No one's trying to normalize pedoph----

No one's trying to normalize pedoph----



>nigger phenotypes except the nigger
its like they were careful not to make the nignog appear stereotyped, so everyone has to

Children are sexual beings. This show is about puberty, and is funny.

Maybe you are shilling from Netflix corporate? Nothing like a good controversy to boost viewership...


Why do kikes make the art style in their shows so fucking atrocious? I can barely sit through the commercials, let alone 30 minutes of that ass-ugly bullshit.

I just don't understand why anyone would want to make their own show so visually unappealing.

......yeah, you got me Chaim Shekelberg

Perhaps I did.

Anyway, see, this fag is watching it.

Big Mouth is fucked up, but it at least seems to be aiming for the Fox sitcom crowd. It's Elsagate that has me scared.

I'm legitimately concerned that Investigating YouTube hasn't uploaded in a while. They had a ways to go, but were doing a fine job trying to explain this shit to normies. They wouldn't be the first YT channel trying to expose this shit that's been silenced.


>when loli Sup Forumstards make a cartoon

$2.56 bucks have been deposited into your CTR account. Keep up the good work.

get rectal cancer dumbass. pedophilia is perfectly normal and it was legal until not even 30 years ago. nobody is trying to normalize it again. if anything, the laws are getting tougher and tougher. that show is just the latest example of morally bankrupt american jew shit culture.

Okay OP is a literal retarded nigger, but what the actual fuck is this?

It's the future of your fucked up country you shitskin chink.

Go back to china faggot.

OP confirmed rustled
>mfw White

A very sick trend of so-called "kids" videos on YT that are filled with gore, violence, sex both simulated and un-simulated, child nudity and morbid preoccupations with injections, abortion and feces. It all involves copyrighted un-related characters, usually Spider-Man, Elsa, the Joker and Peppa Pig.

What's scary is that for some reason, not only do these videos get literal billions of views, but haven't been demonetized or faced any legal actions from the copyright holders, even though Disney has been willing to sue Daycare centers in the past. A handful of people have gotten in trouble (Ethan Bradberry is one of the people involved), but they mostly seem to just be gravy train riders with no wider involvement. Some of the identified uploaders have turned out to be former doctors, lawyers and lawn-care specialists who were already making six figure incomes, and they all dropped it to do this. Something isn't right here, even if there isn't a big conspiracy.

Holy shit user. Is this is in the archives here, or on VOAT or something?

Yeah... sure you are lol.

I haven't watched the show, but I don't think there's a push to promote pedophilia. There is however, a push to promote adolescent sexuality as something to be celebrated. Young children experimenting sexually is supposed to be a great, wonderful thing.

I'm in the mood to party...
Or fold laundry.

ffs this show is about the awkwardness of hormones and relationships at that age. It’s rated MA and targets young adults. The episodes I’ve seen don’t have any adult-child love themes

>hes just now hearing about this
Fuck man, just search Spiderman and follow recommended/auto-play videos like 2-3 steps and soon you're on shit syringe baby role play.

Its an abomination, most disturbingly Youtube refuses to address it while de-monetizing normal content.

The main problem here being that these videos are tagged in such a way and viewbotted in such a way that auto-play videos and recommended videos quickly lead impressionable unattended children with an iPad into a very sinister world of fetish porn videos which will leave permanent scars on their mental development.

It gets deleted every time we make a topic on it unless it's part of a larger, general discussion. Check 4plebs by searching for Spider-Man + Elsa or 'elsagate'.

Also check out a channel called Investigating YouTube, although a few of their videos could be done better or use more extreme examples, it's a good general introduction.

am i the only person who legitimately wants to see what effect this will have?

Wrong, this is a problem which needs to be addressed.

Wow OP, you are such a confirmed massive faggot

Not as massive as you jung wan.

Man this reeks of dodge and corruption. Gonna plunder the archives now. God bless you user.

The art style offends me more than absolutely anything else.


I wonder who's behind this cartoon and these faggot videos

It's been a losing battle so far. Discords have been shut down, YouTube channels reporting this have gone down, threads about it get deleted here, only few small news sites report on it, and badly done 'exposes' (which usually just blame the Bradberries) have kept people from seeing the gravity of this.

I hope that kids will all just forget about it when they get older, but some of this crap could have serious psychological effects. If it isn't some form of indoctrinating children, the only other alternative is that it could be a false-flag to censor YouTube or abolish Fair Use.