Oy vey, the goyim are onto us! Call them Anti-Semitic!


Option D should be Not Enough



I voted 6 mio because I hate germany

Somebody needs to educate this heeb on the difference between anti-semitism and counter-semitism


I don't understand how this fucking retarded spastic site works. Why is he replying to himself?
Funny as fuck though. is the only one with the right answer

>not having a choice for 6,000,000 on the dot

Is Frankie boy an anti-semite???

>Jew is mad that we think up to five million more people than reported survived
What's a matter, rabbi? Got to some self-hatred issues you wanna talk about?

I can't belive the faggot didn't follow Jew Rule #1
>When the goyim know, you shut it down.

Probably to prepare us for the treasure trove of new nebulous (((evidence))) that proves there were even more than that. Get ready for 8 million

I'd like to use the audience joker, please.

As if it wasn't anti-Semitic and ignorant.

lel, denying THEIR numbers is anti-semitism.

>Questioning the "official" number of deaths in holocaust means that you hate jews


Is this the greates trick ever played? How much longer are they getting away with this? THEY CAN NOT GET AWAY WITH THIS! REEEEEEEE

this is one of many reasons i hate jews


lol. They have done by accident too. And then publicly apologised.

Really gets microbits flying around in my head...

reading about them apologizing still makes me chuckle I mean how fucking terrified you must be
>>we hate these guys
>>we tell everyone to hate them
>>we accidentally hit them
>>the leader of this group is so scared they
>>publicly apologize
>>we hate these guys
>>we tell everyone to hate them

if not working for them they must honestly be terrified of them

>only in America

Russians can hack elections but an open twitter is an isolated demographic.

lol yeah, both scenarios should raise questions really. Neither one of them is a good outcome for gentle gentiles, at any rate. Either they're a kike psyop (duh) or they're really terrorists, but they're afraid of kikes.

When the first post is also the best post

I mean if they have no fear of anyone but the (()) do they know something all world powers know? do ((they)) have something so crazy and powerful that everyone bends the knee because they know that the rule is all or nothing. meaning if they cant have it the way they want they rather see it all crumble with a smile.
Hollywood always insinuates about how ((they)) have "something"

Nice shirt

I like that calling someone anti-semetic holds as much power over people as calling them a n00b does. we have hit peak conflation of jew hate and jew dont give a fuck.