Gamer gate

what does /pol think about Gamer Gate?

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It's depressing that this was the biggest political or social movement Sup Forums was able to get off its ass and do something about: a low level videogame marketing conspiracy

this goy survived the Gamercaust!
All of you goyim better watch out, because she's out there, ready to shoah all of you who the real empowered womyn is

people on Sup Forums genuinely believe GG had far reaching implications and led to Trump getting elected

Be honest Sup Forums. Would you let her give you the succ?



she looks like a tranny street hooker

Looks like a tranny and guaranteed to have STDs.

while i dont think it was the thing that led to trump getting elected. I believe that it had a hand in it. This was the first real experience we had with this kind and it softly redpilled a lot of people.

Anybody see the retarded "behind the scenes" video for the dating game she "made?" Its basically just like 4 guys doing everything for her. A guy is writing, a guy is directing all the crappy video footage, some other guy is doing all the coding. She just ditzes about and gushes about stupid shit while everyone else actually makes the game.

And I use the word game generously. It was just a typical low quality 90's era level dating sim where you do multiple choice and theres pre-recorded video responses to shit along the lines of "TACO-SPORK LOLZ SO RANDUMB!" type shit.

with the near failure of antibiotics i cant risk the STDs syphilis kills

it was kek who lead us to trump getting elected.

It had some great memes.
And it showed people that conspiracies actually exist.

*Mod is Fag

i bet games journalism will never cover it though.

>woman with no skills still doing the same thing as she was doing before criticism
imagine my shock

>fucking do it for frees
nothing worse than an autist getting paid in tendies deciding whats appropriate for this place

It was fascinating for me. I won't mention who but I work for a fairly big game review name you'll be familiar with, at their UK office. When the boyfriend doxed her it was insane what followed. So many people close to me had dealings with her. She is the definition of succubus.

I was dropping a lot of info for many on Sup Forums for follow up on and dig deeper.

Looking back it reminds me of Sup Forums during the best election days of last year. Such frenzy and buzz about the board all focused on one outcome.

It was the left's Stalingrad, and the media's Vietnam.

The first successful pushback against the advancing power of the leftwing, one shown they were not able to recover in the culture war (see Trump)

Vietnam because the media just came in, completely misinterpreted and misrepresented everything, they won absolutely nothing but came out saying otherwise.


into the trash she goes

>this was the biggest political or social movement Sup Forums was able to get off its ass and do something about
>forgetting the election

I'd hardfuck her gay little boihole and bash her in the stomach with an aluminum baseball bat.

she has the sasha gray looking eyes

I work in the game industry, with some people who are close to Quinn.

Personally, I find the entire gamergate scandal petty. I don't think games journalism can ever have integrity because of how the industry is structured.

People who work on games often defend Quinn because we like sticking up for our own no matter what. We've learned to do this through horrible working conditions and layoffs. We're tight-kit and will often make snap judgements in favor of other developers.

We find gamergate scary because we find gamers scary. Depending on the company, we often have contempt for those who play the very games we make. Because there is a TON of overlap between developers and journalists, this seeps into how we view the world.

There was also the whole Trump thing.

Can I get a quick rundown? Every summary I have ever read on it is a fucking novel long

>People who work on games often defend Quinn because we like sticking up for our own no matter what.

This mentality is so sickening. It feels wrong and twisted to me.

However considering everyone but me does it I can only conclude that I am the strange freak with the fucked up mentality here.

Ranch or Barbeque?

>Survive gamer gate
>decide to make game
>Cannot be bothered to learn how to code
>Get cucks to make game for her
>*tips fedora*.jpg
>takes all the credit
>game sucks
>bad reveiws
>gamer gate 2.0

Gamergate ruled but had literally nothing to do with Trump getting elected. Like 20,000 people ever knew what it was

Goes to show how utterly fucking retarded the mods are, considering GG had a big hand in the rise of the far-right.

Furthermore, GG wasn't just about this dumb cunt. It was about exposing the video game industry and the press, which had been thoroughly corrupted by SJWs at that point. GG exposed corruption, collusion, blacklisting and politically propaganda.

Absolutely fucking delusional

>first real experience we had...
Some of us were adults on 9/11, you kids.

Try millions, you dumb fuck.

Hahahahaha no

Not an argument lad

im positive it was higher than 20k. but what i mean is that it gave leverage to the left and the muh discrimination against women meme.

I didnt really pay attention to politics back then

It was a different time

Nah, man. I've seen her nude pics and I can objectively say that she looks better with clothes on.

Is she still alive? I wish she weren't

Some slut sleeps around to get better reviews for he mediocre product and it explodes due to labelling it misogynistic.
The whole thing was farcical.

got something even better. here ya go.

Why did she choose THAT particular color of hair dye?

Are you actually retarded? There are youtubers who covered and supported GG, and they alone have millions of viewers.
Almost every single gamer who's part of a gaming community knows what GG is.
Hell, Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums all get millions of unique visitors every month.

>It feels wrong and twisted to me.
Just put yourself in the shoes of a developer. You've worked your butt off for most of your life, pouring blood, sweat and tears into being good enough to get a job in the game industry. Eventually you get there and find out the game you're working on is a shitty F2P mobile game that's just an excuse to take people's money. You make friends with like, minded, passionate and great people. As you're progressing on the project, the publisher is pushing you to put out a project ASAP. Even though you're paid bad money, you work 12 hour days on a game you hate, for players you hate even more. However, the guy next to you buys you a beer and does everything he can to make your job easier. So does everyone else on your team. After sacrificing your personal life for your work, these are the only people you have left, and they become very close.

The industry is very small. If you guy who bought you a beer and was with you through the worst, you'll trust his opinion on others in the industry. If someone I know and like helped Quinn during gamergate, I'm more likely to be on the side of Quinn. Hell, just because she was harassed PERIOD makes me feel bad for her, because from my point of view, game developers already go through enough.

I know this is a bias that doesn't exactly make Quinn and angel, but understand it is routed in something very sinister about the game industry.

You're lucky it wasn't worse, you SJW bitch

Sounds like you and your whole Review Industry is the one that's petty and cancerous, fuckface.

Gamergate was the first door out of the matrix for me.

You sound like a total faggot.

You wanna know how I know you're full of shit? The fact that this shit made MSM, you dumb fuck.

It is. The game industry is the worst and you shouldn't support it.

Neck yourself

Warning colors

video game "journalism" is a goddamn farce. Im aware that the industry is miserable but stop fucking ruining games and actually report on shit that gamers want. Which. 99 times out of 100 is just a fucking game that doesnt come out as a broken, boring, uninspired piece of shit. And then have the audacity to yell at the consumers for feeling that theyre entitled to shit that actually works for once.

I said review industry, you fucking idiot.

Gamergate didn't really happen though.
It wasn't a single event that triggered it, it was many SJW's getting triggered.

>Just put yourself in the shoes of a developer

I can do that but at no point would I feel compelled to defend somebody who had done something unethical. Your mentality is self-destructive because it protects harmful behaviors. It's will help destroy the community/industry in the end because the most greedy and ruthless will rise to the top.

For a good example of this look at police forces. Many police have this same mentality where they defend a cop, any cop, automatically no matter what they have done. This is pushed by the police union, btw. What is the result of that? Over time all it does is erode the public's trust and respect for the police.

There is no justification for what you have advocated here. Stick by people who do good work via good means and standards, but don't defend the bad apples. Shiftless and unscrupulous people SHOULD be driven out.

I want more tranny games so I can live out my fantasy

How am I an SJW?
I think Quinn is a bitch and the game industry isn't salvageable. But I also think her ex-boyfriend was petty and so are gamers for expecting the game industry to be more than the rotting corse it is.

Anyone playing western games or even worse buying them is contributing to this shit. Western gaming must die.

A 2 minute segment on a cable news show that gets 500,000 viewers doesn't equate to millions of people being aware in any meaningful sense to some videogame bullshit. I obviously liked gamergate but people blow it's impact way out of proportion. That's all I'm saying

There is literally nothing wrong with being a Communist.

Petty? Women shouldn't be in the fucking gaming industry whatsoever. They shouldn't be on Twitch clogging up the streaming platform as well. Got a problem with that? Then go complain to the ACLU, cunt.

I don't think Quinn is defendable. I am trying to explain the mindspace for most developers and this issue, and my first reaction to them.

I don't think the game industry is salvageable. I don't think it's good. Those who think otherwise are ignorant.

This is very true. They ruin every fucking hobby men like yet men never fuck with their gay hobbies

Ah fuck off. The Norwegian already said what I was going to say anyways.

Women don't need to be near the making of a goddamn video game.

It was more or less the last straw.

>But I also think her ex-boyfriend was petty and so are gamers for expecting the game industry to be more than the rotting corse it is.

How is it "petty" to want some reasonable standard of conduct and honesty from an industry that purptedly exists to serve you (in return for your money)? Please explain your thoughts in detail on this. You are not making sense.

Is it "petty" if consumers demand that the food industry practice safety standards?

He had a great point. Never underestimate the political power of 10 year olds watching let's plays

They want women as referees in the NFL now. I can't wait until one gets speared by a fucking gigantic nigger and ends up as a vegetable

Yeah, Quinn and her ex were petty.
There are plenty of great women in the game industry, just in jobs that are traditionally female-oriented. (Art, Producing, etc)

Pretty sure there already is one

We're not talking about Quinn and her ex. I'm talking women in the game industry as a whole.


Women are great in more female-orients aspects of the game industry, such as Art, producing, etc.

no fucking way

I'd rather have fucking gay men do it than a woman.

>a low level videogame marketing conspiracy
>low level

keep telling yourself that. gaming makes more money than the movie and music industry combined and gamers rising up the marxist propaganda being pushed into it was a huge thing

the only vegetable that nigger couldn't eat.

Press F to pay respects

>I'm talking women in the game industry as a whole.
The game industry has room for women. However, it only has room for the most talented women, who are a very small percentage. 90% male to 10% female is a good ratio.

>I don't think Quinn is defendable. I am trying to explain the mindspace for most developers and this issue

Well I understand that then, but I still think it is disgusting. If you don't subscribe to this mindset then good, you must be a reasonable and upstanding person.

The fact you can talk about it now here at all says to me the even mods have come to accept there really was a significant political element involved.
Sup Forums has always had a hugely disproportionate impact on internet culture at large, GG didn't directly have a impact on the election but the rise in right wing sentiment here seems to have had a significant ripple effect on the political discourse on twitter and YouTube allowing for it to ultimately reach a far larger portion of the population. It didn't happen in a in a vacuum though, it was always building elsewhere and would have emerged regardless, GG was just ahead of curve and provided the spark needed to set it all off and put things in motion.


Keep telling yourself that just like how women think that STEM is where they belong now. Newsflash, they don't.

Most newfags don't know this, but Gamergate was originally a Sup Forums psyop and eventually a way to pull in spergy libertarian Sup Forumstards into NatSoc.

I've seen one gay man in the industry and it was for marketing. Women can be exceptionally talented, but in very small percentages.

stop living in delusion


>Keep telling yourself that just like how women think that STEM is where they belong now
Newsflash, not all jobs in games are STEM.

How about .1% then? That would be fair. You're not needed. They were talking about making a female protagonist for GTA 6. If they did, Rockstar would go fucking bankrupt.

Dude, gamergate was a fucking door out of the matrix. It doesn't matter if this wasn't that big like some people say, the fact is that it was the tip of the iceberg.
Therefore, It might be not incorrect to say that gamergate changed many people.


Newsflash, you're fucking retarded. Never said they were correlated

Years ago when I went to college for a little while I took a "Game development" major. My first professor for game design kept asking the class "What are game developers teaching gamers today?" Then he'd talk about Half-Life 2 and other FPS games. Eventually he talked about how gamers were conditioning gamers for urban warfare.

I can't recall exactly what the context was, but I vaguely remember that he tipped me off to the Unibomber Manifesto. I read it and talked to him about it he agreed with me that it was a fascinating read.

He left the school for a job somewhere else shortly thereafter.

Males are making that decision to placate to women. Exceptional women are too busy for politics in the workplace.

>exceptional women

I'd give her a 10/10