Is dancing degenerate?

Serious question here. Is dancing/clubbing/going to discos degenerate?

Most of the people I know go to clubs in order to get laid or to pick up an equally retarded pair, and not because of the music or the act of socializing. Most girls who go to clubs will always say that they don't look for a guy and that they enjoy dancing, but still end up getting fucked by a random stranger after a few drinks. There's nothing profound or beautiful in the way people dance in clubs and is a bad interpretation of something that is supposed to be gracious.

>stop being a betafag and go meet other people
There are better ways to meet other people and in other environments communication is much easier to achieve and more meaningful
>the point of life is to have fun and to enjoy it!
There's nothing fun about listening to shitty music (some random faggot pressing play on Windows Media Player) and moving your sweaty body in a weird pattern.

So tell me. Why should we allow this kind of behavior in a healthy society? Would you be okay with it, if your girlfriend would go and dance with Chads every 2 weekends?




Is being a virgin like op degenerate

people who dance are ridiculous. I will never understand this shit

Its filthy losers grinding on pre-roasties. If your girl goes to clubs gtfo before you get thunder-clapped

everything is degenerate

Uhh this stupid fucking argument again. If you don't like it, then don't fucking go moron.

enjoy watching your girlfriend dance with random dudes, cuck. If you have one, of course.

While I find dancing absolutely animalistic and agree with Ahmedinidijad on many things.

Not getting my dick wet is a worse crime.

go back and vent on your chanon shit, gypsy. or get a nice girlfriend and stop being a desperate cuck

Nice argument, faggot. If you don't like Islam, don't look at Muslims, moron

Dancing? No.

Grinding your body up against a bunch of other people's bodies in a big drunken sweaty mass to the accompaniment of shitty nigger music? Yes.

bwahahahahha romanistanian has a gf. you sure she ain't a poop sculpture?
romanian girls are the worst kind of sheep / gold-diggers
the only way to put them in place is going away / beating them up. they are fucked up, so better get rid of your poo

Nemo saltat sobrius

Slow dancing with a woman isn’t degenerate. But, jumping around like a fucking Bonobo high on meth is.

>moving to da beat looking like an autist who just got his game boy taken away.

it's different. romanians don't have music. they have some turkish shit that sounds just wrong.

It's absolutely sick but that's empowering in today's society.

Completely different, that is a religion with views and influence. A building where people listen to music in the evening is literally a choice of whether you like it or not. If you like it you can go, if you don't like it you don't have to, no one is forcing you. Now shut the fuck up and get back to playing your pointless video games

Dancing is awesome. Anyone that discourages dancing gets an iron fist. It is great for the mind/body/soul.

Did a Romanian girl cheat on you, or why are you so butthurt?


Absolutely Haram!

>don't lose time on guided threads (sliders) that are looking for you to participate in and lose time in stupid discussions
is dancing degenerate, is this even an issue ?
burn in hell jidf

So you’re either

>a 40 year old roasting that refers to herself as a “partyasuarsus” who stands out on the dance floor swaying side to side yelling “woooooooo” when the Motley Crue song starts...


>a degenerate mellenial who equates “fun” to anything involving large amounts of alcohol drugs and loud shitty music in da club.

Actual dancing is just fun, the "dancing" that people call dry humping is pure degeneracy. I remember going to a Caravan Palace concert with a girl I had just started dating, and then afterwards on the way out of the parking lot I was blasting some songs on my car, while waiting for the queue of cars to move. Both of us dancing in our seats, and even had a girl who was walking past my car dance with me. It's just cool

Traditional dancing like Waltzs are great, clubbing is for fags


Clubs are for Chads and sluts who pine over each other for attention and to swap herpes and genital warts after they match up after last call and all the peacocking is done.

Those who don't are degenerate.

Are huwhite white ?

This and traditional country / folk dancing with homemade beer.


> implying dionysus isn't the only god worth worshiping

Absolutely Degenerate.
That whole culture promotes girls to be feminist whores, guys to be date rapey, sociopaths or pussy-wiped booty-blind cucks. Turns everyone into drug addicts and or alcoholic. Spreads disease. Out of marriage pregnancy and abortion. Race mixing. Wastes lives. By the time they finally decide to sort them selves out, they're all used up and old.
Seems like ever since the late 80s/early 90s - all dancing has been, is dry humping to horrible degenerate and subversive music.

Dancing? Degenerate? Are you retarded?

See, someone who gets my point. Dancing was supposed to be something profound, related to art and skill, but it turned into something disgusting, promoting nigger music, sex with strangers, shitty drugs and so on.
It turned into something degenerate and disgusting.

I dont agree dancing is degenerate but its not as simple as just not going, you have to take into account the effects on society things have.


John Lithgow wants to ban dancing

Depends on the dancing, the one shown in the picture certainly is. But something like a Walzer is not.

It's just Tinder with a whole lot more work beforehand.

this. it's like driving your car is bad for it. the only non degenerate activity is sacrifice.

The kind of person you meet on a dance floor is not worth knowing. Unless he/she has been dragged there by friends.

The good kind.....

>Serious question here. Is dancing/clubbing/going to discos degenerate?
of course it is

>The Bacchanalia were Roman festivals of Bacchus, the Greco-Roman god of wine, freedom, intoxication and ecstasy

>Under cover of religion, priests and acolytes broke civil, moral and religious laws with impunity. Livy also claims that while the cult held particular appeal to those of uneducated and fickle mind (levitas animi), such as the young, plebeians, women and "men most like women", most of the city's population was involved, and even Rome's highest class was not immune

>Livy claims the earliest version as open to women only, and held on three days of the year, in daylight; while in nearby Etruria, north of Rome, a "Greek of humble origin, versed in sacrifices and soothsaying" had established a nocturnal version, added wine and feasting to the mix, and thus acquired an enthusiastic following of women and men;[5] Livy says that Paculla Annia corrupted Rome's unofficial but morally acceptable Bacchic cult by introducing the Etruscan version, with five, always nocturnal cult meetings a month, open to all social classes, ages and sexes—starting with her own sons; the new celebrations and initiations featured wine-fueled violence and violent sexual promiscuity, in which the screams of the abused were drowned out by the din of drums and cymbals. Those who resisted or betrayed the cult were disposed of. Under cover of religion, priests and acolytes broke civil, moral and religious laws with impunity

I mean, if you're just dancing with your friends and girlfriends I don't think it's that bad. It depends on whether or not you take ten dicks by the end of the night from complete strangers.

Promiscuity, sexualising children and drug abuse are the main things I think of when I hear degeneracy.