Does anyone here like their job?

Does anyone here like their job?

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You're mental

>Not politics
>Bait image

I like my job, but I'm not here.

This Fuck off of pol

>parents met in a restaurant
>family owned a restaurant when I was a kid
>always cooked with ma in the kitchen
>current job is a chef at an upscale Bar/Grill
>pays 14.23 an hour
>my coworkers are fucking awesome

Hell yeah, my job/life are great right now man

I quit a normie job at fortune 50 to do what I love. I get to stay up late now.


what do you love?


The only thing I dislike is that it killed my desire to program software in my free time.

Ai, same with me but drawing.

>love de jerb. muh jerb ez muh identities.
>non subtle datamine thread
op never dissapoints if one assume op is always a faggot

I work in emergency psychiatric care and its great.
I Get by on 5 nightshifts a month so lots of free time.

Pay is shit but at least you like it.

I'm neet and I like my job. I get to sit in my jimjams all day doing nothing while my friends have to follow their bosses orders in the real world.

Blacks and BBC


NEET here

keep on replying to slide threads then faggot.

Are you a nurse?

>work at Walmart on overnights for $14/hr for the past 12 years

Nah, it's just a job. Nothing that I could glorify or glamorize in anyway. I don't have a GED, so I can at least be thankful I have a job in the first place.

>overnight campus security at a small liberal arts college
>get to yell at stupid sjws for about 3 hours, and then play video games for the rest of the night.
>$17.50/hr, with four weeks of vacation

Not terrible, especially considering the local police only get paid $20/hr, and have to deal with our massive heroin problem. I'll probably eventually get motivated enough to apply for a department in a different town, but this is comfy for now.


I love any job that I'm blessed enough to have, no matter how "bad" it may be.
Never understood how anyone could hate and complain about the hand that feeds them.

Stop posting this shit in every fucking thread come on mods do your job

Good goy

Care to explain?

You DO the work you are expected to do, in return you get paid. There is no feeding hand but your own.

Boot licking faggot.

Software dev here, I'm working for a small company producing little device that helps kids fall and stay asleep, development and production are all done here, locally. Im litterly helping white people have kids and even though I could make 4 times more in some shitty corporations for doing nothing I like my job

Not a nurse, but a similar education. Im authorized medical personell. Theres plenty of nurses there Tho. Mostly male because of physical reqs.

>Never understood how anyone could hate and complain about the hand that feeds them.

best goy

>non white helping whites

No, I work in government and it's a bureaucratic nightmare with everything I do - as you would expect. I'm lining up interviews between now and Christmas so I can be out of there quick.

I'm missing the implication here.
By working and holding a job that I somewhat enjoy, I'm serving (((them)))? Is that what you're saying? What's your point here?

I do industrial maintenance at an aluminum mine/factory. I enjoy what i do, I just wish I had more time to myself and my wife and baby.


>personal trainer
>work at physical therapy facility
>specialize in working with geriatrics, people with injuries and other special populations who's insurance has run out or are in between being general population and special population.

My biggest success is getting a 91 yrold dude to be able to walk 3x/day .5mile each time carrying but not using a cane after he had a metal rod surgically put in his leg. He only used the walker when we met.

>learning more than I did in college with hands on exp
>once my gap yr is over I'm going to grad school for OT.

High-school maths teacher. Honestly really like it.
>Autistic as fuck. But still like to socialize
>Can't socialize with people due to autism, unless there is some type of common goal we have.
>Get to hang out and talk about maths all day with teenagers (who are about at my social level - again due to autism).
>Hence can socialize, as there is a common goal of discussing the math ideas.
Hate the liberalism and communism that has infested itself within the teaching system, but can mostly ignore it in the maths department since maths has so little to do with all that bullshit. Have to tiptoe around things like the wage gap in statistics class though, that's about as political as maths can get.

You taking ANY job and loving it is the problem. You're skewing society's quality of life downward by being a pleb.

I'm a Mid 20's NEET, and I must say it is phenomenal spending the best years of my life relaxing, reading, exercising, learning, becoming cultured while all my peers slave away in cubicles for Jews so they can afford shiny things the electric box tells them they will be failures without. I don't understand how Sup Forums claims to be red pilled but is filled with wagecucks

I'm an Uber driver mainly, so yes. Be your own boss, take your own breaks, make lots of money.

You're right, but you can't do that forever.

Why not. Most whites are Bros

Also a neet. I make my own job, which is to archive and make tools to fuck google.

Yes and no. I've had 3 or 4 jobs that people would consider dream jobs, my most recent being a zookeeper at a large aquarium. After a year or so I just feel unfulfilled and want to move on. Does anyone else get like that?

And I enjoy it re: OP.




make 20k a year currently but will be making 120k within two years

praise God for His help, turning a high school dropout like me into something, with a job i absolutely love

>Implying people here have jobs.

include me in the screencap

you're quite famous you know

>that reply time.
It's an honour to meet you, Sir.

Yeah it's good
Im a fire safety tech
Basically spend all day driving to different sites like pubs and office buildings servicing fire extinguishers and hydrants
Always working with someone and talking shit all day
I genuinely enjoy going to work every day

Is it you that's behind adnaseum?

Did you get your GED?

you're the male equivalent of a slut

No. I'm undecided on that one. I'm hooktube and a few other sites.

no. I own a business

Both my side jobs pay more than $10/hour higher than your job pays.

I'm glad you love it, but try to find work at another spot doing the same job for more money.

doge bless norbro. truly a calling


OK, thank you for your work.

Feel free to open up a Patreon or something, I'm sure lots of folks would like to donate to this work.


I celebrated my 11 year anniversary last month


I do

Cryogenic liquid transport system, multistage refrigeration and stasis chamber designer here. I make really good money, keep no woman, and will likely retire with enough money to freeze to death in deep space. I absolutely love my job.

I work at a major historic Landmark in London, I damn well love my job

you get 14 an hour as a chef? fuuck.

Thinking about it, I am.


Not enough moneh, I'm leaving you.
You don't fulfill my needs, I'm leaving you.
You don't care about me anymore, I'm leaving you.
You used to be fun, I'm leaving you.
The job (man) has this, I'm leaving you.

Do the tourists and crowds not make you want to shoot yourself

its ok user, you dont need to tell us which masjid it is

It's pointless, my only expense is beer and food and I have saved up money since forever.

I also really like diet anw root beer with cap morgan silver spice rum

And here's some music I really like that's been released this year

NEET here and yes i love my jerb

Sounds like you're caught up in a multi-level pyramid of sorts.

It's not super busy enough to be packed, more of a hidden gem, the odd tourist can be annoying but I also regularly interact with dukes and royalty plus 99.9% of people coming in are nice and genuinely interested in the place (and white) cause black people don't care about history

Glad to hear that you are in a comfortable position. Your work and dedication are truly inspiring. There used to be a lot more of this sort of thing about 10 - 15 years ago online, it seems to have gone away now. which is why it's nice to see it making a comeback.

your e a fucking beefeater arent you
that would be the best job ever. staying stock still mostly, then shouting like a vogon at cunts then eventually bayonetting them if they get rowdy

Call sign: Legend.

>Work12 hours for 4 days in week as nurse.Get paid 4,25 euro per hour. Hospitals needs more nurses especially these educated in University. Cant pay 0,25 euro more so many nurses leaving hospitals making hospitals nearly collapse. Plebs in country is shitting on nurses they dont want work for few crowns and people can actually die because there can be 1 nurse for 30 patients in night time. I always hated arabs but soon i will move to Emirates when i will get much more and i can actually start making white family which is very hard in my slavic colony. Ilike my job but i hate conditions in my republic.


haaaaaa, yeah, Na

True but you have to find a way to make money sooner or later. Have you ever worked in your life? are you working on any business idea?

Why the Emirates? How did that prospect come to be? What are your long term plans?

>Work at oil refinery
>$24.25 an hour
>Job is okay


Take care norbot

Oh shit user.
CR is fucked up in your field. Big time.
I quite like my job in automotive. But the shit wages... 5.5 dollaroos / hour after tax

Became self-employed a bit over a year ago and yes, I enjoy it. It's a lot more work than I thought though and it's much more difficult than expected to get the loans that are necessary to expand my business. I pretty much have a 90-100h work week to earn about the same as I did when I was still employed.

What kind of work?

I have few friends which left country and moved to Emirates so i will have better start here also i will get more money than i would get in Austria or Germany. I want work here for few years and later use my money to buy house with some land. If i will have more money i could even try build my own business in my republic related to my work. Which i couldnt start here because i wouldnt make enough money so i would be always half slave in our socialistic healthcare system where everyone gets same care even if he never paid penny to system or he wants pay more he cant just get better care which ruins economy of our hospitals.

Go for it man.
There is nothing to loose. I can imagine you can save up money for house and land in few years in emirates.