How will this pan out?

How will this pan out?

Other urls found in this thread:

>it's free they said
>no they said

Hopefully will kill off the useless eaters.

>fat fucks will be forced to pay into a system that they won't even be allowed to use


government healthcare is go....

Can we do this in the US please?

I think this is wonderful

>bans their own citizens first instead of immigrants and tourist abusing the NHS
>"Under a right wing goverment"

Fucking utter kek at this point

see, universal healthcare isn't about control, goyim. next we will declare it a mental illness to defend yourselves and take your guns and knives. *rubs hands*

I hate fat people, using bullets on them would be a far cheaper alternative than just denying them surgery.

Fatties only deserve one heavy dose of strychnine, nothing more.

the trumpcuck voter base would die out in a decade or so

It's probably a good time for that XXL coffin business I've been planning for a while.

ITT: How to start a civil war

they would already only perform emergency surgery on obese people as the amount of anesthetic required for mega fatties is usually borderline overdose levels.
As for smokers, just tell em you quit or are a non smoker.


Was a funny non-pc thing when it started before the manginas took over.

i hate every single god damn obese lard on this planet
fucking lazy shits. swear to god they arent even human

kek, they will be allowed to use it after they lose the weight and quit the smoking.

This is a great idea!

You smoke or too fat its your fault, why should I pay for someone else's stupidity or ignorance.

Wow, fucking finally.

fat people should be 100% discriminated against in the medical system. they are a literal fat fucking burden on society. they do not deserve rare medical personnel attention just because they lack self control.

same with all kinds of addicts, its a mental health problem, but not one the public should be responsible for.

it can be argued it is in the publics best interest to cover food/drug addicts to salvage what is possible from these people but that can be counter argued that we are creating these epidemics by enabling fat people with all this 'free' health care.

this is a pretty surprising but appreciated move by britcucks.

t. ex-fat user

i need to stop smoking anyway im tired of feeling, smelling, and looking like shit

Drinkers will be next. All services must be fully sharia compliant and muslim only. This is but an opening salvo/misdirection

>compulsory state-enforced exercise camps
>chocolate police
>gps-enabled smoke detector drones linked to National Insurance database

I'm just glad I don't some. I'll have to do a surgery to a ruptured eardrum soon.

>ebbit spacing

>do you smoke?
>Ok, start counting down from 10

good progress

The day they try to take our pints away is the day the streets run with marxist blood.

fatty detected. you dont stand a chance being such a large target

I don't get it

Physical health should be a first priority, not a hobby/joke

it really makes you think, we are just one disaster (massive solar flare, ww3, super-volcano, pandemic ) away from natural selection fucking shit up.
Fuck, a good portion of white people will be dead in the first week.

That's the idea. Fuck the rural retards.

they could not prove you are a smoker unless witnessing you smoke.
counting back from 10 is the anesthetic.

>grad school
>run every day
>voted for trump but more traditionally conservative than trumpian

I'm sure the NHS can survive without the weight of the tobacco tax payer.

Fat bastard you get out my hospital don't come back

That's some universal heathercare if I ever seen it.

the "obesity epidemic" in this country is just niggers user, so no.

The thought of the planet getting EMP'd makes me wish I'd learned more (anything) about bush tucker.

Everyday I wake up I do two things.

1. I look in the mirror and say "Kill yourself faggot"

2. I chant "I warsh myself with a rag on a stick and that's what I use when I clean my dick" --- I do not actually clean myself in this manner but I chant it none the less.

I do these things because I am fucking fucked up in the head.

I share these things because I wanted to waste your time.

I use reddit spacing because it pisses off the most niggish of niggerfaggots.

>they don't monitor the content of every card transaction.
>they can't find tobacco in the blood
>they can't smell it on you.

hah, i was thinking the other day i need to learn how to skin a roo or rabbit if i ever need to catch my own food. I can fish and tie a knot.


>Sup Forums forensics

Just eat the soylent and take care of yourself goyim. It's good for you I promise.

>Measuring oxygen saturation and getting an accurate reading without drawing blood from an artery
>Thinking this shit will work
Top lel, they already perform checks on patients here before they go into surgery and they only are ever concerned about blood pressure and ensuring that it is kept stable because anesthetics cause more problems if your BP is too high or too low.

Once again the NHS rolls out something pointless that will cost more to implement than it will save.


skinnyfat vaper you can't stop me health fascists i'm gonna have me some surgery

One in four British adults is obese.

Tumblr on suicide watch

this should be worldwide

Citation needed

>my wife uses my card to buy smokes
>my wife's second hand smoke is in my system
>my wife smokes around me, see above^^^^

I know what you are saying but it is one thing to suspect and another thing to prove and i am pretty sure if you smoking for a time before surgery you will right. They make mega fatties lose weight if they want surgery here as is because of the dangers of the amount of anesthetic needed for fatties when their hearts are already under massive stress.,

explains Tom Watsons hunger strike


Good the US should do the same. We are subsidizing fat people and smokers that mess healthcare up completely.

As a fatty I gotta say I'm happy about this decision, but I don't believe '' to be an accurate source of information. Give me a BBC article on this NHS policy thanks.

>>my wife uses my card to buy smokes
>>my wife's second hand smoke is in my system
>>my wife smokes around me, see above^^^^
>I know what you are saying but it is one thing to suspect and another thing to prove and i am pretty sure if you quit smoking for a time before surgery you will be right. They make mega fatties lose weight if they want surgery here as is because of the dangers of the amount of anesthetic needed for fatties when their hearts are already under massive stress.

Ahh the benefits of national healthcare. Government overreach into lifestyle choices.

The NHS was founded to make the public healthier it wasn't founded to subsidise people with shit lifestyles

-gone after 72 hours

Unless they perform a blood test or an arterial blood gas test, no they can't prove shit. Hell you could live around a smoker and you'd have the presence of that shit in your body, that doesn't mean you're a smoker now does it?

They can try to implement this but it won't work, it's just pointless and a waste of cash. Fat people for sure because you can see fat deposits around the liver and other organs, as well as the excessive girth and giant tits they're trying to conceal with sports direct support bra.

Nicotine is out of your system in 72 hours

You only think that because of all the maps you see the obese are in the south, right?

But most of the really fat people are black people.

>implying the British public are capable of rising up for anything
No we would just complain for a week then be like "ok...".

That is why we're in this fucking mess in the first place.

> implying low self-control vermin can into weight loss

If they could, they would have a long time ago. The urgency of an operation won't change their personality.


That's dependent on how much you smoke m8. Sure if you have 1 cigarette then it's gone within a couple of days, if you smoke 10-20 a day then nicotine will be present in your piss for anything up to 20 days.

This kind of testing is for regular smokers, not someone that puffs one cigarette and that's it.

I was at an outpatients clinic last year & a black guy had been told that he must lose weight before surgery.
So it is in practice already.

LADBible was also kinda funny until it too was taken over by manginas

You're perfectly free to be a fat fuck if you want just don't expect others to pay for you

fat people and smokers are brainless consumers who drain the system

bet you hate the gays and don't want them to have sex or get married

Fat people yes, smokers pay a fuck load of sweet sweet tax shekels that is keeping the NHS from completely imploding under the weight of all the sand durkas shitting out their 50th shitlet.

>using proper punctuation
>must be from bebbit.

I have no problem with this, It might encourage fatties and smokers to improve their own health and become a productive member of society.

About fucking time, this is the only way socialised healthcare can work

Next, stop the fucking foreigners from using it as well. UK citizens only, no exceptions unless they are willing to pay before treatment

Despite being right wing, I don't hate our socialised systems but if we are going to have them they damn well better be properly regulated and have rules to stop a massive money drain from being that willingly harm their own health or will skip the country after expensive free treatment

Great aint it?
Heres this massively addictive drug that we were selling to you when you were 16 years old.
Then we're gonna tax the shit out of you for getting you addicted.
Then we're gonna deny you the surgery you need even though we caused it and have already charged you for it

Fuck this country

fatties btfo

>civil war


>Next, stop the fucking foreigners from using it as well. UK citizens only, no exceptions unless they are willing to pay before treatment

why is this so hard to do? they say its because the Dr's have to treat people whether they are foreign or English.
But when did you ever see a Dr without seeing a nurse or some kind of secretary first?

On one hand, I like how this kills fat fucks.
On the other hand, it benefits non-white slimes and niggers by freeing up resources that were used on fatties.

I'm conflicted.

>3 chins

Who /vape/ in here?


You're the one that willingly subjected yourself to all the risks of a drug you were well aware of beforehand

I'm not addicted to it because my parents did their job and I have the intelligence to stay away from shitty food

Fuck stupid poor people being propped up by the government every time they drag another stupid little shit up. These people need to fuck off and die so the gene pool can be cleansed and the overall IQ of the country can rise again. So many useless wastes of flesh

i know the left is meme-impaired but pls stop this cultural appropriation
ps. im black you have to do what i say or else it's racist

>more traditionally conservative
I'd be surprised if that's true. people who say this are usually always referring to Reagan bullshit

This is how national health care should work. Now they need to stop transgender mutliations

Not at 15 years old i fucking wasnt

>tripple chin
>looks like her earlobes need a triple-bypass
Jesus. How do people just give up on themselves like this.

So you didn't go to school then retard?

At 15 you couldn't legally purchase it so how is that our fault?

This policy is to keep fatties from dying on the table or in post-op, not to punish them for being fat.

Why is everyone acting like this is a victory of some kind of svelt people over round people?

>That we were selling you
No shop would give a 15 yr old cigs, you knew what you were doing

All this policy means is more fat people with gallbladder pain.

Pay for my healthcare!