Can someone upload TDS198?

Can someone upload TDS198?

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Just give them some shekels you fucking kike.

Their content ain't worth shekels based on their free episodes. It's devolved into like 90% shitposting.

They've always had their ups and downs. The recent ones have been shit, but they've been good before so they'll become good again.

198 is pretty good actually. They reacted very well to the pushback.

>give them shekels
>you kike

really made me think

I won't believe you until you uplaod it

They spend the non shitposting time takling about this video

I'll rephrase:
Just give them some shekels you fucking poorfag.

>They reacted very well to the pushback
how was pushback formed? on their own board?

The (((wife))) situation just slowly gnawed at my liking of the crew, can't listen to them anymore.

Also shitposting gets boring

Also, uploading. please wait.

I'd give them shekels but I don't want my info leaked and have the FBI break my door down in a few years.

>Not wanting to be in the national news for fighting off a squad of SWAT by dual wielding dragon dildos.

You need better life goals.


Alc right rises is the best

Working on it, I think the site is being attacked. Socket connection for FTP keeps dropping.

They need to start talking about politics again

Also inb4 that autist complaining about viral marketing

Now uploading, should be about 5 more minutes.


You a true Playa Lupus.


I just with had better upload speeds or that vacoroo didnt have a 50mb limit.

I listened to that one with morrakiu and it was like half an hour of bagel talking and tech shit.

I don't want to shit talk them because they're one of the few things I still enjoy in life but .. come on. And I get the whole "we're triggering the autism hahaha" but still. And the car talk recently was excruciating. I couldn't give less of a fuck.

Mcnabb is kind of shit tier in all honesty aswell.

Well you are dope for going to the trouble. It's well appreciated. :)

Not going to lie, I was pretty triggered at them not knowing how to properly install linux drivers.

The alc right rises is tops

I refuse to listen to them after they insulted Linux in episode 197 and called people who use Linux as their daily driver faggots. I can handle bantz, but they went too far.

Read yockey yet?

I don't really dislike McNabb. Wouldn't want to listen to him on his own, but he can be entertaining together with Mike and Sven. I miss Ghoul and Bulbasaur.

This a archive upload?

grow a spine Nancy and get some tampons for that vag of yours.

I understand that it takes a bit of getting used to using a terminal and unix commands but I think its really due to them trying to use it as a daily desktop. It was never really designed for that, but for industrial applications likes servers it is bar none.

>Also, at about 60%

It was 197 I think.

No I am asking if you are going to upload this paywall episode to archive.

Im uploading it to

I’m already a girl. And my name is Sarah. I don’t need a tampon now because my cycle doesn’t start for another 2 weeks.

ep 198
I send Stormer & Horus money, trs is good just never mentions White Genocide enough.

They need to kick that Alex guy off the podcast, or at least bully him more.

McStab has really gotten lower energy since he got on laid off from the amberlance.

I agree. He is boring as fuck and his bamberlamps segments are the worst parts of TRS.

TRS people are stuck up cunts, when you engage them on twitter they just shit all over you, because think they have excellent opinions

you present them with facts and they just shrug it off, followed by
>da jooos


Ghoul :'(

>Needs more cowbell



It is the Jews, though. FACT.

Holy crap you beat me too it

why did you virus this

You're a fucking legend Lupus. I remember the other time when you dropped it for us, appreciated as always!


Only trust lupus

No really fag

Watch this and tell me otherwise.
And they talk about the jews in Poland as well.

Typical Polish semite talki. Can you maybe an hero for me for tha goyim?

I didn't you faggot

Post tits you swine

On a semi-related note, does anybody know anything about the "Rise Above Movement" and what they're up to? They seem to have deleted their promotional video from their YouTube channel.

Here's a mirror of the vid, the original had 30k views

The quality of the show declines when they try to increase quantity. Right now, they're doing like 3 episodes a week, and it's fucking annoying how the can't stop interrupting and talking over each other or putting more effort into research and content creation. I'd be happy to support them financially though with a subscription if I were working at the moment. There are so many great podcasts like the Poz Button and The Convict Report.

Hit a Big Brain with a Rock was the best intro song ever

This most recent episodes have been so shitty. Just them talking shit for the first half hour.

I think they will get used to the pace at some point. They keep either going too long on certain subject or cutting others short because they are really used to doing 1 show a week. It really started to go down hill after day 3 of the "this time actually daily shoah" but going back to 3 days a week they are getting better slowly. I think they are just trying to find a groove.

>enoch middle life crisis, single, childless idiot with delusions of grandeur
>jesse just some guy who plays guitar and interrupts
>mcnabb boring dude who is known for using english wrong
I'm seriously considering stop listening to the classic death panel and just tune in when they have guests, because at this point this is shit

They need to put more effort into preparing for the show and researching their bits. And they need to have better show moderation. Mike or Sven will be in the middle of making an interesting point after 60 minutes of pointless rambling and then they get interrupted but one of the other guests who puts the discussion on some trivial tangent. If they keep trying to shitpost for 9 hours a week they will fizzle out and lose their support base.

Enoch is basically an atheist as well. Not a great role model for the alt-right in terms of being a godless DINK who lives in New York and works in tech. At least Jesse is a dad and works a blue-collar job.

Yeah he adds very little to the actual broadcast. I get it they're friends and I give my friends similar shit. Not every one of their friends needs to be a pod caster.

That is also my favorite.

>Radio host is blue collar

I agree, I think a lot of problems are coming from the constant delay between the calls from every one that is really killing the conversation. Alex has a lot of interesting literally references but I do agree that they are losing steam with the constant shitposting and no substance.

Bet you'll be the first to click on a link if someone uploads their pay well shit though, faggot

Link has been up for some time and I'm not interested. The criticism isn't "I don't value their opinions on alt right stuff". The criticism is "I don't value their opinions on cars, bikes, guns, computer shit, sound stuff, etc.". When that stuff made up 15 minutes out of 2-3 hours I didn't care but it's been ramping up to a larger and larger portion of their cast.

Meanwhile they've launched Jazz &a Jesse/ Mike and the Mad Wop as direct competitors to their main show. You can now listen to like 20 hours of their production every week and get like 1 extra hour of actual content. So fuck off.

>There are so many great podcasts like the Poz Button and The Convict Report.
Those guys get nothing unless you donate to them directly.

Lupus is best


Tolerant Swedebro. I'm so bigoted I immediately disavowed after seeing Peinovich's (((wife))). After the convenient dox, he's saluting for the cameras and front and center with the recent disaster.

Fake leaders doing the bidding of the state - demoralizing the right and making the civic nat center look strong af.

>civic nat center look strong af.
Yes, what we need is 160 more McCains.

I liked the rock memes, but it's like all of them have given up talking about politics. Racial solidarity is great, yeah, but that doesn't mean it's the only thing you have to talk about. Mike even admitted that he doesn't read up on current events anymore which, aside from the occasional freelance job, is basically his job. This whole "I don't care what political ideology the ethnostate is" mentality leads to dull discussion with recycled talking points. And where the fuck is my Chateau Autiste?

I must have been off those days(I work in IT so I dont turn on my computer those days) where does the rock meme come from?


197 was literally them talking about cars

What the fuck

something about hitting big brained nibbas with rocks. I think it was a forum meme since i've been listening to all the episodes and it seems to come out of nowhere

You should read Larry Ridgeway's stuff on identitydixie, he writes just as he talks so it's very entertaining, though sometimes he gets a bit too negative.

I think it was from the STL riots but I didnt really keep on them so im not sure.

Rebuilding cars is implicitly white.
t former. mechanic.

As long as its not C. Murry. Im really glad he is leaving 3st rail because he just speaks




Must've been a facebook meme, didn't see anything about it on the forums until after the episode and the death panel never use the forums.

>on the forums until after the episode and the death panel never use the forums.
They do, just not the public 504um space.

And I think they need to be in the public space to shoot down the arguments from new people or let some mods do it from the ovenmen but as it is right now the 504ums are garbage and are just Sup Forums light.

Not sure if the reason I don't pirate the paywall episodes is my integrity or because I don't have time (tho unemployed) and interest to listen to 2 hours of Subaru posting.

been listening since 2014. I'm not giving these kikes one red cent.