Why doesn't Egypt have a Pharaoh?

Why doesn't Egypt have a Pharaoh?

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Buddy, left wingers are even starting to realize how insane this sounds.

We have actual evidence that Russia is indeed dividing America, but it's not with the fucking right wing. You have 0 evidence besides conspiracy theories.

Are you replying to the wrong thread?

they don't - because there are not enough real blacks in Egypt anymore.

>Why doesn't Egypt have a Pharaoh?
They don't wan't kang rule. Obviously they are racists

All the blacks came to Ohio

What makes OP so sure they don't?


I was supposed to ad this one in the last post.

Mu*lims and lack of Kangz

>What makes OP so sure they don't
I didn't know pharaohs were jewish

Because Pharaoh has a negative connotation and the giant disconnect from the culture of Ancient Egypt to present day.

Egypt was a monarchy but it got deposed because he was a useless corrupt douchebag who did nothing.

You didn't know the the Jewish elites were Pharaohs? dailygrail.com/blog/the-israelites-were-egyptian-pharaohs/

america will be the next egypt

The same reason you're not ruled by a chieftain.

Are you in the wrong thread?

Pharaohs are living Gods. They are worshipped. MUSLIMS aren't allowed to pray or bow to any God other than Allah. After Cleopatra VII Philopator died Egypt became a Roman province, and with this liberation came many faiths, until the spread of Islam.

>You didn't know the the Jewish elites were Pharaohs?
I suppose I did, I remember watching a good jewtube video about it years ago. It traced the elite kike bloodlines up to the modern day. Strangely enough it seems to be (((gone)))


They had dark tan skin


Because they were weak.

First the Greeks, then the Roman's, and now the arabs have occupied Egypt.

In new Egypt (the later end of the ancient empire) a lot of diffrent political parties started springing up. Good pharaohs could work with them but as time went on the power shifted to the parties

Cos whitey too good at shieet.

They were all mistaken by niggers and shipped to murica as slaves.