BTFO RACEWAR just in time

Trump tells the NFL to "get that son of a bitch off the field hes fired" in reference to kangs protesting the national anthem

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I'm with Trump 100% on this.

National Felon League BTFO

Top Fucking KEK.



>campaign rally
why tho


Fucking kek

My dad just showed me this and two generations of our family had a hearty chuckle and agreed

Now we wait for the CNN article about his racist / sexist tirade that is NOT OKAY

The absolute madman

Why not? Don't you enjoy the endless salt and rectal ravage from the left? Now we get to see these communist media institutions attack and get hot and bothered by Patriotism.

gives him energy and courage

nigger thugs are furious! i'd like to see the intelligible niggers an opportunist good-goys try to compete

He's campaigning for an establishment shill too

Holy shit it's real

Nig Nog Felon Leauge coverage on Compound Media, safe space podcast.

niggers are about to ruin the NFL for ever. How will the JEW recover?

>muuuh free speech is important those damn leftists don't like free speech

>these guys are disrespecting muh flag with their free speech, they need to be punished

>chants *USA* *USA*

Lmao the inverted obamabot syndrome is at full throttle

Right? Isn't the whole point of the American flag that it gives you the freedom to disrespect it if you wish?

So, the PA is going to "Speak" about this? This will only help or hinder their ratings further. Keep in mind we have baseball and Nascar.....Basketball is going to suffer the same fate as football shortly.

>Mexican Intellectual in charge of common senses

NFL is getting BTFO by capitalism because they can't keep their niggerslaves on a leash. Ratings are down... billion dollar loses. Something has to give or they're going bankrupt soon.

>folks chanting USA USA
Yeah! YES! Do it America! Love your country!

>free speech means people can't treat us like shitheads for acting like shitheads
Um, sorry sweeties.

A leaf and a leaf blower, you don't have constitutional protections when you're fucking working

Hopefully this encourages more niggers to kneel. Maybe white people will stop being so obsessed with this sport.

a leaf

Yeah, that's the whole point, I don't even like the leftists that Sup Forums whines about all day, but this is pretty retarded.

Then don't complain when some trumpfags or trump says something inflammatory, and then leftists start to boycott/whine about something.

I agree with you, it's just pathetic that you complain about being persecuted by the left doing the same you are doing.

It's more of a problem with the "alt-lite" since they go around blabbering about "muh freeze peach" until it's inconvenient for them like Jack Posobeic reporting people on twitter for mentioning jews. Though you do see it pop up here every now and then.

Can Trump cause multi-millionaire athletes to chimpout on national television, to the disgust of essentially the entirety of the NFL's target demographic? Can he do it while also having the NFL defend the behavior, so oblivious in that uniquely "progressive" leftist way to their own bottom line? Going to be a good couple weeks.

It's all seems planned out well, he's probably red-pilled on the sports jew. I don't think he ever watched except for golf occasionally.

Nobody gives a shit what leftist do or say. We're used to it. Nobody gives a fuck what these niggers do. We just like sitting back and watching it all burn down. White people just stop watching (((NFL))) which is the best way to fuck these niggers who are still doing to die broke by 45 years of age due to concussions and having lost all their money on baby mamas and expensive cars.

I'm calling blacks and Koreans take sides you know since Dennis Rodman is already an ambassador and they gone destroy the whitez but what the Jews dont realize is, these low iq nigs wont be able to tell the difference between Jews and whites and the nig nogs will destroy everything and anyone with their superior athletic abilities RIP kek

Who gives a fuck what the over paid apes think? What are they going to do boycott their owns games by not playing? These dumb bastards are about to learn who is paying their salaries whenever the league doesnt make any money and they cant support all those bastard kids from Jashondas, Ladoonaquas and Sha-sha.

wow le ebic! xD

Be aware of pic related. (((They))) want people to endlessly talk about anything BUT what matters.

ew, no. i'm not a nazi.

I will always have room in my heart to talk about both.

The NFLPA gets every player to kneel this week. screen cap this

>Mexican Stache
>buzz cut

Got to give it to this guy. He managed to fool libs and nogs.

Eh, they can have him.

Leafs using the argument that the flags meaning is to disrespect it. About as stupid as implying immigration means everyone is allowed into a country.

Let's just sit idly by and let people purposefully push limits. Let's use the freedom of speech which doesn't apply to a football player to allow him to spread anti-patriotic and communist idea, let's let him spread Islam. Fucking leafs going the "its the rules goy, play along"

I'm sure the founding fathers were ok with faggots spreading anti-American ideals that could potentially destroy a republic. Gotta follow them rules, like our founding fathers did. Why is this concept so alien to cucked Canadians?

good old talcum x

Are you implying the founding fathers were fascist?

he's right. i know jerry jones has said he'd punish whoever did it on the cowboys

they were white nationalists, but not fascists, no. but white people aren't sitting down during our national anthem so i think their system worked