The United States of America is pure evil, I don't see how any human being can be patriotic towards it...

The United States of America is pure evil, I don't see how any human being can be patriotic towards it. I honestly feel bad for you, your country makes life not worth living.

Other urls found in this thread:

Just take an honest look at your nation, everything that it does. Do you really support that?

I know you personally aren't responsible for this, it's the government. But as a US citizen you could make your voice heard and stop this. But you don't.

That use to be the case , but now you live in a muslim country ... so it's yours that's evil..

>Your country is just as evil as ours.
Still evil though.

Are you begging for us to annex you?

The US government's foreign policy is for the good of the US and therefore the world so yes I support it

The US is the reason peace exists today


Not everyone is a US citizen. Thanks for stepping on billions for your small piece of happiness.

Stay mad grandpa

Try washing that blood off your hands, it won't come off.

The reason the UK and the rest of the EU doesn't need a large military is the USA

The reason Australia can be prosperous is because our navy stops China from blocking their trade and annexing every island in the Pacific like they want to do

Knowing that my patriotism irritates the haram members of the queens royal sharia kingdom makes it all worthwhile.

Just because the US citizens are against the nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it still happened.

Guess I can't disagree with you, don't want to be waterboarded.

Nobody is against the nuking of Japan and if they are it's only because they didn't see what the death statistics of a land invasion or blockade would have been.

This whole thread shows me you don't understand any of the complexity of foreign politics or warfare and you should stop acting like you do.

I think most Americans are patriotic about the dream land they think is America, the one with freedom and hope.

Not the actual America, what's ruining our planet.

We rule. Eurocucks drool.

What about the future generations who have to go through a life of hell? Can you justify their suffering?

When the USA collapses and you need our help, I hope we don't treat you how you treat the rest of the world.

> mad cuz irrelevant
> madder cuz his govt doesnt give a wet shit for him
> even madder cuz he can be arrested for carrying a spoon
> even madderer cuz pajeet and mustafa are takin over bongland
> absolutely ass blasted cuz he cant even shitpost to american standard, much less peak straya levels
> would put gun in mouth, but NoGunz.
> cant even hang self cuz rope is a weapon and permit queue is 6 months long
> cant see a reason to live, cant find a way to die, trapped in purgatory on his rainy island full of shitskins

I cant even feel bad for you, too busy laughing

Japan is a very nice place with a high standard of living

Denying foreigners human rights to get intel is what it means to be American.
Slaughtering millions to secure more resources is what it means to be American.
Ignorants towards the atrocities and suffering you have caused around the world is what it means to be American.

Mickey mouse America doesn't exist, it never fucking did.

Napalm sticks to kids.

No I mean the radiation and what its done to the people and their children.

You know the UK participates in all of our military activities right

I am partial to it. I love what the US stands for, but hate the brainwashed idiots that live here, and the kikes that rule over it. Because this country is so open to legal immigrants, whose to say that the white man will continue to be the strongest race in it?

My parents treat anti-semitism like a curse word, and they aren't even educated on the Jews.. except that Jesus was one of them. I find this closed off judeo mindset disgusting, insufferable, and plain unamerican. Right now America is a shithole, and it deserves a huge nuke for being so fucking stupid, and blind to the truth.

About a year ago I ran into a photo online of an American solider standing proud and patriotic, in front of the George Washington monument. That's right, the fucking Illuminati pillar, aka a symbol of (((their))) military might. I wish I had saved that photo because it downright pisses me off. We got fucking sheep in our military, and it's so sad. America deserves far better than this.

Yeah it was still better than a land invasion. The Japanese strategy at that point was to give guns and knives to any child that could hold one, and force them to fight. When the allies were on the verge of capturing a town, the Japanese would force all of their women to commit suicide so the enemy couldn't capture them. Almost nobody would have been left alive.

I know, and I feel guilty about that too. I can't be patriotic for the UK either.

>acts like a complete cunt towards USA
it is almost as if americans don't give a fuck about the rest of the world.
>wonder why?

You're country has been overrun by mudshits, britbong. Get off your high fucking horse.

But like, what does the US stand for?
If you look through American history, they do really do what they preach.

all that shit is what the world's preeminent power has always done. International relations is anarchic and hobbesean. The brits did it in their empire too.

Fuck off.
We drink your milkshake.
We drink it up.

Can you make specific complaints instead of vague ones that mean literally nothing

> Napalm sticks to kids.
damn right it does!
it sticks to faggots too!
think about that before you rustle america's jimmies



>Please, EU KeK Master, Give US 2 More Year

It's Too late for you, Isn't it?

LE BASE Thatcher Really Fucked up UK industries so HARD

((Tories)) Keep Importing old commonwealth filth

Turn Out, Your Country is JUST Weak and GAY as lumpy dick

Don't be an American idiot. You can't hear people talking shit about the US over the sound of bombs blowing them up.

What high horse, I admit my hands are just as bloody as yours.

refer to

settle down ahmed

Ok so for example, Americans preach that the US stands for freedom right?
>Native American genocide
>Black sites
I wouldn't call that free.

And you could argue "Well its about Americans freedom", and you're right, fuck the rest of the earth yeah?

You can kill me, but I'm still right ;)


> mustafa really trying to turn britain and US against each other
> mustafa is so stupid he thinks shitposting on a bulgarian tomato gardening forum will drive a wedge between the queen and the god emperor
> thinks brits give a squirt of warm piss over blowing up rice niggers, sandniggers, dust niggers and regular niggers
> doesnt understand why real brits call him "wog"
> insists he is "british" despite being a fucking eritrean dust nigger
> cant figure out why he can only get pussy with rape

once america is made great again, we will turn our attention to helping our friends (except canada, fuck canada)
you will be sent back to the dusty shithole you crawled out of, even germoney wont be able to save you from deportation.,

It's honestly one of the best countries in the world:

>Relatively uncucked
>Right to bear arms
>Wide open spaces
>Strong economy

Just amazing in a lot of ways unlike your pathetic neo-Pakistan, you pussy.

I wish every time the US kills a civilian from another country, they'd show them the face of that person on national TV. Just so they know.

Maybe even livestream your black sites, turn it into a TV show.

It would just entertain them, most Americans aren't cucks.

"Friends", didn't realise the US had those, just pawns to help you get more oil right?

When the US was started they wanted freedom for the wealthy

Only recently does the freedom extend to everybody
>but you should feel bad about shit that happened 200 years ago

>not everyone is a US citizen
Not yet they aren't

>your country makes life not worth living.

Good, go play 'hug a semi' on the highway. Faggot.

we are sick of muzzy shit.
our patience is at an end
we will come for you, and all your shitty dust nigger relatives with you.
there will be nobody left to bury your corpses
hyenas and jackals gotta eat too.

Ok to its great for it citizens. Being part of a royal family is pretty good too, but you're still ordering mass executions of the peasants outside.

Waterboarding should be taught in their schools.

Who gives a shit about foreign peasants? Cuck.

> muh "war for oil" meme
> canada and mexico have shitloads of oil
> niether one has been invaded.
> YET...
your narrative is full of shit.

It's fucking niggers and muslims. It's great that we're executing them en mass.

Everyone knows what waterboarding is and no one feels sympathy for terrorists unlike in your cuck country, Pakistan.

Yeah sure you could argue it wasn't a monster when it started. You're wrong because the US is literally built on the graves of the natives but whatever.

Even if it was pure and wanted freedom at birth, if they could see you all today they'd probably not of bothered desu.

Are you just face down, ass up for the majority of the day? What a pathetic cuckish life you must lead. Also, everything you mentioned is why america is great. Also, youre welcome for having an army. When shit hits the fan we will be the ones to pick up the tab for you slobs.

lol faggot so many more japanese and americans would've died if there'd been a land invasion. The emperor of japan had turned his entire population into a militia that would fight to the death upon invasion.

Interesting read. I suppose your editor was off that day

>Implying you want people to be US citizens
>Implying you don't just want their resources and land.

Need more land to make corn syrup for our Coca-Cola (tm).

>what's ruining our planet.
Confirmed Akmed rapist, Muhammad clit licker, may sausage and bacon be upon him

the US is the #1 exporter of homosexuality and sodomy. why? what went wrong?

Kys nigger!

think of it as if it where an abscess. it‘s so full the puss has cracked the skin andnis oozing out.

We don't call them highways in the UK. Oh wait sorry you don't care. Ignore this and eat your freedom fries. Damn they sure do taste bitter.

^ Basically how they think. It's like in 1776 they wanted freedom from an oppressive empire. And we want the same from them today.

Oh sorry, I'd like to buy more F35s please. Hospitals ain't gonna bomb themselves ;P

What about Europe? What about the place you're supposed of immigrated from? Only way Europeans can travel to the US these days is when they are extradited.

yeah, just the way I like it. We are a superpower. Fucking eat a (brown) dick you cucked country

why don‘t you donate to a mosque in the US? I‘ve been up to this for a while

Terrorist is such a loose term. Bet the government strips citizenship from the citizens and gets water boarding on them too.

I don't want your blood money, you can have our army. "why America is great" depends on the point of view, enjoy your bubble.

Keep telling yourself that, I hope you never have the misfortune of being a victim of a nuke. I wish it on no one.

Didn't you recently leave the Paris climate agreement? Don't American citizens of average use twice the amount of electricity as the rest of the world? Wouldn't that literally mean you're ruining the planet.

Don't need to, you'll push the button one day. Spoilers: you'll be the first to push said button.

Great power comes great responsibility. Maybe you shouldn't be captain of this ship, you're clearly dangerous, narcissistic, jingoistic and greedy as fuck.

Don't be a loon bin that spoon faggot!!!

a) I don't want to give money to the US, I'm already funding enough of this problem.
b) They don't need money, the US can just print more.
c) I ain't a muslim

"Kill all the fags that don't agree", keep drinking that ice cold Coca-Cola.

lol says the anglo
kys, you are like americas retarded failed brother
your braindead kikelovin ancestros brought us into this mess

Yep, I fully accept I am just as degenerate and part of the problem as Americans. I wish we could turn back time.

I‘m not a muslim either, I do it for peace of mind. makes me smile everytime.

It helps if you aren't a subversive kike like OP.

blood for oil mate. Get your straws ready.

I find it really hard to believe anything Americans say these days.

>"We need to invade Iraq, there are WMDs and shit"
>"Naa, don't worry about it, the NSA ain't spying on your country"

all going according to plan: watch the vid there

t. mohammed abdul al-brittani

Call me what you want, I'm still right.

There are more rightful heirs in America to the British throne than those in Brittan today.

Are you idiots still mad about the tea?

Then you won’t be surprised when America nukes your goat fucking ass.

Does that explain it?

Can't see the tea anymore mate, the water is too red these days.

Correct, I'm expecting you to nuke the whole earth in the next 10 years.

You lock people up over TV licenses and verbose shit like subjective ideas on what is offensive meanwhile Muslims rape and murder your kids and your government sanctions it.

Go fuck yourself and die you pathetic dystopian totalitarian waste of flesh you should all burn for the atrocities you commit and allow.

Your country is an affront to humanity and is no better than Stalinist Russia and the former third Reich.

Says the British Citizen who is a slave. A slave to those who do not have Brains best interests at heart.

Says a British Citizen who is a major part of "evil" colonial occupation.

Let me ask you Sir, what is the whole deal with the Falkland Islands about?

Perhaps you should worry about your own problems?

Troll. Sage.


here‘s the hooktube:

Sorry I can't hear you.

Their our problem, Five Eyes.

the US government's foreign policy is mostly for the benefit of Israel. Read The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy:

Pretty much.


Sounds like they need some diversity.

ignorants is bliss

Who is they?! Is there a mouse in your pocket?

Nay, if you wan't to lump all of the states together then I can lump you in with your East India Company.....hypocrisy never gets old