Okay, so you guys have a reputation

hi. i'm not gonna say who i am, i don't matter and even if i gave a name you'd be like "who" and then even googling me wouldn't tell you that much, i'm a financial / talent guy. the only thing that makes me special is i work fucking sodom and gomorrah aka tinseltown.

i have been told that you guys are digging up dirt on dan schneider. i need to tell someone this, so i'm going to tell you.

the picture i'm trying to attach to this comment is a lie. he always had computers. he set people's emails and ftp accounts and computers up in the late 80s and early 90s and he's been untouchable from the get-go.

it was the perfect coincidence of a fairly malicious technically skilled person having unlimited access to technically retarded sexually malicious people with money and power.

that's why dan has been doing what he does with zero consequences, i am fully convinced he has entire hard drives full of dirt on people. can you imagine what he could have set up? setting scripts for emails to be copied invisibly to his own mainframe for both sides of the conversation, keystroke loggers, file imagers, etc.

i don't know what you guys can do about that, but i wanted you to know. i liked the scientology stuff last decade. that was pretty cool. hope those people are still around.

Other urls found in this thread:


holy fuck what are the odds of that ID

Did he leak the fappenjng photos? Also prove you are not larping nigger.

substantial if verified

nig if jew

"Jamie Spears loves me. Jamie Spears thinks I'm cute." - DAN SCHNEIDER, on national cable television






I keep coming across Dan Schneider related shitposting today. Keep up the good work, goys.


The same as having Ki/aJKps you fucking tard.

It's possible. But no way he got the proof on his own. It's impossible to get deep dark secrets by yourself unless dan was given them or had help.

I do think most of these weirdos all have blackmail on eachother and it keeps them together and silent on their crimes.

at the time he was one of the only people who knew how to do email and computers, everyone else was still using fucking telex, and back in those days we thought the electronic stuff was perfectly safe to say anything over.

he could have just gotten some of the lower tier secrets and used his knowledge to escalate and demand more

post his nicknames

That meme is boring.

how many 8 balls do you blow per week, user?

not as many as steven seagal. okay figured out how to post replieswithout fucking it up. do you want some seagal dirt?

elite hax0r mainframe
pwnd and own'd

Who is that fat fuck in the photo?

sorry meant for OP

Sure, lay it on us.

Dan "sit on my dick and you'll be in the flick" Schneider

Go back

Fucking yes cough it up

yes. real stuff.

something tells me you're not larping (larping means pretending to be someone/something you're not).

tells us a bedtime story, agent-user.
it's comfy time in cape cod.

everytime seagal's people would contact our agency about extras they'd demand 8x10 nudes of every blonde or asian on our roster, or lingerie if the girl didn't do nude. they claimed that steve had to okay every female that would be in a scene with him and the nudes helped him get in touch with their true self or some bullshit. we actually stopped sending anything but headshots because any girls that did get sent out would complain about lewd propositions and groping from seagal.

he is also living proof that you can get fat as fuck on cocaine

Dan "If you want a job, you'll sit on my knob" Schneider.

Who else do you have dirt on? Like someone most people wouldn't expect

Dan "If you wanna be like Hannah Montana, sit on my banana" Schneider

On it. Expect something in 20 days. Thanks

heard from someone who would know that segal was a legit bad-ass back in the day. also heard from same source that he's half jew. so, maybe he was just half-bad-ass back in the day.

what percentage of b to a list stars are cokeheads? i've heard upwards of 70%.

I hadn't seen this one, kek

Dan "Wanna be on Nick? Better grab my dick" Schneider

these are great i want all of them

he did actually poop himself in some stupid drunk wrestling match.

a lot of people do coke but the smart people like me just do adderall

larping is the MAGIC MISSILE! MAGIC MISSILE! thing right?

Any idea of what’s going on behind the scenes with him during this Pedowood melt down.
What are some of the more juicy bits you can tell us about how people are reacting and who else should we be watching

>financial / talent guy
bit vague. are you on the operational side or the talent-facing side? i work in arts management but not film so i'm curious how your agencies are structured

its not like people are walking around like an overemotive silent movie star showing how upset and worried they are but it does feel like literally everyone is on the rag or PMSing


It's where you spout bullshit convincingly enough that a bunch of semitards on Sup Forums believe you and join in, which makes the larpers willie hard.

Do you have any dirt on him? Other than "he probably has many HDDs full of dirt"?

our agency extends credit to talent depending on how well they're doing, it can help them get established quicker (house, sometimes a plane, that sort of thing) and have access to options such as for example bailing out uncle jerry's froyo stand. happy, secure feeling talent is productive talent.

i'm in compliance but i'm in the same building with the people who deal directly with talent.

this is actually believable. interesting.

Uie nvr knwyum

yeah i get it. i could probably make up some plausible shit about weinstein or big celebs but most of what i know is b-list or tv, & i'm really not the imagination kinda guy

my secret shame is when i felt like i had to have a script like everyone else and made the most cliche'd mary sue ridden sci-fi epic after binge playing descent and quake2 for 40 hours

Can you get me in the game?

his energy drinks were actually really good, they tasted like malted milkballs but the fuckhead insisted on having his weird ass asian fungus ingredients included and listed on the cans. his agent sent twenty cases of the red and blue flavors when they were trying to make nice with us again.

probably had some form of research chemical meth, now that i think back about it

adderall sucks, user. makes me feel lobotomized.
nicotine/bud/beer's the thing.
i get the sense that most young a list actresses are on adderall. helps shed those lbs quick. energy, too.
i once met a major a list actress a few hours after snorting a 10 mg adderall.
>user drank a few beers, drove her around and chatted.
sweet girl.
stupendous boobs.

Bitches can't resist his jazz hands

pills really seem to depend on brain chemistry, cocaine is like a universal adapter

How much do you know about Schneider? Can you give us more, or a direction to start digging?

Jesus I'm in the wrong field. It's not even within the realm of possibility to consider that type of services.

So what happens? You set them up with a better apartment with a cleaner roommate and a nice per diem and once they get the sitcom role they have to pay you back interest?

This seems like a plausible theory. That article did admit he was a computer whiz before Hollywood.

You mean, Dan "tongue-punch my anus and I'll make ya famous" Schneider?

it should probably be illegal but we create the financial products and then service the debt, the idea is that doing it in house saves everyone money

everyone here is basically in massive circular debt anyway


oh, so just how do you threaten talent to wipe the cum off their eyes and get back in the game to pay off all that debt you yoked them with?

the guy is very very smart with computers, i think it's why he's so out in the open with his weird foot thing, he's confident that no one can get to him and that he owns people who he would normally have to kiss up to

i don't know anyone could do about it so i came to you guys, if anyone can solve this, you can

>his own mainframe

no, man, compliance as in i make sure we follow all applicable laws and regulations.

you have to be a borderline autist to do this work which is how i found out about this board

You probably want 8 chan.

he was literally on local news a few years ago because he bought a fucking cray to help "fold for cancer treatments" or somehting

so yes, he has a mainframe

welcome to Sup Forums, user.
Sup Forums is officially anti-drug. all drugs are a lie and take more than they give.
t. creative-anaon. justify/rationalize my occasional use of beer/bud but make no apologies whatsoever for the tobacco.
Sup Forums is pro coal and tobacco, btw.

did you know that Sup Forums is taking over the world, user?
tell your friends in hollywood.
tell them Sup Forums does not negotiate.

they said i was fake and gay and then i got a message that i was banned and black transexual porn popups kept spawning

just how much money does Schneider owe you, mister enforcer?

Either the victims or Sup Forums can take him down.


>weird foot thing
You take that back.

he never was with our agency as an actor, now he's a producer, he wouldn't have any credit lines with us

a few nickelodeon stars have, though.

Any websites/email addresses he may have given your company? There's plenty of greyhats that could do more with this. He's def a creep but until people start coming forward or we get evidence of a crime he'll likely continue.

Thanks for the heads up tho, and the segal dirt hah

You might be right. How else could he fucking get away with asking little girls on Twitter to write shit on their feet and send it to him?

its a weird gross foot thing and he indulges it with CHILDREN

Man, if what you're saying is true, imagine the TB's of never before seen Jeanette McCurdy and Miranda Cosgrove foot pics and videos.

It's like a footfag's version of One Piece.

oh, well good to know that hollyweird doesn't into law breaking

Right, right, I forgot about that. My apologies.

I wonder if he ever stole their socks to smell them or made a cast of their feet. Fucking gross creep.

don't think that i'm not aware that i and my job basically exist as a paper boat folded over a circumcised penis and worn as a party hat fig leaf of law abiding activity

her fly looks a little open at the top

I never noticed she had a tissue

What are the payment plans like? Is there a time frame on when they have to start coughing up?

I just noticed the skeleton key around her neck...

and is that a tissue in her hand?

if i could just get my hands on one of them gibsons
* continue to self felicitate myself

Your refusal to capitalize letters really adds to the larp as if you are some secret spy, breaking the laws of grammar.

Cruel, if true. Do you know anything, anything at all about his so-called mainframe, aside from the fact that it belongs to him?

I don't give a shit about hollywoodland fucks, tell us something about government / deep state if you can. What is your favorite keyboard?

Immense if Jew.

that's like a worst case scenario, the goal is for them to get better and better roles and never overextend themselves, ie they would never be extended more credit than will be more than paid off by their current contracts

it doesn't always go that well though.

i'm almost 100% sure we've never represented any "weinsteined" actresses or models but even so, you have to take into account that when he was threatening girls with never working again, often he was threatening the total bankruptcy of them + their entire extended family + uncle yokels crab shack, because that's how shit goes with credit once people start making it in hollywood

we know you're neither fake nor gay, newfag. you're safe from the tranny nigger porn on Sup Forums.
Sup Forums is a safe space; civilized; worlds apart from those philistines at 8 chan.

anyway, the best way you can help Sup Forums at this point is to tell us more about the rumors you've heard about schnider and the potential blackmail. people who're being blackmailed, whether explicitly or implicitly, hate the source.

the best thing we can do is try and force schnider and his marks to play a game of chicken. see who blinks.

tell us how that should be done, user.

gotta go watch a simpsons season one episode with my sons. will check back shortly.

stay up on your adderall, user. you might have something useful and not even know it.

we are going to take these people down.
kek wills it.

i didn't use capital letters on dial-in bbs boards, usenet, aol, irc, or anything else, you young fuck, and i'm not going to break tradition now

It's funny how you pretend to never come here but know our lingo.

you'd be surprised how many people are oblivious to obvious fetishistic solicitation. the majority of those youtube 'challenges' that trend are fetishy as hell.

Any diet of any other Nickelodeon people?

I'm glad I wasnt the only fag to get the reference

weinsteined has been an industry joke word for like two weeks now dude, you remind me of one of those 8chn fags


hello jew

what the fuck did they do to vicky?

is this monarch?

did you ever try those red and blue energy drinks though? tell me i'm not the only one who thought they tasted like malted milk balls

kek, newfag knows his usenet.

that's what schnider was plugged into early.
usenet was a den of the vilest sin.

gibs us stories, newfag! help us develop a strategy. would schnider have a dead-man switch, ya think?

oh one thing i saw on that 8ch site was the bella bulldogs thing before i was banned.

we don't represent any of the actresses but i want some more info so i can share it around privately and fish for details with some people i know, yes i could google it but i want the freshest shit

That's the look of a girl trying to hide the feelings of utter disgust and contempt

No it's not you larping faggot its a variation of our BLACKED. Fuck you and anyone that buys this shit.

i think he's too overconfident for a dead's man switch and probably just has encrypted files and thinks that's all he needs. maybe he's right. i hope not.

someone needs to get into his accounts and dig around

sounds legit