Holocaust redpills

I just dropped the redpill on my friends about holocaust.
Debunked everything the gave me but they are bluepilled beyond my initial thought.

I'm pretty sure I dropped 1 redpill too many and I think I'm going to lose what's left of my friends.
It's already a lonely life knowing the truth but suppressing my power level.
I'm sick of it. Im unleashing hell.

I need some spirit bomb tier holocaust redpills.

Other urls found in this thread:


are they jews? nothing of value was lost if they were jews.


you can lead a horse to water, you cannot force it to drink

ask them who opened the gates of Toledo.
ask them who is opening our borders today.
i.e. Barbara Spectre and her ilk

forgot pic lul

Keep them coming!

the school of satan

The holocaust happened

It was exaggerated(dont care how much, but a lot)

The intention was not extermination of the entire jewish race on earth

It is used as manipulative propaganda and it is banned from discussion in many countries


the red terror is left out of our history books...i wonder why...ever look into the holodomor?

war is people dying. many more christians died in that war. i feel no sympathy for dead jews amidst a war with many more christian deaths. bad goy 6 gorrils

i tried redpilling my friends and gf. gf avoided political discussion with me. friends called me crazy. they wont believe you. i've providence, but they still dont support. dont even waste your time.

just say no to jewish wars


Yeah, surprisingly no one knows what the Fuck holodomor is.
When they hear about it they still go back to "buh nazis were still bad tho"

sorry im baked and meant to type provided evidence

The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for your self, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life?

Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, everyday, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life



Well, on one hand, it is great to be surrounded by people that do not just parrot everything you say, like an echo-chamber, but on the other, you have to have SOME common ground for structure. Opinions can be heated, and personally, I choose to leave all political and religious discussion away from business and close relationships, unless it is relevant and appropriate. One great friend is worth more than a thousand fake friends. If you and your friends are willing to let simple opinions come between you, then perhaps your friendships were not as strong as you initially thought. I do wish you the best, and encourage you to stay true to you, but just know that in the state of the current political climate, conversations related to yours are going to come with more and more risk.

I'm starting to feel like giving up. My friends are very much against sjw faggotry tier shit but they refuse to acknowledge the actual source of pure grade A denegeracy.

I'm pretty close to the completely hiding my power level and just doing bluepill larp until the happening of all happenings happens.

Only jews put their lives above all the others and its selfish as fuck


This is the exact reason I keep a copy of "Did Six Million really Die?" with me, along with
The Leuchter Report. A few stray wartime documents and some photos and you can redpill/debate anyone.

>I need some spirit bomb tier holocaust redpills.
Holocaust Handbooks

Holocaust Revisionism

It's tough. Especially with the spread of degeneracy.
I have worked hard all my life. I'm still in mid 20s but my body is already breaking from work.
No wife but good social skills but in this day in age as a white male I feel I'm treated with a mild neglect now.
No matter how hard working, how righteous I am it just still seems that everyone is falling for the "white males are dem bad guys" meme.

I'm almost tempted to take an offer of marrying a friends relative from Iraq just to spread my genes but it requires race mixing.
Still might be better than having a future divorce.


>watch this video


>realize how the nuremberg trials didn't place evidence with much regard

>realize how such exaggerated absurdities are "scholarly sources"

>realize how even wikipedia uses these junk books as their sources


uh huh thats another hmmm


You're retarded.


user, let me tell you something: you win nothing by making direct rebuttal to claims. People fight logic when they feel logic is against them.

You must only give a glimpse of truth; something that will take their interest. Instead of going full 'holohoax', just tell them simple facts. For example, that if Hitler really wanted to kill the jews all he had to do was cut food. Or that there were hospitals in the concentration camps.

Don't make conclusions. Just ask questions. Your friends will make their own research and find the truth.

That was confusing green text. To elaborate, basically the original books that are used as scholarly sources are littered with demonstrable lies, and more and more have been called out over time. Then only the most reasonable ones are cherry picked from the same sources that are still littered with obvious lies.

And the Nuremburg trials were a joke because the purpose wasn't to seek truth by weighing evidence like it is in a typical US court of law.

Live and learn. Sometimes its best and test the waters then shut the fuck up about sone things.

But then real friends would get over it if they didnt think you were full-psycho.

Top tier retardation.
protip: ull die solo

Fack that post pretty much solidified my redpill mentality.

i eventually decided the holocaust did happen trying to prove that it didn't


Grow up boy

You did nothing wrong


Well some jews died during WW2 but calling that a jewish race genociding holocaust is a forced meme

EXACTLY. Listen to this guy - he has good advice. And seriously, think about it. They literally just had to not give them water for a few days. But instead, Germany fighting a 2-front war decides to enact an absurd logistical system with gas chambers and crematory systems. In the main alleged gas chamber and crematory room in Auschwitz, the alleged gas chamber is a floor below the crematorium. So basically they killed 1.5k in a crammed single-door room per session, and dragged them all up a floor and cremated each body within minutes.

Just. Don't. Feed. Them.

go back to /reddit/ faggot kike

Well they could pull out the
"Look muh starving jewwwwwsss photos"
Meme and claim they were starved

A video I had bookmarked about the Auschwitz crematorium mathematical logistics, with replicated CG of the place and all, is now gone. Damn. Wanted to link it here.

wtf is a typhus

wtf is all the rail supply lines are bombed to shit by allies

wtf it's all nazi evils #punchnazis

that memes dumb. It's not like they couldnt bring in more Jews to fill the gap right?


most of those photos are of christian ukrainians starving in an artificial famine. 9-12 million est dead in the holodomor committed by largely jewish bolshies. they take these photos and guilt you into hating your own people such is the level of their deception and depravity.

Oh I know but the usual bluepilled faggot can't grasp that fact.


Just link people this and ask why such questions aren't allowed. It's all fucked. In a century or two I think the truth will be better established.

I'm not claiming that persecution of the Jews didn't happen, or that they weren't mass executed by bullets sometimes, etc. But mechanized industrial scale killing at the claimed number count has so many absurdities and mathematical impossibilities involved.

If Jews leave in mass to other nations and assume new identities and such, it counts as a holocaust kill count for the calculated numbers. If a relative simply sends a message to a curator about how their jew grandpa was persecuted and killed in ww2, they are added to a list for calculated kill count.

It's all so tiresome.


Watch this in order.

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:

Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:

damn my version of that pic only had cnn and nbc thanks for the upgrade user. love how it keeps growing lmao

not really a forced meme. the way i have it, is 6 million jews 60% chance that is an exaggerated number, but not even that much less have died.

concentration camps were real i believe, and hitler did not plan to genocide jews. but they died from concentration camps, work, hunger, and some were legit murdered or gassed or cremated. rogue nazis who didn't think they were genociding jews, ended up looking like the genocided the jews. that's what i believe

Having blue pilled friends absolutely disgusting

You have Sup Forums you don't need Normies anymore.

ALL wars are (((banker))) wars

My usual response from friends when all the proof starts to make them think is:
"Who cares? So what if I didn't happen it's history now."

Why can't people grasp the fact that history created the future? What we live now is because of the Jew lies in history.

user you are close to the truth. i wont berate you for believing the lies but please look into the numbers of deaths at Aushwitz and Majdanek prior to 1992. If you questions the Aushwitz 4million+ number you were an anti-semite. After 1992 the number was revised to just over a million and yet the public still uses the same number of 6 million. its a fucking meme. did jews die yes but the numbers are nowhere close to earn them special consideration during the bloodiest conflict in our history...

watch this m.youtube.com/watch?v=r_54T6Sq16A

Sup Forums is comforting.
I appreciate you faggots.

this desu senpai... desu

Everyone should look up the Ernst Zundel trials in Canada that happened during the 80s & 90s. He got the Red Cross to release their records from the German camps despite strong Israeli/Jewish objections. Their records suggested that there were no gas chambers and a total of 271,301 died during WW2 in these camps, mostly from typhus and starvation b/c of Allied bombing. It's probably not an exact figure, but it's a lot more accurate than the "6 million" or that they were all "gassed".

Ernst finalll died a few weeks ago, so it's a perfect opportunity for anyone to check out his work. The guy had a hard life and dedicated most of it for it.

Ernst Zundel - Holocaust Debunked

Zundel vs. Zionist - Truth vs. Lies

Off Your Knees, Germany! Ernst Zundel

Ernst Zundel - Interviewed by an Israeli journalist (1996)

A Jew defends Hitler - Ernst Zundel interviews Prof. Roger Dommergue in France:

They took some 20 years of his life because he debunked the Holohoax. He dedicated his life just to get the truth out there, but now anyone can appreciate what he did with the internet.

Listen you degenerate lonely Fuck.

How is the holocaust even remotely related to your life? Even trying to prove it wrong, what do you get out of it? Let's say not a single person got killed.

It still shows that you are lonely pathetic Fuck that lost their friends because some autistic wannabe nazis brainwashed your ass.

Fuck off Mohammed.

i actually personally know one of general patton's grand daughters. but anyway, where is the REAL death toll of jews in ww2?

hitler did systematically oppress jews in nazi germany and he did write extensively of how evil they were, so it's not hard to believe nazis killed a bunch of them though no official holocaust was decreed or agreed upon

Didn't he end up getting put in prison in Germany despite being Canadian or something? My memory is blurry. RIP old guy.

the holocaust is the single most used club to beat the white man into a guilty state of mind regarding racial identity and national pride which establishes the foundation of a mans character. take your chad memes and modify your cancer to lower levels of larp.

Some retarded fact backed by nazi larpers.

Jasenovac was an extermination camp ffs. The coats even bragged how effectivly and ruthlessly they killed the Serbs. Italian witnesses describe the Ustasa being Fucking beyond barbaric.

And even the Germans commented how heinous and ruthlesa they were.

There, whole image and sentence you posted is now invalid.

wtf are you talking about?! IT WAS DURING A WAR FOR NATIONAL SURVIVAL!

0 jews died before the war started!
hiw come you're not interested in how many INNOCENT German women and children your grandpa firebombed?!

you're a fucking piece of shit

>the absolute state of sweden
good goy

This is one of the best introductions to the topic:


I had previously watched conspiracy theories about the moon landing, aliens, UFO coverups, Chemtrails - Nothing really convinced me, but watching David Cole's stuff blew me away.

Also here's another decent one with a twist.


The guy got beaten, his house burned, they blocked his mail so he had a hard time receiving and paying bills etc., was jailed for a while, then he moved to the US, then got jailed again, then got deported back to Canada, then deported to Germany and jailed there, and was only recently released before he died of old age.

And then they went and jailed his lawyer to make sure anyone considering sticking up for him(or anyone like him) "thought twice" before getting involved

Mohammed, please stop the larp.
All that raping in swedistan has really got to you.

are you drunk?

are you a jew?!

where is the REAL death toll of jews in ww2?

i wish i knew...

hitler and his jewish fetish was not a coincidence. nazis were a response to the red terror that was marching across europe.
much like today the unchecked "progressive" disease promotes the degeneracy and decay of society and the family unit that creates the atmosphere for the "radical right" to be relevant. Hitler would never have been given the time of day had not it been for the peoples fear of the encroaching Reds from the East.

muh systematic
muh Hitler said mean things about jews

0 (Zero) jews were killed before Amerifucks decided to attack a sovereign country.

Germans Yeah, and who cares about them?

You don't see other nations having some nazi guilt.

Holy fuck. Some punishment for truth telling.

If they are muh russia tell them all the info on the holohoax came from soviet sources who were in control of said camps near the end of ww2.

The Nazis had a policy of treating the inmates of the camps well. This goes against the Holohoax lie that they were exterminating people.

Thank God I'm not Swedish.

A leaf is talking about larping.

32 people from my father's side died in that camp. Also the world first child death camp in donja gradina.

Not a single one from moms side died because they were protected by the cetniks.

bro you're goin off the rails here lol.

nazi germany treated jews as third class citizens this is FACT. and americans didnt even fuckin attack sovereign germany fool we got bombed by japan and nazi germany declared war on us by association

>germany invading poland
>wahh why you invade sovereign nation you jew?

well, unfortunately we have no concrete fact other than ~6 million

every white man is being labeled a german in our day and age do you not see that yet? is the feminizing of your once proud nation not evidence enough of this to you?

plz see

I know you're not Swedish

You're a baiting larping faggot mudslime.

>but muh 3rd cousin twice removed said muh grandfathers friends sisters cousin died in a extermination camp.

Shut up nigger

Are you saying it didn't happen or that the numbers are fudged?

good call lol and here i was thinking i was speaking to a human being lmao

ok but where is the official post 1992 number of 1 million? how do you know that

Not all Jews, just the 1%. Hitler had Jews in high ranking positions.

I'm serbian you disgusting piece of shit.

Can't even take a leaf serious. Watch out for the though police Bitch.

Most Svens aren't human. Same with Mohammed's.

Muhammad calm down please you can't act like this in public...

proof please

Serbs claimed that 700 000 of them were killed in Jasenovac concentration camp. The number was reduced to 70 000 and that number includes all nationalities. In recent years a few of our historians found that among the alleged victims there are at least 20-30% of duplicate and spurious entries. Some people died there, but that wasn't the purpose of the place, it wasn't an "death camp". And Utsase wasn't controlled by "Nazis".

>And even the Germans commented how heinous and ruthlesa they were.
None of them testified - except for Eichmann - who signed a paper declaring he personally ordered the murder of 3 million Jews at Auschwit, which was later debunked and the number was changed countless times.


From the memoirs if Rudolf Hoess:
>"I was treated terribly by the [British] Field Security Police. I was dragged to Heide and, of all places, to the same military barracks from which I had been released eight months before by the British. During the first interrogation they beat me to obtain evidence. I do not know what was in the transcript, or what I said, even though I signed it, because they gave me liquor and beat me with a whip. It was too much even for me to bear."

>How they obtained confessions from German officials:

>The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth:

>Auschwitz - Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth:


first of all the Amerifucks were sending military, financial, material aid to the enemies of Germany before PH. That was a direct violation of several treaties and conventions.

but you're too fucking stupid to know anything beyond your Hollywood hero movies.

second, the jews could have left Germany if they were soooooo persecuted, Hitler came into power in 1933.

third pic related you filthy rat

People who who don't realize that the Holocaust is mostly bullshit by now are pretty much hopeless anyways.

hitlers bodyguard emil maurice was a jew whom he personally vouched for as honorary aryan.