How bad are things going to get?

Honest question about our society.

They will get much worse.

I want to hear ideas. We need to be prepared

As cringe as it can be the whole
>Strong men create good times
>Good times create weak men
>Weak men create hard times
>Hard times create strong men
thing is kind of true.
The question is where are we in the cycle and what kind of timeline are we dealing with?

Life is never that simple

what hurts me is that while normies honestly believe that life and society are going great, behind the curtain hell develops

We are in

>Good times create weak men.

There will be a point where men will become subservient to women, only then will the hard times transgress.

Everything is fine.

It only hurts if you struggle.

only a fool would think this is fine. Even if you have everything going for you right now, you'd have to be absolutely blind to not see the western world in decline. And by ''in decline'' i mean going to hell. WW2 will seem like a single black day compared to the decades of darkness coming

I guess I'm the only optimist itt

Whats the basis for your optimism?

Right wing politics on the rise, generation z being more conservative, brexit, the Austrian elections, the fact that trump beat a vagina into the White House, SJWs dying out. There's plenty of hope to cling on to with that stuff. Plenty of scope for things to change for the better, don't you think?

>how bad can it get?
>Read about The Terror
>Read about The October Revolution
>Read about The Cultural Revolution
>Read about Pol Pot
>Read about The Fall of Rhodesia
Then you'll have some idea.

Dont underestimate how vast the enemy is. Note for instance that the EDL and Geert Wilders are proven to be financed and controlled by ((them)). The people who we attach our hopes to are mostly controlled opposition.

"Weak men create hard times" part of the cycle in my opinion, I feel that things are going to get a lot worse too, after trump it will be the same shit the liberals always play at and it will decide more and more people to the point that even being white is looked down upon in such a way that even cucks won't even be considered human by the left, then a race war

Rolling for nuclear apocalypse

That still doesn't change the way the wind is blowing bro. People are getting upset with all the leftist horseshit and all these things are a sign of that. If things don't get done there will be a lot of civil unrest and that will give everyone the kick up the arse they need.

we are at the numale stage

Depends how you look at it. Things started annoying, now they're bad. They get pushed any further and it'll depend on perspective. Like most people will just say it's really bad, but it'll be so crazy that you'll really be able to get a kick out of it if you try.
Personally I look forward to the day 11 year old boys march through the street waving signs that say they should be able to marry their step-dad's Corgi. I'm eager for them to declare the moon within a "gender free orbit". A full episode of Barney the Dinosaur devoted to a very realistic and graphic depiction of him getting a sex change.
Imagine the day when you walk into a Walmart and you're sectioned off into various departments based on colour, sex, and sexual preference. Of course it won't be an issue because you can just claim you're a black trans-plant and go wherever you want.

All I'm saying is we'll be living in Peewee's Playhouse in a couple years. The west is beyond saving. Best to learn to appreciate a good cartoon.

history has shown the underdog rarely gets well treated. how much do you think theyll let us pay for the supposed sins of our forefathers? It will not be pretty. And most people will not even know what or why its happening to them

We're at the weak men create hard times currently

Right now it looks bad. The fash are always planning concentration camps (or at least, ever since Mad Adolf's little adventure - they preferred other techniques before then) but they've managed to capture enough real power that this time I expect they'll succeed somewhere in the West. If they do, that means a few of our cities paved in glass and anywhere between a few hundred thousand and a few million dead.

It also has a decent chance of making Stalin-flavor Reds look good again - nothing like a second Holocaust to make the rest of the world ignore some atrocities.

things are already pretty bad
for example
i am in love with a prostitute

The pigs can't stop exploiting their own. They are oblivious to the decay all around. They can count their money in Hell.

I do not want concentration camps and I am fash as they come. I want seperation and peace

Oh of course, it'll be terrible. Really I think it's best if most pre-plan emigration to a less cucked country, even somewhere as dangerous as China may eventually become safer for the white man.
What I'm saying though is that there will be a dark comedy to the whole thing. Personally I already find all of this endlessly entertaining. I'd say most people here do as well, even if they don't realize it. None of it even upsets me anyone. I don't see much future for the west and I don't want to deal with a shithole like China so I've accepted the cartoonish future.
If I make it maybe 30 more years I'll be taken out in a blaze of glory as rainbow haired sea cows break down my door the the annual "castration-fest" hunt. It'll be so amazing.

Look at the history of the Weimar republic in 1920's Germany. It's happening now almost a century later

> Weimar republic

We still do not have economic depression.


Much worse

As the left gets worse the right will get worse as well. I never thought I'd be terrified of the fact that I have1/4 Jewish ancestry that I used to pay no mind to, but when things start getting bad and the US plunges further into anti-whiteness and degeneracy I have a feeling that a more extreme version of Hitler is going to make the Turner Diaries a reality.

I guess we're living in a different universe.

>Right wing is nowhere on the rise except internet boards who are full of larping cowards afraid to do anything.
>Generation z are a bunch of unfit and nihilistic druggies and meth heads irl, I know, my little cousin is one and he keeps telling me stories from his school
>Brexit is a meme and will never actually happen. It's only in name
>Austria is full of slavs, gypsies and arabs, nothing will happen there
>Trump is a Jewish puppet for god's sake. The whole election was played out as usual and you took the bait - hook, line and sinker
>SJWs dying out, what? They are more rampant than ever

We are past that and entering stage

Rolling for WW3

It wont be rainbow haired sea cows user. they too get taken out before the real horrors begin. Stalin gulags, the Cheka and Pol Pots torture camps were not manned by rainbow people. Civil war wont be pretty either and neither will the starvation. Friends will be become mortal enemies over water and bread

I agree with most of this, especially regarding the "rise of the right wing". It's bullshit. There's ultimately a tiny online population of social outcasts who legitimately are right wing, the rest are faggot LARPers. Outside of this hugbox echo chamber is a fucking sea of denerate lefty cunts shitting everything up in every facet of society, from teachers to cops to politicians.

The world is fucked and it's going to get much, much worse very quickly. For us, anyway.

50,000,000 people voted trump

Can't be that bad

He's a puppet of the Jews, and to be fair it was either him or the Mother of Lies herself. Your options were pretty fucked bro.

So around 40% of white Americans who voted voted against their own interests, meaning that well over half of white Americans refused to vote in their own self-interest.

Look around your country. How does a fascist state expel or subjugate most of the female population without acts that would give large fractions of the population reasonable cause to use lethal force against the state?

Even if you personally are some bizarrely peaceful variant of fascist, and we stretch the imagination enough to assume that your faction is initially peaceful, the act of forcing fascism down the throats of a Western nation will necessarily lead Westerners to defend ourselves against it.


Total societal collapse, famalam. It's not a matter if, just a matter of when.
>Sea levels rise (inb4 hoax)
>Less habitable space
>Population growth continues
>Deplete the finite reserves crude oil, coal, and other important resources
>Good drinking water becomes a prized commodity

The world is one big tinderbox, and every day adds more fuel for the fire.

Honestly I expect the EU to become an actual nation
Things will just merge together until we have a global state
I dont have a clue of when it's gonna happen but that's where things are going to

this is true
The countries were fascism grew organically had relatively few resistance from within. They collapsed against outside forces. This is the most important lesson: were any kind of reasonable fascism be successful, it would have to infiltrate the whole world at the same time as an ideology, and grow out of it organically. If the US had more informed people in the years 1900-1945, Hitler would have completed his dream for Europe.

"Weak men create hard times", "Hard times create ..."

This meme is so wrong.... It's not a cycle. Look at all the fallen civilizations. Haven't they had enough "hard times" to create "strong men" by now?

Hard times create strong men, only if the men are white. Otherwise, the hard times last forever. Once you fall, you never get back on your feel.

The real hard times from Europe will begin in 40 years.

>>Generation z are a bunch of unfit and nihilistic druggies and meth heads irl, I know, my little cousin is one and he keeps telling me stories from his school

That actually supports the bong's point - large-scale coke and meth use is what FUNDS the global alt-right. It's no accident that the most popular Nazi site on the web (before Cloudflare decided that maybe applying a little zyklon-B to their userbase would improve their rep) kept running articles by an ex-con with a swasty tattooed on his moob.

Look around and you'll notice the telltales of cokehead and tweaker writing (for instance, vast conspiracies running the entire world that only a chosen few are aware of... all their political enemies engage in gang sex crimes... slim suspicion of someone they don't like is proof of guilt... all evidence against people they DO like is faked by The Conspiracy... or that whole 'red pill' metaphor they like so much) woven throughout the alt-right.

The concentration camps included an awful lot of Hitler's domestic enemies. While the internal resistance was not enough to defeat him, fascism was unable to attain power without shedding large amounts of German blood - beginning well before the nazis decided to start invading the neighbours.

If that's the case then this "alt-right" is a fucking joke to begin with. The majority of DS viewers were larping preteens or feds. One of them literally got promoted to a high-level writing position by Anglin himself before he got found out when started taking it too far by harassing people IRL.

Nukes are coming OP

This is bullshit else Africa would have produced the strongest men by now

Yet they are still dumb as bricks and can't will anything of value into existence

The worst they have ever gotten. I'd go as far as to say that Hitler inherited a healthier Germany (in terms of societal health) than today's Germany, or the rest of the western nations today. Hitler actually inherited a country where the people yearned to be what they once were, now lots of Germans just hate themselves. The Germans here are outliers.

It's going to be a catastrophe. Whether we pull through or not depends on nukes and shit.

People have been numbed into not caring, expecting a nanny state government and automation to do everything for them in lieu of real wages. This makes for a society that will have no real accountability or punishments, and any punishers are seen as pigs or power abusers (regardless of whether they are acting in accordance with law and genuinely reacting to real injustices, or are crooked).

We're at the Animal Farm stage, but we have slim rays of hope to bust out of the whole thing. A revolution would do nicely.

the niggers you meet are the best of what they are capable of.

the ones that have died off were even worse.

None of these sayings matter anymore because there are much more non whites. You think blacks, spics and Arabs would behave in a WW3 situation or use that as an opportunity for more looting?

How many bubbles would you like to burst? Here on the U.S., we have:

>student loan
>medical insurance
>gambling bets known as the Stock Market

All ready to bust within a moment's notice.

Nothing is wrong. Everything is fine. Go back to watching anime, goyim.

The existential dread of the meaningless of life has never become so prominent and i cannot shake it from my mind no matter what i try, the mass shootings are something that i understand: Once your eyes have been opened to the truth it burns in your mind and the ultimate conclusion is reached: Death, to every single human being on the face of the Earth, it is the only solution to the cycles that we create. Every fucking day it is something new, some game ((they)) are playing at and the people eating it up and parroting their manufactured bullshit, the proxy wars being waged turning brother against brother for the pretense of profit when it is in truth the desire to inflict suffering, I sympathize with the executioners that have reached this conclusion that went far enough to free people from life, we all need to fucking die, every single human being.

>Le edgy
I am not playing at anything either, it is the conclusion we have all come to but have denied because it is "unhealthy" said the fucks that medicate and put us back on a subservient path.