Future Astronauts Kill Pizza Delivery Man for $50, eat the pizza


Two future NASA Astronauts killed a pizza deliveryman. Eating the pizza while the man was dying and then stole $50 from him. The victim was black 60 year old. NASA just lost two amazing potential scientists.

Mekael Kennedy, 17, and his cousin D’Andre Kennedy, 25, of Milwaukee, were charged in connection to the murder of Clarence Taper earlier this month, TMJ4.com reported.

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The one on the left is a qt

The gun was fired, striking Taper, but Mekael reportedly told cops he had the safety on and did not know why the weapon went off.

According to the report, after the shooting, the cousins took the pizza Taper was delivering and chowed down.

Mekael claimed Taper had lunged at him before the shooting.

>people will want to put these black excellence young men behind bars instead of into a space college
>people won't believe it was all an accident or the deliveryman's fault just because they are black

the racist criminal system will try to put them behind bars for a crime not their fault.


Is there anywhere left in the US that isn't infested with niggers? Other than Alaska. I thought Milwaukee was cold, what were they doing there?

God i wish comments werent disabled on the article *Eye roll emoji

They are always taking away our Young NASA Kings

>be black
>becoming rich astronaut soon
>order pizza
>kill delivery man
>destory carreer forever for 50 bucks and a pizza

Getting gibs. They're in Minneapolis too. AND YEAH, THEY'RE IN ALASKA. More in Alaska than in, say, Montana.

Niggers in Alaska. What better evidence of the white man's folly.

Something 80% of Wisconsin's negro population is in Milwaukee. The rest of Wisconsin is pretty cool though. Most places are 95%+ white

I think instead of Nasa we should put them on one of SpaceX's test launches.

Yellowstone states.


White people, this is what your grandchildren will look like. You are obsolete. LOL!

user, thats a man



What did he mean by this

Unlike you

We smokin them moon rocks nigga.

We need this kind of survival instinct in the cold, unforgiving cosmos.

New Hampshire has like a 2% nigger population. Maine has about the same. Other than those, I know of Montana and Wyoming, but can't remember the percentages.

I've done some research, since I'll be moving there in a few years.

>kill someone
>casually take the pizza back home and eat it

what the fuck is wrong with people


We just need to lower the standards for being an astronaut, the way we lower standards for everything else, including firefighters, It's racist to ban someone from being an astronaut just because they murdered an innocent person for $50 and a pizza.


> Being called D'Andre

pick one

I run train on bitches like you.

Looks like NASA's diversity program has hit a bit of a snag!

>Clarence Taper
>blacks killing blacks

it's fucking nothing

I want to fuck janelle monae

>future astronauts

t. Sheboon with 11 kids

At least they killed a fellow nigger.

If you would just replace prison with the bullwhip you would find very different results.

Strange as it may seam, niggers fear 5 seconds of the whip more than 5 years in prison.

>casually take the pizza back home and eat it
>what the fuck is wrong with niggers

They didn't take the pizza "back home" you fucking mong; these stupid porch monkeys robbed and killed the driver at their OWN FUCKING DOOR.

That's right.
These baboons ordered a pizza and then pulled a gun on the driver when he knocked on their apartment door.

>shut off gibsmedats
>no more gangs

>niggers fear 5 seconds of the whip more than 5 years in prison

That's because niggers never evolved the capacity for internal morals; their behavior is ENTIRELY based on external controls and threat of violence. When those controls were removed during the Civil Rights bullshit of the 60’s, niggers reverted to their natural state.

A pavement ape can understand a punch to the face, or the likelihood of being killed while committing a crime, but not much else.
Imagine the confusion in the nigger mind upon being arrested for robbery, burglary, murder, rape, home invasion, carjacking, etc., and then being judged by a person they haven’t (yet) attacked, 3 months to a year later—or even longer.
This is the origin of their ubiquitous cry of “Dindu Nuffins!!!”
Roughly translated from nigger to human, it means “I personally didn’t do anything to harm you (specifically) within the last 5 minutes, so why are you (specifically) being mean to me?”

Niggers are perpetual children in adult bodies.
They need constant, immediate rebukes of their abhorrent behavior to even begin to mimic humans in modern society.
Absent this, they revert to the feral behavior of their African cousins.
When they see a rich man with bodyguards who are willing to kill them for looking at their boss cross-eyed, they understand.
When they see a bitch-ass accountant at a Waffle House with $100 in his pocket, they feel entitled to take his money from him because he can’t, or more often won’t, prevent them from doing so.

They only wail and gnash teeth about “poor, ventilated Shitavious” and his love of edumucation and dancing because they know White people are stupid enough to fall for that bullshit.

Wherever they weren't, they were sent. Literally intentional displacement of whites and an injection of democrats wherever things are going well.

I don't know what it is, but niggers seem to have this thing about "get mine". As long as you get the thing you want ("get mine") then it's good. It doesn't matter how you do it, as long as you "get mine", it's good. You could get it via welfare, steal it, kill for it, sell rap music to white kids until you buy it, it's all good - unless you do it by getting a job, then it's not "get mine".

I really don't understand this mentality, but it's disgustingly pervasive.

>point gun at delivery man
>delivery man dies when the gun goes off
This is why the 10 rules exist. Fucking niggers, could't trust them with nerf guns.



Black on black crime, when will blacks uproot these shitheads from their community?

Its because niggers end up hanging out with dey cousins and friends in prison. It becomes summer camp for these fucking criminal scum and they get the luxury of cable TV, basketball, weightlifting. They don't read. They don't go through the tradeskill training. Sheriff Arapio got that shit right - make those fucks eat PB&J only and live in fucking tents with no air or heat - what real punishment should be.

>future astronaut
user, NASA hasn't used chimps since the 60's.

Once 2 blacks are born in the same ghetto that are NOT shitheads. We've been waiting for some time now but just have faith.

Well the delivery guy ain't gonna eat it

lol wut

shows you who nasa is hiring these days

Didndu nuffin they was going to college, they was gonna be science and shit. They was gonna stop global warming.

>Its because niggers end up hanging out with dey cousins and friends in prison.

No. Re-read my poast.
Niggers are incapable of living outside the moment. I'd bet $5k the two niggers in the OP thought they got away with killing the pizza delivery man because he didn't shoot them.
Hell, the story even states that one of the spearchuckers robbed another pizza delivery driver earlier that week, at the same apartment.

No one with a rational mind sits down and eats a stolen pizza immediately after killing the guy who brought that pizza to his front door.

He was dead, they were alive, that's as far as they were capable of thinking.

I deliver pizza to a 50/50 black/white city an hour or so from Chicago. It's scary as fuck. I come to pol party because it reminds me to be on guard. But while I'm here let me just say without a doubt black ppl spend more on orders and LARGELY don't tip. It's not even close. Every other race is more likely to tip.

Guy on right looks 45.

Whew. Thank God it was another nigger. I was very close to being upset.

Nothing of value was lost.

Also, if you're white, don't deliver pizzas. And don't order pizzas for delivery, either. Let niggers have those jobs and they're deaths will increase. Like said, never order a delivery; a nigger will mess with your food.

Because the whip means time to get their black asses to work. Prison is to niggers what being /out/ is to white people.

>I deliver pizza to a 50/50 black/white city an hour or so from Chicago. It's scary as fuck.

I'm an oldfag.
My first job when I went to college 25 years ago was working for a huge pizza chain answering the phones and taking orders.
Even back then, when our drivers had an order for a heavily black part of town, most were smart enough to nope the fuck out and tell their manager that no one answered the door when they knocked.

One story going around the CSC at the time was of a pudgy driver in a Suzuki Samurai who tried to make a delivery to a mostly black apartment complex, who got back to his cuckmobile 5 minutes later only to find it on blocks, got beaten to within an inch of his life, fucked up the ass 3 times, and had all the pizzas for other deliveries on his route stolen, as well as the cash he was carrying from change and that delivery stolen.

He quit that same night.

>fucked up the ass 3 times,

That sounds like fun not punishment lol xD

>That sounds like fun not punishment

Then go deliver pizza to niggers.
I've often wondered why there aren't more faggot delivery drivers.

>Please don't punch me in the face, steal my pizzas and money, and shove that baseball bat covered with barbed wire up my ass, over and ovar again!!! *SWOON*

You faggots could easily get treated like the pigs you claim you want to be every night of the week just by visiting the 'hood.

That's right. As a pizza delivery driver I noticed too that black people didn't tip, and also, there was always some kind of hassle involved. It was scarier, weirder, louder, and more risky to deliver to them.
I would memorize their addresses. Because some of them called a lot. I would leave their pizzas sitting there and take other orders. Other drivers would too. Eventually it became so that some black homes would wait an hour for their pizza. What difference did it make? What are they gonna do? Complain? Ha.

> in a Suzuki Samurai
why is that important

>why is that important

A Suzuki Samurai was the Toyota Prius of the 80's.

Are you kidding. 99% of Milwaukee is niggers

If you ever need a pocket vag you can sneeze into a kleenex

see those little bumps on his cheeks? That shit looks like aids on white people...

Almost all niggers are covered in acne and bacteria that isn't noticeable on black/brown skin

once it comes into contact with white skin it turn into red acne and blotches...

the guy on the right has it worse.

>99% of Milwaukee is niggers

Big surprise.
>Today, Swedish Americans are found throughout the United States, with Minnesota, California and Illinois being the top three states with the highest number of Swedish Americans. Historically, newly arrived Swedish immigrants settled in the Midwest, namely Minnesota, the Dakotas and Wisconsin, just as other Scandinavian Americans. Populations also grew in the Pacific Northwest in the states of Oregon and Washington at the turn of the twentieth century.

>If you ever need a pocket vag
>Suddenly, faggots care about vag in any way

Take your faggot ass to the hood.
"Gallup Poll Finds People Of Color More Likely To Identify As LGBT"

I'm so much of a faggot-lover that I gave you a link written entirely in faggot.


Archived it for you

round up the niggers and nuke them. no disposal costs, no infrastructure to build.

ketchup cake, that's fucking vile. i have seen some shit and that irks me more than isis vids.

goddamnit what the fuck is wrong with swedish people?

>Archived it for you
Dog bless you, Norbot.
You are an national treasure.


>Point gun at someone
>Oops lol
>Fire it
>Oops lol
>Man is struck
>Oops lol
>Take his money
>Oops lol
>Take his pizza
>Oops lol
>Eat the pizza instead of calling an amberlamp
>Oops lol
>Be a nigger
>S'all gud :DD

>Sit in an empty house all day, thinking you're just like Anne Frank because you're a Jew hunted by evil Nazis
>Literally LARPing all day
>One of the most Inspirational things I've done

>ketchup cake, that's fucking vile

Don't diss the National Dish of Canada.
>In a recent survey, nearly 6% of Canadians preferred ketchup cake to the national dish of nigger cock.

>However, 3622 people out of 2312 surveyed in Vancouver disputed this survey.
>Chanted most Canadians.

>be faggot
>work as barista in 105% white suburb
>go home and write silly faggot rape porn
>t-tomorrow I'll take TWO baseball bats up my faggot ass
>That'll teacy my evil hetero Step-Dad and his compulsion to watch niggerball every Sunday
>S-sob. I spent $13 on these stockings.
>Why won't HE even look at my hairy ass??

I almost feel bad for faggots. They hate all the Tyrone's who would happily rape their faggot asses three times every Tuesday, while still crying that their Step-Daddy ignores them.