Why do redpills hate communism?

Today communism is only promoted by feeble mentally ill fruits who would have promptly been sent to Siberia or lunatic asylums in the actual USSR. Maybe that's deliberate so normal people don't take an interest.

Are you a hard working independent Marlboro man chopping firewood on your pioneer homestead? Or do you drive through poorly planned suburban streets going to your job that means nothing to anything or anybody, making some Jew richer?
Do you laugh at blacks "flexing" in rap videos without realizing this is the ONLY aspiration you're given by your Jew masters also, just in a way tailored to your preferences?
Do you ever wonder WHY the nogs are flooding your country, as if they wouldn't be happier staying where they belonged, if global capitalist interests weren't constantly undermining their governments and economies?
Do you watch your society and your earth crumble around you, knowing that everybody is just as focused on their individual survival or personal enrichment as you are rather than a shared sense of purpose?

Talk about "personal freedom" all you want. It's your freedom to choose to go to work for the Jews or starve. It's your freedom to choose to spend that money they've let you keep on things they devised to get their money back from you that sicken you and placate you. It's your freedom to live this way until coming to the end of your life, realizing that all the things that people have ever cared about, like heritage, community, shared culture, dignity, are all gone. Your kids are full of fire retardant and phytoestrogen and are gay now. Your lineage is over. But at least you had personal freedom

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National communism is best.

I don't. Warsaw Pact did nothing wrong

It's a literally evil ideology which some of the more spiritual of us believe could be the influenced by a literal demon.

You don't believe replacing fear based hatred with resentment based hatred will do anything besides punish success so hard that no one even tries anymore? You understand the Soviets exiled their real commies to the west because these people, wittingly and unwittingly, destroy everything around them?

Also, I think Stirner might be a demon.

>being against communism means i am pro democratic liberal capitalism

Success based on usury or having property while otherwise not having to do work is parasitic.

Their success is based on their ancestors success, who the fuck are you to decide what happens to people's property after they're gone?

Sup Forums is starting to realize capitalism is flawed and behind most of the problems they complain about. I think most people at this point realize capitalism is shit.

Gee maybe it's because communism is an intellectually, economically, and morally bankrupt philosophy that advocates the funneling of the ENTIRE economy into a corrupt, authoritarian, single-party regime, and completely ignores all the findings of social science in favor of 19th century writings by a bunch of revolutionary jews?

>It's your freedom to choose to go to work or develop skills or start your own company or ask your family for food or apply for foodstamps or go to ANY local church and ask for their food aid program or go to a privately funded 301c soup kitchen or get a hunting permit and hunt to survive or STARVE
kek ok let's compare that to communism
>go to your government-quota'd work or be a high-up party member or starve
hmmmmm really makes you think...

>all interest is usury even if it's productive and that surplus productivity wouldn't have happened otherwise
>what is finance

>Success based on usury or having property while otherwise not having to do work is parasitic.
yeah we should have a special "rent seekers" tax, but only because non-Marxist economic analysis points in that direction

despite your continuous invasions, Sup Forums remains natsoc or capitalist. 100% of pre-invasion Sup Forums users would probably agree their ideal capitalism is less flawed than your ideal communism.

Capitalism is an old, irrelevant, inefficient, antiquated, random system that arose from the industrial revolution. Communism is the result of hundreds of years of careful intellectual development by a multitude of intellectuals. It's like saying Astrology is more valid than Astronomy.

are white people allowed to exist and prosper in communist utopia. commies seem to be pretty anti white

Still trying to infiltrate Sup Forums? Weak.

Modern self-proclaim commies and non-left liberals are anti-white. Attacking white people is just another way the capitalists rile up their minions to divide the working class. It's also a way to bully white people into capitalist submission.

>implying "careful intellectual development" is what Marx carried out
top lel. Philosophy and a priorisms mean nothing unless you can square them with the facts. Marx had little to no experience with the facts of industrial production, even at the time of his writing Kapital, and most of his beliefs (intransigent classes, class consciousness, a uniform and falling rate of profit, subsistence wages, etc) are simply empirically false.

Not to mention his psychologically inept emphasis on "alienation" and instant, permanent gratification for EVERYONE.

>implying capitalism is an ideology
yeah, in that sense you could say it is random, since its operation is unphilosophically defined.

oh i see

>any conflict that ISN'T defined by Karl Marx is a distraction made up by teh capitalists!

good shill tactic: pretending to be neutral and then giving an affirming reply to communist doctrine.

You blew it with the image, though




>people move out of their shithole country when given the opportunity
cool. Maybe you should try it sometime, Vlad, you'd get cleaner water

agree with it all just get rid of subhumans and we're good

>get rid of subhumans and we're good
are you kidding me? Communism is for the PRESERVATION of the subhumans, for redistributing (on a GLOBAL SCALE!) from the productive and giving to the unproductive.

>Are you a hard working independent Marlboro man chopping firewood on your pioneer homestead?
Yes, and it's MY DAMN HOMESTEAD to chop firewood on, I'm not sharing it with some damn commies who think that they can take it because property isn't a real thing to them.


>Communism is an ideology only capable of working in the minds of "intellectuals" who've never had to put in a hard days physical work in their lives
>Whereas Capitalism just arose naturally from people's nature and self-interest

fool me once shame on me, fool me twice.. shame on you, you're fucking dead motherfucker!

There is nothing objectionable about personal agency or a desire for it.
There is no virtue in servility.

>Capitalism = I eat what I want, where I want, drive what I want, when I want. Go where I want etc
>Communism = starve in a bread line
All of this is well put until you realize...it is still FAR better than anything Communism has to offer.