Why haven't North European revived Runic yet? are they just going to let Romans have them cucked forever?

Why haven't North European revived Runic yet? are they just going to let Romans have them cucked forever?

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It's sucks writing those by hand for any reasonable sized text. Come up with cursive runes and we can discuss this again.

How do gooks, chinks and Koreans do it then? you lazy faggot.

This, and maybe merge it with a gothic lettering style since they are somewhat related.

>The runes developed centuries after the Old Italic alphabets from which they are probably historically derived
they'd still be cucked

what about numbers

It has origins in 1st and 2nd Century, but some of them are clearly influence by Latin or Greek. at least they won't be as cucked and it's still unique and looks cool.

Also, to come up with cursive rune, there first must be discussing and movement about this, Danish were doing that back in the day, don't know what happened then.

They are genetically superiour in repeating tasks and copying things?


Numbers are Indian, therefore Aryan, therefore common indo-European. I think numbers should say the same, it would make things for scientist complicated, you would have to translate the numbers too, it''s not as convenient and disadvantages outweigh the benefits.

Runes evolved from the Phoenician alphabet,that means that everyone has been cucked by semites.

You nordcucks have Autism too, your are probably a Bavarian mongrel and not a real nordcuck.

By the same logic, the latin alpha bet is also "Ayran"

Red and white sails forever.

Bingo! Here you go, have a Prezel, Obadzda, Beer.... yeah and even I have no Idea why there are radish in the picture.

You are right, anglos should develop new numerical system once you conquer the world again and forcefully make people convert to it.

because hannity

and the latin alphabet, as well as the greek, are ultimately derived from the phoenician alphabet, which means the europeans were already cucked by semites at the dawn of written langauges.
this is not how shit fucking works. making use of the inventions of other cultures does not imply cuckening. if it was so then the cuckening carried out by genghis kahn and the fucking mongols would by extension be indo-europeans cucking the world, as the mongols were cucked by indo-europeans who invented horse warfare.

Beer is Arabic in origins, you let Arabs cuck you like that? pathetic!

Last time I looked, it was Egyptians who brewd basic concept of beer first. That said, Bavarian Monks made what it is today.

Egyptians and Mesopotamians are cucked into Arabness now.

Gooks are Koreans you retard

>ywn speak old English with your fellow Anglos

No, gooks are japanese, Korean were on US side during WW2

Probably because dumbasses like you have the Futhark written out like an alphabet, when it should start with the "f" rune not the "a" rune

Actually you are right, I was wrong about that.

I posted the first pic I found on jewgle and I am not nordic, I'm not cucked by Romans, I don't need to know anything about Runic.

It's mainly influenced by old italic, so even if they write with runes they are still being cucked