Bombing of police station
The entrance to the police station in Helsingborg was Tuesday night to Wednesday bombed. Now the police respond on Facebook - and remain open anyway.

According to information for Aftonbladet, kilos of explosives were used.

"I can not comment on it right now, but it was a very powerful explosive charge," says Sven Holgersson, local police area manager.

The explosion was so powerful that the entrance was completely destroyed and all the windows on the house opposite the station were blown out. The explosion at the police station in Helsingborg has caused strong reactions.

>Police suspect that recent police work can be a root cause of the attack.

73-year-old Janne Krutell, who lives three kilometers from the police station, woke up suddenly.

- I flew out of bed. It was a loud bang. I thought it was my balcony that tumbled down, says Janne Krutell.

He went out to the balcony to look then he saw that many neighbors had rushed out and looked.

"I've never experienced anything like this," says Janne Krutell.

In a message on Facebook, the Helsingborg Police say:


Other urls found in this thread:


based sweden

germany will follow

Time to wake up Europe.


>våld mot polisen aldrig kan accepteras
De police be rayciss yo. Mehmet and Abdi dindu nuffin.

Seriously though, please tell me the regulard police are just waiting for management to unleash them on these fuckfaces?

crazy neo-nazis

>Vi arbetar i grovt kriminella miljöer och det skapar irritation hos dem vi arbetar mot
Police is facing the rage of the white Swedish male!


I can't wait until they describe the suspects:
>Swedish nationals

That will be it, because any other details would be illegal under Swedish law for "racism" - thank you feminism! Woo!

Part and parcel of living in Somalia

>please tell me the regulard police are just waiting for management to unleash them on these fuckfaces?
You want me to lie to you?
Ok, here come some sweet lies

This is just an isolated incident and the police are on top of it, the crime gangs are losing ground so they are lashing out but the police will strike back soon and the perpetrators will be brought to justice

They will publish it at the same time that they block all Swedish IPs from watching the content, like they always do.

That was actually a jew. Not a swedish woman who implemented that policy.

Christ, I hope so.

I hope people are finally waking up to the mistakes they made and are doing their best to correct them. This is a good first step.

>Christ, I hope so.
No no, those were sweet lies

The no-go zones are growing and growing, crime is becoming more violent

In january of 2017 we had one shooting per day in Malmö (a municipality in southern sweden with around 80% foreigners)
One a day...




The fact that SWAT isnt raiding every single muslim ghetto right this moment boggles my mind. If you can plant a bomb at police station with no consequences what stops them from straight up hanging swedecucks in the open?

I don't even get how police isn't just saying fuck it and go do their jobs at this point, don't they realize the government is putting them in more danger by ordering them to let migrants reign free? How can every police department in entire Sweden just take it up the ass daily? What the hell is going on.

sweden needs that. the whole world does.

they are quitting in droves, making it harder and harder for the ones left


Don't let things like this fan the flames and divide people
We Are All...Laughing at Sweden

How vibrant and multicultural. Sweden is just like a city in the middle east!

Aren't you glad that Gustavus Adolphus killed off all your men and gave you a 400 year tradition of women run households?

Cant wait for your dildo housing bubble "Borgonomics" economy to crash
Will really ramp up the anti-Swede sentiments when the gibs are reduced

Lol. Sweden is literally almost in the state of having a full blown insurgency

Sweden is so rotten that I pretty much don't give a fuck who kills whom there. You have invited the savages to your home and have gave them the permission to pillage. You are all atheists and faggots and feminists there. Now you see where your "progressiveness" has lead you.

The intelligent ones probably realize in the current climate “Private Security” is where the future lies. Plebs foolishly believe gummint run things. COrporations run things and, it seems, (((they))) run the corporations. Why should (((they))) spend money protecting plebs? Just plain inefficient. Let the Plebs fend for themselves.

Sadly those numbers of police quitting doesn't even tell the whole truth. Ever single female police officer has to retire from active duty at the age of 40 more or less. Imagine half of your employees becoming unavailable at 40 but still getting paid and require an office, it would make any company go bankrupt and become inefficient.

You country is shit hole.

>COrporations run things and, it seems, (((they))) run the corporations.
Outside of the media, which is thoroughly filled with (((them))), the Swedish economy is still largely run by shabbos goy cucks

This is what happens when you open the flood gates from the Middle East

>I can't wait until they describe the suspects:
>>Swedish nationals
Here they refer to them as "youth". It's funny to look at the comment sections, they're getting pretty damn redpilled even in center-left newspapers

Anon5 was right.

is it time yet?

>the mexican pot calling the swedish kettle a shit hole


Sad I first see it here. Anyone would think the BBC Guardian etc are part of a censorship ring the way this and related is consistently underreported.

dax for vad?

Mexico isn't about to become a caliphate.

you r lucky. u have the trump card.


Isaiah 1:7 = Sweden

Sweden opens both cheeks for Muslims and they still bomb them. I bet they are scratching their heads going but we havent even been convicting them for rapes? why are they mad at us?

Almost makes you think its not living in a big city that makes terrorism part and parcel of everyday life, maybe, its something else, like a weird death cult, or something like that?

Most of the large corporations and owners in Sweden are jews today, and many jews are in Sweden because of the Wallenberg family who brought them here during the war. They were originally goys but is today heavily mixed into jewish families, most of the Wallenberg men married powerful jewesses, which means the children are jews.

Their entire imperium was aquired when the jewish Bonnier family shattered a swedish imperium, think it was Kreuger, with their jewish press bringing them down after years and years of classic jewish lies. Wallenberg was allowed to aquire the pieces, it was coordinated together with the jews.

You are right that there are many swedish owners still, but the top ones that control the politicians, like Wallenbergs, are nothing but part of the global jewish financial elite.

Wait, I thought bombs were illegal in Sweden.

TOLL STATUS: partly paid

Interesting stuff.

thats when the media re-evaluates allowing comments


So how long until complete police militarisation? It has to happen at some point, right?

>Bombing in Somalia
who cares

No they aren't, not prepping the bull is.

>sweden kabum
haha fuggen stupid börje

Was it another holy hand granade?

Swedish police literally blown the fuck out.

better, bigger, halal

But bombs are illegal in Sweden! How did they use them? Wow it almost seams like just because we have laws criminals don't care. The government better regulate guns some more so that honest hunters in the countryside become even more defenseless. I keep a gun in my closet government BTFO

Just assasinate every leftist politician in Sweden and things will work out.

I'm hoping for a dirty bomb in Stockholm personally.


Sweden has police stations?

>make fun of America for shootings
>have your police station bombed
Get your shit together, Sweden.

why? were they rude and condescending to you? did they act like because they come from a big city they are some how superior?

But it is a shithole just like United Niggers.

I hope the gibs stop soon to see how it quickly descents into anarchy

Mona Salin is annoying. Still re-education camp for her I think.

Guaranteed mossad job. Racewar in EU before 2022 guaranteed.

Goddamn kikes.

I heard the blast from a few kilometres away.

What ethnicity do you guys guess they were from? We have lots of foreigners commiting crime here but when it's this organized I'd guess Syrian or from southern Europe.

1) The Swedish people will only truly wake up if something very dramatic happens

2) It is the absolute center and head of the SJW leftist monster that is the Swedish media and politics

3) Stockholmare are cunts and majority super-leftist anyway

The ethnicity Blatte.

I'm sure they are all Pixelated-Swedish.

It will happen and it won't take long. As the job becomes more difficult and safety is a top concern for police, they will become militarized.
The delicious irony of Swedes/Euros making fun of our police while following in our footsteps.

But we practically don't have a police. Maybe we need to extend the efficiency of our small police force, extend the capabilities of our policemen... Sweden confirmed for first country to enact Judge Dredds.

>Domare Fruktan


Post more Swedish sluts.

Who cares, fuck Sweden. What a gay excuse of a muslim shithole. Fuck off

watch swedish system not getting the warning


Sweden will probably bomb their other police stations so they don't feel un-diversitised.

not gonna lie
would also breed that sami girl

>Pixelated swedish

Helsingborg is famous for its Museum of Failure. Lets just call it the entire country.


>we never backs down to criminal

>1) The Swedish people will only truly wake up if something very dramatic happens
9/11 style thing? no probably not, only drama happens when you get overpopped with dramaqueens and cant do shit about it

>Swedish nationals
It is long overdue. Everybody sees it to happen at some point. Swedish government is enemy of ethnic Swedes.

>straight up hanging swedecucks in the open
It is on their schedule.


What the fuck are you on about?
What do you need to see that Sweden is lost as a country?
>You've had terror attacks
>Former candidates to run as prime minister claiming that Sweden is turning in to a dictatorship
>Every city flooded with migrants and beggers
>Swedes being kicked out from there homes to house "refugees"
>Talks of security in hospitals
>women having to deliver baby's on roads
>arresting people because of "hate speech"
>government outsourced secrecy information
>that information being leaked
>the government claiming that they had no knowledge of it
>same with the police
>police arresting and trying to figure out if they can make political organizations illegal
>schools are falling apart
>the elderly are not taken care of.

What more can the Swede need?
My "muh Swedish revolution will be nice-meme" is more than suicide.. what's your Muslim population? 10%?
What's your resistance population? 0.2%?

>>Police suspect that recent police work can be a root cause of the attack.

Ignore my ignorance but .. can you please elaborate?

i'm going to go ahead and say that this is the work of some biker gang

it fits their m.o, just a few years back they bombed the entrance of a courthouse

Source? Why are they retiring? And also: fuck you Swedecucks, i dont really hate you, but i kind of do. You are not welcome in Finland. Fix your problems. You really have to go full Nazi. Kill them.

If you start the cleans of filth we may join to help.

Must've been a white man

Taking bets :
- Urban
- Turban
- Balk
- Biker trash

tfw living in Helsingborg for 30 years.

This place has been going to shit at an incredible pace. Shootings, spontaneously combusting apartments, assault rapes and cars being set on fire.

and granade attacks

In whole poland there is maybe one shooting per month. Maybe even less.

The entrence is fucked up, pic related
Nobody got harmed

English articles

Swedish article