Marion marechal le pen

Even Jean Marie le Pens granddaughter, the hottest right-wing politician who could have any man she wanted, chose to get blacked. Can there still be hope after that? Is France lost?

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So sad!

I remember some time ago..."Derp, French you got cucked, MLP was you only chance now you fucked" blablabla.
What now Sup Forums ? still claiming your pretentious shit when we told you you know nothing about what's going on here? No. In a couple of years it will be trump turn. I can already taste the salt coming, it'll truly be a day to remember


Wrong eye color. It's been proven a long time ago that it isn't her. Idiots will still reply to this bait though.

Excuse me but I've seen a few shops back in my day and that, my friend, is a shop.
Haha nice try though.

There is no way that is her. If it is, it would be the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen.

Who the fuck cares. Le Pen's family are finished (politically speaking that is).

>McDonalds cup
that's america

Bait threads always get the most responses.

The point is that a beautiful white woman is wasting her time with a bad father, and someone of a different race.

The size of the drink should have given it away

phuck phrance, I hope it becomes zimbabwe 2

That is not her

Dude, euro trash is the ancient term. Europeans have always been creepy perverse. Perversion is why USA came to be. Our for fathers escaped euro perversion

why is that? Depending on what happens the next years marine might have a chance in the next elections, or non?



The bbc is a irresistible force mere mortals will never understand.

May Peace be upon her.

>she won't like Islamic Peace

And yes, France is fucked.

Not her. No less disgusting, though. Also, a statistical outlier. He probably has money or plays hand egg ball.

Go figure.