Punch a Nazi

Continuation of an earlier thread. Make memes like pic related of abused women/children with captions espousing violence against ALL Nazis. Cite that 53%of white women voted for trump, that sort of thing. the goal is to equate trump supporters to fascists, make Antifa look bad and bring normies closer to our side in the process.

Post these on twitter on the following hashtags:
and any other related hashtags. Get to work!

I like this Idea. Another thing we should do is post post the accounts we are using that way we can retweet and follow each other to spread the memes faster.

Another good one.

wow boy, I looked at that picture, read the text and the exact mental words that came to my mind were "another good one."

really creative bro, keep up the good work.



The left can't meme.

They would have never thought of something as good as this.

I think they fact theyre all women makes it too obvious

I think it would be more effective to be subtle.
Dont mention the gender in the caption. Just show graphic images of men beating women and generic captions of punching nazis and supporting minorities.

>post the accounts we are using
Nice try. But no.




I agree the captions are a dead giveaway but sadly Its a lot easier for most people to ignore violence when it is against men.

In order to drive home the point that the initiation of violence is wrong the face of that violence must be women.



Absolutely Subversive

Sage raid threads

hope no one is dumb enough to fall for this shit.


No no no no no, you're not thinking far enough.

no, REPORT raid threads

You idiots are creating threads before they hit 300 which shows that you're new and don't know what the fuck you're doing.

This only achieves two things:

1. You get #PunchANazi trending and nobody sees the domestic abuse memes, just SJW shit because it will be instantly reappropriated with Richard Spencer face punch gifs

2. It doesn't trend so no one sees it

You're retards.

we cant go that far until they do and their not far off.

they already kidnap, assault, murder, their only one step away from rape!

If you want them to spread these, you've gotta be at least a LITTLE subtle.
>the severely mashed up faces are obvious
>still good for keks either way though


praise kek

oy vey rabbi we dont need a single catchall hashtag they can just delete... shouldnt you be burning down a synagogue somewhere and playing the V card?

Remember to use your antifa accounts to concern troll.
>Maybe we should rethink this punch a nazi thing guts they're using it against us
>It turns away possible recruits to the cause


This is why i love this site

Spread #KillaNazi or #ShootaNazi too

>Spread #KillaNazi or #ShootaNazi too

You keep posting these threads and you're too autistic to understand that they're bad, they won't trend, even if they did it would just be turned around against you.

You cannot just shit out diarrhea into a thread and say "omg epic raid you guys!" you have to actually come up with a good concept which requires not having special needs aka not being you.


you overestimate our enemy

It needs to be more subtle. All your memes are too obvious. You'll have better chance creating memes that portray all republicans as nazis for example. Go extreme with antifa/liberal memes. But don't be too obvious. Let them drink that kool aid, it will take little time before they realize they are retarded in their ideology.

Also better put liberal looking men there too. Make extreme liberal memes. Just try to subtlety steer normies away from liberalism.

this one is especially good because it shows that they falsely equate the American flag & free speech with Nazism, therefore they are targeting the public at large

CNN started it, saying Antifa was doing 'peace through violence'.

It's no raid either, since it's just uploading pics on twitter or other social media platforms. Just like those retards at /ptg/ do when some happening is going and they want to get their opinion heard.


This one is great. The better ones don't say anything about women, they show it.