private circles.

Elite Zionist Jews using left wing Jews as a tool to push political correctness and activism to divide the working class into using identity politics and fight each other.

Look, I know this shit. Read the type of fag I'm replying to, I'm trying to explain to this retard that the left don't care about what he thinks, they arn't going to read his infograph, they arn't going to even let him speak. I'm fucking telling him it's too late, unless he can do the fucking impossible he will not be able to get the left to stop. No shit this isn't a movie, the same can be said for fuckers who think they would be given the time of day to stand up on a soapbox and give their fucking opinions to these lefty rioters and shit. They'd beat the shit out of you before they'd listen.

I'm with you OP. Terribly disaffected Democrat here. I'm not quite ready to abandon them but they're doing their best.

I dont give a shit what the extremists think they are fucking retarded and most of us know they are paid to be there.

>Terribly disaffected Democrat here

My pet unicorn says you're not tho.

Programmed drones.
It works like this:
>Make news talk 24/7 about idea on every channel
>It is now stupid to hold any other idea because the fabricated consensus says that's THE WAY
>Drones eat that shit up because they don't want to be weird but mostly because they're fucking drones
>repeat forever

Jews subvert everything.

Let's get Antifa labeled as terrorists, official white house petition here:

Let's also get George Soros what he deserves for financing violent domestic terrorist groups:
Sign and share please!

Just notice how all of a sudden it has became TOP PRIORITY to fell every confederate statue.
Does that look natural to any of you? Are you sleeping like them?

When fascism comes to America
it will be wrapped in the flag
and carrying a cross.
— Sinclair Lewis

take this one down too

Partisan politics

nigger that image is incorrect on so many levels it might as well be jewish propaganda
>tfw it is

im still curious how this wasn't taken up under obama hope and change!

You got a lot right here but the next place to start investigating, if you haven't already, is how the media's mind control changed over time. Boomers had one television channel, then a handful. By the time of satellite TV and its hundreds of channels, that was kinda neat, but it was still all getting filtered through the satellite and cable companies.

Everyone consumed nearly the same content around the country, around each (technologically civilized) country around the globe.

The Internet, as it became widespread to the point where we now carry it around in our pockets, changed everything—and not just in terms of what kind of information you can find on it. It's the quantity of diverging opinions, number of prominent e-celebs spouting off opinions as though they're experts on the topic, and the massive, never-ending spiral of trivial information being created every second, polluting our data pools forever, drowning us in ways our forefathers never could've conceived.

Look up Dunbar's Number on Wikipedia—long story short, our brains are only wired to be able to retain information about like 250 other unique humans. We evolved this way because prior very recent historically, we'd wander around, form small tribes, interact with other tribes, eventually build small villages, etc. Now, we have digital portals to the globally-connected alternate dimension that consists of more or less the current conscious and subconscious of mankind, represented as hypertext and multimedia.


Unsourced statement incoming: when you watch enough hours of an e-celeb's life, often as they share intimate moments and personal anecdotes and shit, you start to treat them like a one-way surrogate friend, or at least, sort of like someone interesting you'd see every other evening at the bar or something. They occupy the same "person-RAM" space in your brain as your family, coworkers, people you know around town, etc. You have access to more individuals on the Internet now than ever before. Everyone with a smartphone and an Internet connection essentially has equal opportunity of being a Voice that gains a Following—this is unprecedented in human history, and we're now feeling the effects of it.

Emotions spread virally in real life, especially among women, but when you add the Internet, things get even crazier. Nobody reads news articles, most people don't even read headlines—they just read what their social media bubble of choice is saying, learn how they FEEL about a given topic, and then adopt it as their own personal position. Again, this happened before in human history, but never at the global scale now possible because we all have the Internet in our pocket at all times.

The other day I needed to know the definition of something, or I wanted to know some factoid, or something... I can't even remember it. I do remember the moment of unease I felt as I realized that I have been psychologically trained to use this mechanized data-portal that I carry around in my pocket to peer into the metaverse and scry the information I requested from its ethereal digital weave.

Our brains are literally not evolved to properly handle the brave new world we find ourselves in. We still have tailbones!

Caucasians are waking up and ((((They)))) are cracking down. They thought we had all been degraded into domestic obedience like negros, but we showed we are still a threat

Check this out

>I felt as I realized that I have been psychologically trained to use this mechanized data-portal

are you sure we didn't just want to know for ourselves and that is the result? why would we be trained to want to gain information?

they have daddy abandonment issues manifesting as rage against strong white males. all of them

Hey bro you mislabeled that image. Thats a toilet full of poop, this is what a nintendo switch looks like.

The point I was trying to make there was actually the comic from the previous post—in the past, we'd want to know something, but looking it up was a pain. Maybe the knowledge was written down by someone in a book somewhere, and you have to find it. Maybe you're trying to remember who was that one guy in that one movie—you'd ask your group of friends and they'd all combine their efforts to reminisce.

Now, once you've been "trained" properly to use a modern smartphone with a data connection, infinite facts about the world—useless and otherwise—are available to you as quickly as you can touch-type or speak the question. Pic related.

The singularity has actually begun, and nobody noticed. Our minds aren't yet literally, (meta?)physically one, yet... but we're kind of close. You could almost say our minds are converging into TWO global minds instead of one—this is what Scott Adams talks about when he describes people today as "watching two different movies on the same screen". Peoples' worldviews are losing diversity. We'll all become one soon enough. Let's enjoy the end of it together while we still can.


Don't forget they shill hard for religious fundies and even proclaimed Jihad in the POTUS