Should religious adoption agencies be able to refuse gay clients?

Republican Gov. Rick Snyder signed a law in 2015 that says child-placement agencies aren't required to provide services that conflict with their beliefs. It was signed, however, before the U.S. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage.

The plaintiffs in the ACLU lawsuit include Dana and Kristy Dumont, who said they were turned down by two faith-based agencies in the Lansing area.

When Dana and Kristy contacted a state-contracted agency to start the adoption process, they were told by an agency representative that “the agency does not work with same-sex couples,” according to an ACLU statement. The couple made another attempt with a different agency and got the same response.

“These are not just private institutions operating under private funds under their own private rules. These are institutions that have been given a government contract [which uses] our public tax dollars to support this discrimination,” she added. “The fact that I’m being asked to fund, through my own tax dollars, my own discrimination is outrageous.”

In 2015, when the law was signed, 25 percent of Michigan's adoption and foster care agencies were faith-based. If they decline to work with same-sex couples, they're required to give applicants a list of other providers.

Other urls found in this thread:

If I may be refused due to being a single man with no proven experience raising children, you should be refused for being a homosexual with no proven experience raising children.

I'm so sorry that you feel equality isn't fair.

Why should taxpayers have to fund their own discrimination?

could you imagine how fucking pissed you would be once you grow up and realize the adoption agency was forced to hand you over to a couple faggots?
that's how you make a unabomber type person

What discrimination? Fucking homosexuals can't fucking argue, don't just use words and then completely fail to justify it or establish common grounds, that might work amongst your vapid groups but it doesn't fly here.

I'd argue that your situation isn't equal either, but keep being a victim of the gays if you'd like.
A couple with income and flexibility to provide an actual home life is still going to win out over a single guy, but either situation is preferable to foster barracks.

A lesbian couple went to two state-funded state-licensed adoption agencies and were rejected by both.

Money isn't the issue here, plenty of single white guys are rich. The issue here is experience and shut the fuck up this isn't discrimination because it's difficult to raise a child so you don't get someone else's child unless you prove you can raise your own first.

This is not discrimination.

Yes, lesbians are notoriously bad with children, either physically abusing them or sexually abusing them. There are actually a myriad of stories here. Likewise, single men are also as distrusted with children since people can't stop imagining white men sexually abusing children. There's actually not much evidence to prove this.

Farr, R. H. (2017). Does parental sexual orientation matter? A longitudinal follow-up of adoptive families with school-age children. Developmental Psychology, 53(2), 252-264.

How Does the Gender of Parents Matter?

Australia gay parenting survey:

churches should be run like any other business - not tax exempt and should be allowed to deny service to whomever they choose

These aren't churches. These are taxpayer funded state-licensed adoption agencies.

I don't think it's wrong for a single guy to raise/adopt a child as long as they can provide for it.
Again, I don't think lack of parental experience should matter more for straight guys than gay couples.
As far as childcare, yeah, having 2 people around does ease things A LOT. Sorry, that part is real.

There is no fundamental right to adopt a child. Living a homosexual lifestyle is certainly a disqualification in identifying suitable adoptive parents.

Then you don't want what gay people want, which is basically to be treated as special biologically infertile couples are treated. In this gay marriage debate, the more they argue the more I believe they want privileges and special rights that I don't have.

No, I don't deserve an adopted child. Neither do you.

I agree to this, the rights of the children come first.

Spamming links is not an argument, you just lost dude.

Tell that to the Supreme Court.

There is a lot of research showing gays do the same or better as parents. You can't just make assertions that homosexuals are inherently always worse parents without evidence as a way of denying people legal rights.

I mean, as a gay that's not what I want. I personally do not ever want to adopt a kid.
But I don't see I don't see any societal value in sending kids from foster homes straight to prison, rather than a stable household.

When you're so dumb you manage to stutter in a text post

Kill yourself

Also nobody has the right to adopt, you fucking moron

There's nothing stable about a gay household

Debunking Regnerus:

88 out of 248 of the respondents that were counted as "Parents are of the same sex" responded that their parents were never in a same sex relationship while they were living with them though they had same sex relationships while they were growing up, ie their parents divorced and they ended up with the straight parent but they were still counted as having parents of the same sex

>a. Parents are of the same sex
219 active and 29 withdrawn panelists, from Page 3
>S8 Did you ever live with your mother while she was in a romantic relationship with another woman?
40 said no, from Page 4
>S9 Did you ever live with your father while he was in a romantic relationship with another man?
48 said no, from Page 4
Yes, that is the official study results

A right to be considered without being rejected for inherent characteristics.

>that hispanic stat
Muh natural conservatives

Millennials draw no distinctions between discrimination protections that should be afforded gay and lesbian people, on the one hand, and transgender people on the other. More than seven in ten (73%) millennials support legal protections against discrimination in jobs, public accommodations, and housing for gay and lesbian people. A nearly identical number (72%) of millennials say they favor these same protections for transgender people.

While no significant racial or gender differences exist on either question, there are large religious divides in support for expanding nondiscrimination legislation. Roughly eight in ten black Protestant (80%), white Catholic (82%), Hispanic Catholic (81%), religiously unaffiliated (83%), and white mainline Protestant millennials (78%) favor laws that would protect gay and lesbian people against discrimination in jobs, public accommodations, and housing. About two-thirds (66%) of Hispanic Protestant millennials also favor such laws. White evangelical Protestants are closely divided on this issue, with a slim majority (51%) favoring laws that would protect gay and lesbian people against discrimination, and 47% opposing them. Among religious groups, the pattern of opinion about non-discrimination legislation protecting transgender individuals is nearly identical.

>There is a lot of research showing gays do the same or better as parents.
Literally none that aren't case studies, fuck you dishonest cunts. This is research with an agenda that I'm certain you're going to give shit about. That's a study that's been performed at least three times with the same results.

Gays should not be allowed to adopt children especially if single men are not allowed to.

They're never sent to bad households. Ever. Unless there's an agenda involved to lower the standards, which is exactly what homosexuals want for homosexuals, then you just won't be given a child unless you fit every criteria.

Including being in a monogamous, successful, heterosexual marriage.

>link spam again
>Huffington Post
You just failed again.

oh, k

>There is a lot of research showing gays do same or better than parents

Looks at 75 studies showing homosexual parents do not affect children's upbringing.
71 of these studies use small surveys that were done at LGBT rallies, online, etc and show bias.
4 use decent population size but lie about those invloved.
One uses population size of 3,174 same-sex children, but only 60% of these children are actually raised by only homosexual parents.
Three use the same data of 20,000 children raise by heterosexual parents and 47 homosexual parents.
They lied and in fact only 20 are strictly raised by homosexual parents. Using the same data we find that homosexual parents are far worse than heterosexual parents.
Get fucked faggot.

>Foster kids have never been placed in negligent homes
>Even when they aren't cute toddlers anymore
>Posting from Australia

>When we set the points of distinction at our leisure, suddenly the results are what we want them to be!

>That's a study that's been performed at least three times with the same results.

[citation needed]

Regenerus included 1/3 of participants in the study who weren't even raised by their gay parent but rather by a straight parent.

Still a better sample than a gay pride survey. Literally asking people about gay people at a place where saying anything negative would get you beat up, you actually believe this?

> (You)
>>That's a study that's been performed at least three times with the same results.
>[citation needed]
>Regenerus included 1/3 of participants in the study who weren't even raised by their gay parent but rather by a straight parent.
Why are you lying? It was I think a tenth, the 1/3 simply weren't living with their parent and almost no fathers get custody. Why are you pretending this is significant?

Again, if I can't adopt, neither can you and that's equality. I'm sorry if you believe equality is unfair.

It's been proven multiple times that homosexuals are apart of a death cult. Stop spreading your degeneracy.

I literally listed the numbers above. Plenty of gay research hasn't been taken from pride parades.

88 out of 248 of the respondents that were counted as "Parents are of the same sex" responded that their parents were never in a same sex relationship while they were living with them though they had same sex relationships while they were growing up, ie their parents divorced and they ended up with the straight parent but they were still counted as having parents of the same sex

>a. Parents are of the same sex
219 active and 29 withdrawn panelists, from Page 3
>S8 Did you ever live with your mother while she was in a romantic relationship with another woman?
40 said no, from Page 4
>S9 Did you ever live with your father while he was in a romantic relationship with another man?
48 said no, from Page 4
Yes, that is the official study results

Wow so plenty of outdated studies and Paul Cameron who has been thoroughly discredited.

The sources are all outdated and shitty because they are either misrepresenting data in a larger context to give out scandalous headlines or deliberately funded anti-gay "research" by Christians essentially funded to subdue gay people and have legitimate looking propaganda to use in courts to try to restrict our rights. That is why the standards for research got much higher and you won't find the same shitty anti-gay bait as much anymore. Otherwise people would commission research to use as propaganda for political aims all the time. Clearly they used to.

If these results were so strong, they would have been replicated, and discussed in a wider context. Even controversial data sees the light of day eventually.

You are clearly lying out of your ass. I just showed it to you, here is is:

Neither marriage nor adoption are a right. In fact, you don't have the right to not be denied service by anyone under any context.

It's still more reliable than your shitty links. And I love how the first thing you criticize is the age of the study. It does not matter how old it is, it still has a lot of relevance, especially if the results show the same, even today, just like we have told you. So gtf out of here, you are clearly losing with you huffpo articles.

Basically you're going to pretend the only non case study and non survey study is invalid because of some vagaries?

Did you know that everyone here can see how dishonest you're being and you're actively hurting the gay agenda? People do not trust gay people with children, fucking deal with it. I'm not trusted either and no one is talking about my equality.

Get wrecked and deal with it. You're never going to be treated as something special and higher or more important than heterosexuals. That's what this is about, isn't it? You don't want marriage, you want a ceremony AND to force straight people to accept it. You don't want children, you want to join parenting groups and show everyone how progressive your modern family is. You don't want equality, you want to be different and treated as special. You can't just shut the fuck up and be happy with your partner, you need to shove it in our faces and this is why you'll never win arguments.

You have literally not addressed a single one of my points.

I am talking about Regnerus. He deliberately misrepresented 1/3 of people in the study he claimed were raised by gay parents, who were not. In addition only 2 of the gay couples included int he study didn't raise their children as a product of divorce. The issue here is gay people who married the opposite sex, prior to the legalization of gay marriage, got divorced, and had to raise their kids, either the gay parent or the straight parent, as a single parent. Single parenthood is a confounding factor.

Try opening a restaurant that refuses to serve Blacks and see how long you stay open.

1/3 of the Regnerus data set is a pollution. Age does matter as sampling error was higher before the internet. Now we have huge listings of representative data that we can get information from.

>Try opening a restaurant that refuses to serve Blacks and see how long you stay open.
You seem to have misunderstood, the fact that we live in a draconian liberal shithole that enforces retarded rules enacted by the jews to destroy white america doesn't change what rights actually are.

Faggots should just raise a fucking dog.

Public accommodation laws exist whether you personally approve of them or not and have for over half a century.

Nice work for trying to avoid the fact your studies are completely bogus.
Stop being a dishonest faggot and face the facts.

Debunking Sullins:

Faust’s story is being publicized by the Witherspoon Institute, a conservative religious group that helped steer and fund the National Organization for Marriage’s campaign, as exposed in court documents, to artificially “raise the costs of identifying with gay marriage” by linking it with pornography and a threat to children, and to fund a “media campaign to support the idea that children need mothers and fathers.” The effort sought to “commission polling and other studies to document consequences of gay marriage” and “identify and nurture a worldwide community of highly credentialed intellectuals and professional scholars, physicians, psychiatrists, social workers, and writers to credential our concerns” about gay marriage and parenting. Never mind what the actual research says; you can always hire people to “credential your concerns.”


>this cunt again



Nice try faggot, Sullins got the data from your studies and put actual limitations on it. You just googled Sullins and found the first thing. Do actual research.


my studies?


>Public accommodation laws exist whether you personally approve of them or not and have for over half a century.
Yes, because of kikes, you're catching on
You can post all you want, you'll never change our minds about your perverted lifestyle. Maybe you should go to therapy to find some repressed memories of being molested at 6.

Would you support a religious exemption for Muslim doctors who practice female circumcision?

So you just keep reposting Sullins? I don't get what you are trying to point out. You have Regnerus and Sullins, neither of whom are comparing gay married parents to straight married parents, vs. the vast majority of research showing gay couples do the same or better raising kids.

IMO they should be able to gas them on the spot.

Wow, a faggot and a kike. Stop trying to change the subject.

Lol, it's a response to you faggots complaining. How about you read it instead of posting shitty links.


you've been doing this shilling since fucking august. why?

and that shows that you're in the eastern united states. why are you commenting on australian politics? you've even admitted that you don't know how australian law works.

I skimmed it. He still is ignoring a lot of issues with his research.

Of course not, because
1. The baby isn't muslim and cannot consent to such a procedure, and there is no medical reason to perform it (to clarify, this applies to male circumcision to, but again, kikes)
2. People don't have the right to do something to someone else without their consent because of their religion (or for any other reason, without their consent)
3. Ideally there would be no muslims in the country


You really are a fucking idiot. Have you not seen what is happening in places where they have legalized gay marriage? They now legalized bestiality and are wanting to decrease the age of consent. By changing the definition of marriage it will change it so it is okay that homosexuals can have children. I guess the AIDS you contracted went and destroyed your brain.


>Still ignoring a lot of issues with the research.
Like what? The fact that he showed how your precious studies are faked?

>US Civil Rights History
More like History of the US Decline.

I think I highlighted this repeatedly. He is confounding divorced and single parents with gay people raising kids.

The notion that the slippery slope is a fallacy is itself a logical fallacy.

The inane retort of anti-gay conservatives was to actually take out the controls these researchers had put in place to make their comparisons valid and conclude that when you compare apples to oranges you find that, well, they are entirely different fruits! Failing to control for family instability, these researchers draw damning conclusions about children who happen to have a gay parent but who, in most cases, suffered the trauma of family breakup before they lived with same-sex parents. If you must blame something, your culprit here is not same-sex parenting or marriage but those vaunted opposite-sex marriages that social conservatives seem to want to force gay people into.

It’s true that the “no differences” research, like all research, has limits. But when you string together 71 scholarly studies from the last 35 years that all reach the same conclusion—having gay parents doesn’t harm kids—and compare them to four bad-faith efforts to discredit gay families, you’ll see for yourself what we know—really—about lesbian and gay parenting.


The slippery slope is absolutely real though, a cursory look at any of the social standards eroded in the 20th century will confirm this.


Actually you're showing your insane amount of privilege. You obviously have no awareness of the mechanisms environmental racism and climate. The decrease in honey bee populations disrupted ecosystems such that crops were affected and farm employment declined, to the detriment of largely Latino communities. The Latino communities then turned to Marijuana distribution and other illegal and harmful, but rewarding life choices to replace agricultural employment.

You're terrible at this whole social justice game.

Lol, all I've read are just statements without any proof to their opinions. You clearly cherrypick your info very carefully to disprove us. I will say it again, you are wrong. Why should we listen to someone who was clearly mentally unstable at age 6. Considering you found your classmates sexually attractive.

Kids are far more sexually aware then we give them credit for. That is not a justification of pedophilia, but merely an observation.

That example is almost a play-by-play description of the racial and cultural tensions that are developing across the Western world right now.

It's not simply a correlation that relaxing of legal and social restraints on sexual behavior spreads the sexual equivalent of the overton window and thus the next activity which is considered merely controversial rather than untouchable. When interracial relationships were condemned, that faggotry was also condemned wasn't even an issue anyone bothered to examine. But then that barrier fell into normalcy, and then faggotry became the controversial action until the last decade or so, and now we're on to transgenderism as a lifestyle instead of a mental illness. Polygamy/polyamory enthusiasts are posing themselves as next in line, and even the sparks of genuine pedophile and incest acceptance movements are beginning to become visible.
>Failing to control for family instability
So you admit that faggot families are unstable? I think we're done here

finding your classmates sexually attractive at 6 is a clear sign of sexual abuse. you're not supposed to assign any sexual value to the body until puberty.

No I admit that forcing gay people who want kids to enter unhappy heterosexual marriages was a problematic system that has now been replaced in most English speaking countries with a system that allows gay people to marry whom they love and raise children with a same sex partner.

It wasn't really a sexual feeling, I just knew looking at them was interesting. I wasn't like erect at the thought.

>not supposed to assign any sexual value to the body until puberty

according to whom and why?

>No I admit that forcing gay people who want kids to enter unhappy heterosexual marriages was a problematic system
You're right, we should have done a better job of making sure that faggots couldn't adopt kids just by pretending to be in a loving real marriage to someone of the opposite sex.

You are clearly mentally unstable. What kind of kid thinks about fucking another kid?

50 years after decriminalization and the Church is still finding ways to attack the gay community, albeit stealthier these days.

Religious belief should be classified as a psychological disorder as it is based on fantasy not fact. If somebody was ranting about what the non-visible green pixies on the streets were up to, they would be in a sanitarium, but call it "religion", and the government would give them tax breaks.

I didn't think about sex, I just thought it was nice to look at the other boys naked.

All you want is to bring more kids into your degenerate lifestyle. It's the only way you can get more people into your cult. I bet you're not even Australian. You don't belong in this argument.

All fags should be gassed, and all gas chambers should be owned by the church.

All I want is equal rights for those attracted to the same sex.

>50 years after decriminalization and the Church is still finding ways to attack the gay community, albeit stealthier these days.
My hatred of gays has nothing to do with God, he says to hate the sin but love the sinner, but I am too weak, when the degenerate fucking faggots have the nerve to demand to take other people's children to indoctrinate into their disgusting disease ridden hedonistic cult.

Also, this thread is ostensibly about a lawsuit filed in Michigan, United States.

>The church is still finding ways to attack the gay community
Lol, that is clearly a lie. I've gone to many churches and most of them support you faggots. There are only 2 which disavow you freaks since they know it is a self-derving materialistic lifestyle. How do you explain the high percentages of depression even in cities which tolerates you?

No one has the right to adopt.

The ones who don't support gays screech autistically the loudest at us with their dying breath.

Doesn't mean gay people inherently have less of a right to adopt than heterosexuals.

Man+woman raising kids is the best situation, but the state cannot opt for this instead of two women.

If there are no other options, then whatever, it is better than foster care, but that is usually not the choice.

I used to have a customer who had lots of lesbian and gay clients. Honestly, from what I see and hear, the gay men are more "normal" than the lesbians. Lots of really weird situations across the board when gay/lesbian people "settle down" and get their finances in order, but good lord, the lesbian weirdness is worse by far. More often than not with lesbians couples, there were huge age gaps. Not uncommon to see 15-25 year age differences.

Why would the state ever place kids with lesbians why oh why?

Your a biological and genetic dead end, which means you shouldn't have rights to kids at all.

You already have equal rights. You just want more and more rights just so you have more power over us. You know damn well that you don't want 'equality'. You just want to destroy us who appose your degenerate lifestyle.

Heterosexuals don't have the right to adopt either, you fucking moron.

>The ones who don't support gays screech autistically the loudest at us with their dying breath.
Lol, say that to the faggots at the No rally I went to. They were all screeching at us whilst we were polite.